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Marriage Extraordinary

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MAuarüD. At the resklence of Mrs. Lee, (coloree!), near this city, at % o'clock on the moraIng olThursclay, Aug. 4, 1870 by the Kuv. J. Aaron Moore, (black) of Merldlan, Ilon. A. ï Morgan, (white) State Senator iïom Yazoo County, to Miss Cante Y. Highgate, (coloree!) of this city. The ceremooy was strietly private aud quite recherche, only two or three prouiiuent negro politicians being the recipients of the coveted carda of iovitation. The destination of the party seems to be Cleveland, Ohio, wliere iVIorgan's relations reside, (bis tcother and others) tJien to Syraouse, New York, to visit ber. relatives, then to the Lakes to join Ame and bis brido, fiually lo Saratoga aod thence to Long Brancb, to pay their respeots lo and receive the coDgratulatiocs ot Püesirient Grant, the Great Mogul of the Kepublican party. The bridegrooai is a pure blooded white man, a nativ&of ühio, and about thirty-three years of age. He was ia the Federal army during t'ne late war, entering the service as a in a tbreo months' regiment from.Wisconsin, and wBo-Ecvtraly woundcd at the bat Ie of Buil Hun. Aftor hig term of servico expired, he was appi.inted Lieutonant in a New York regiment. He was again wounded duriog iho Beven days' fighting around llichmond, and was prosaoted Captain. At Gettysburg he rcceived auother wound, and was chosen Major of bis regiment. At the oloee of the war ho was breveted Lieutenant Colonel ; and carpet-bagged into this ölate in time to be elected by the llepublicanfe of Yazoo Oounly to the conHtitutional, black and tan coDvention. At the last election he was a chosen State Senator from the fume county. The Uride is a quadroou, but only a Miado lichter tiian a mulatlo, and about tweDty-five years of age. She has rather a flat noee and tliiek, seusual lip, having bred-back upon tho negro, aá stock raisers would say. Bhe dresses with a great deal of tasto, and has a sbght touch of the Greciun bend, but is tvïthal very pretty, and will doubtless be lionied during her travels. She came nero from New York ; bas .been teaching school, aud is eaid to bo finely oducatcd. An Iowa man, when he drew bis oheck in paymeut of n railroad bond taa, vcry apj ropriately made it payablo to " liighwuy robbert) or bcarcr."


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Michigan Argus