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The Farmers And The Monopolists

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Perhaps DOthiog can show Lnitor the tricks au! outrages torough a " protective " turiii ia made, than the simple arlicle of nickel Sinco our u:iforlunate (iepreciated eurrency, everv one i-i fcmiliir wit i nicki], the fiv, pieci-s being made of tiiis metal. It 'm but. necessary to s'ate thnt all tho whitr metol we usa, puch as G-ermao silver or albata plato, is obliged to liuve a lare portiou of nickel in it :is an ingrediënt. nickel oro is plentifal in Spain, Austria, the United States, and io B ma other ooaotries. Thu priee for ri-firtd nickel in Liverpool is four sliillings sterling a pouud, or, gay, one dollar, gild. Until now, we were conttuteil to charge fi.'teen per cent. duty on it, or, s ïy, fit'teen c ntí a pcund. Tint', rtunatü'y for tho oonntry, Penn8 Irauia is blfiêsed wiih a nickel oie min ), acd that is quite sufficient reason for it to be made an article of great iniportance. Mr. Diclcey, vf Pennsylvania, wbo suoeeedïd the lte 'lhaddeuá veus id his dwtrios, is toe s le represe tutive of this nickel ore mino interest V hen tlic PeoDiylvauia conclave parcelerj out tho monopolies of the sevural uu-tal interest of tlje State, Mr. Diekey niodistly askedand was clioerfully grautcd lorty cents a pouud duty on foreign refiond uickel, or an inoiease over the existiug duty of not Icss thnn 17f p n ceut. During tho debate on the Taïiiï bilí, nickel was igoobly kicked' out by tha strong Western vote Wheu Mr Dickey saw that nickel vvas not to be raised 175 per cent, over the present duty, he ac'.ually turnee! round nnd voted ith Mr. Dawes to iiidefinitely postpone the Tariff bilí. But no eooner uid Mr. ScLenck attaeh the amended turiff seotion to tho Tai bilí, tlian we find nioktl n tliis section nt forty cent i a pouud duty, and ihin, becoiniug law, vould put hito the pocketg of not more tliau half a dozen fortúnate nickel owners in Peru.sylvania balf a millioD dollars annu'illy. Now the farmers knovr, first, that forty cents a ponnd dnty on nickel will entirily sliut out foreign importution ; secondly, (heprioewül be raiíed tvrcntíivu oonts a [ oiind ; thirdly, every spoon, iea;iot, fork, or any other article made Of Germán eilvor or ni bata píate will be obarged lrgber, nnd :ia usaal, the farmen of llíis country, bi;ÍQ the íircatest u.ers of ihat i'jw of goods, wil! have to pny ihs largestiribute lo the Pennaylvania uiekel ore ownern. How long:, we s, is tlns disgvaceiul kind of ltgi.slation 10 continue f Let our hcavily-tinied people understand llie qucstion propeily. A !uty of f'orty oeots ü pound on nickel is not laid iu ordor to raise revenuo. It will prohibit thi! irnporiation of all foreigo nickel, and thereby we shall lose the little revei.vit! wo now gct. It is done to give the control and monopoly of all the nickel iiBfd in this coun'ry to the Pennsylvauia uiekel orcowners, thnt they my coramaud us to buy nickel of them and frona no one elss, and enrioh themeleS at our cxf enso. This is the whole of it. - Chicago l'ost. A marble quarry lias lutcly boen open ed noar WilKamsport, Pa., wbich affords a fine grained stnr.o us bhick as ebony, and capable of takiug a vcry bigh polish. It is nai(i that this (juarry is the only one of tbc kind knowu to exist. "What s thc ohief use of bread ?" Bsked au examiner at a school oxliibi bitioo. "The chief uso of bt6kd ?" Mi-wired tho urcliin, apparontly a3tonished at tho timpücity of tho inqiv.vy "Wtiy to fpread butter and molusscs ou."' A pcrson Ttho undorlakrs to r,Vsi .mself by scandaüzing cihera, inigbt as ! well si t down on a whcelburrow nnd try , to whccl himsolf.


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