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A COMPLETE STOCK os1 1W Al JBHty GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED EY FINLEY & LEWIS, WE ASK TUE PARTICULAR ATTEN!fto[ OF BXJYEBS TO OUR LA.BGE STOCd Kip & Calf Boots MA DIJ BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOR OüR THAW Estáte of Frank Jenningg. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenat.l O Ata session of the l'robate Conrt for the Conss' of Waehtenaw, holden ut the Piob.itc Oftice i0 City of Mi Aihor, 0:1 Friiisy, the twelfthfciïl August, in thu year one thousaud eight hnaül and aevecly, int, ïliraiu J. Beakes, Jadge of Probate In the matter of t lie eUte of Frank JcDohml deceased.' On reading and flllng the petition, duly vcrüM Maria B. Jennings, praylng that une ï'some L suitiiblc perron, may be appoíntcd Adminiatrutriitf tho estáte of said deceased. Therrupon H ín ordered, that Mondny. ihetwdi d:iy of September sext, at ten o'clock in thefaï noon, bc assigned for the hearing of said pjM and tlmt the h-irs at law of said dtceaed, nü other perron ipterestedin saíd etftt are renací 10 appear at a fesrfou of said Court. thentoï bolden, at the Probato Office, ín theCUjofii Arbor, and show cauie, Ifany there b, wbjïï prftyer of the petitione shoald r.ot be _ ■tmiIimí-';'f t is further orderecU tbat eald petitioner frivesSI istedin ud estáte, oftben! deney of sald petition, snd the hearing ttuitofiifl causinxacopy of tbis order to be published fakl Michigan Argus, a newspaper prïnted and circolUtol in sald Connty, three auccesaive weekd prerioüiil said day of hearing. (a truecopy.) HIRAM BE.'.KBt, I 1 -s : Judbfe of Probai. I Estáte of Fitoh HiH. STATE O-F MI CIITGAN . Countj of Waphtena I - At a session of the Probate Court for thcConrf of Washten&w, holden at the l'robate Otflce, in il City of Aun Arbor, on H on day, tie fifteenthfei of Attest, in the year one thousahd eight uaaiti and seventy. Present. Hiram J. Beake. Jndge or Probate. In the matter of the Katate of Fitch BSII,è ceast'd. On reajdjag and filinthe petition, dnly rcriüfi; Cmostocb P. ïliüt praying thata cena! icetrnas now on ille in this Court, parporting to bethel will id tefltement of said deceased, mjiy heste ted to probate, and thit be and David AÏmandl may be appointed Kxecntor& thert-o. Therenpon It is ordered, that Monday, thetwtó day of September next. al, ten o'clock iu theforenot be aftstgned for the hearing or sald petitf n, andüi the Regatees, devi&eea and helrs at lawofswá ceaeed, and all other uersons Interest are required to uppcar at a pession of said Cotr.B then tt bu bolden at the Probate Ofiice, iid City ol Ann Arbnr, and show cause if any thcreil why the prayer of the petttloner shoutd r.ot gran ted : Andit isfnrther ordered, tlmt saldpsJ ttoner give notice to the persons intcrested l u y of sald petition, zrA u! ■iirn copy ofthïsorArfl bepnbliBhed in the Hú ■ a ucwppsjfl prtoted And eiren la,ting in f=aid County, threeiu - previona to eald day of hearlnc CA trne copy.i IIIKAM J. BSAKE& I 1283 ' Jude oí i Estáte of John Gecrge Volz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtentt, O At a sessiou of the Probate Court for tho ('o;i:of WasbteB&w, holden at ihe Probate Office, !i Ai City of Aun Albor, on Tlm:a;lay, the elevetitbá; oí" AujïksA. in tile vea í one thousand eíght honra and Beventy. Present, II tram J. Bcakes, Jnttee ot Proiiate. Tn the matter of the estáte oí' John Qeorgs U deceased On readin and illincj the petition, duly verifiíií John Adam Volz Administrator, prnying tbat it may be Ucensed to sell eert ai u real estáte whö eaid deceased dictï seized TherenpoD it Uoi-dcicJ, thaThareday, tlietww second da of September uest, at ten o'clockli forenoöut be asslgned for tho hearing of said petiis and that the heirs at law f Bala deceased, sMl other persons intcrested in said eatate, arereqiiJi to appear at a Beseion of sald t'onn, then tobe bei en, at the Probate Office, in the City of AnnArtat and show cause, if any there be, wfry the prajirthe pi tiiioner hhonld not be grauted : Anditi li thr ordered. that said petitioner give notice toot persons laterested in said estáte, of the pendewj 6aid petition, and the hearint thereof, by caneii[i dopy of tbla order to be pnblished in the Jíieíi Aryus, a nevapaper, prluted and circnlating in Cnnuty. fonje succeasiTü veeka previous to saidèf of hearinK(Atrnecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, 1Ï83 Judge of Probiti Esiate of Wiliiam S. Mayoard. STATK OP MICIIIOAX, County of WHsbteua, At a eession of the Probate Court for the Co1 of Waehlenaw, holden t tho Probate Office. Ii City of Aun Arijor, ou Friday, tbe twelftkíí of Anguti in the year one thouaand eight i dred and Beventy. i'rcscnr, ïlirain .T. Beakes, Judfre of Probate. In the muiter of the Éstate of Wiliiam Maywi deceasi (!. Qn reading and ftllDg the petition, duly verified.1 Aaron B. Henion, gnardian unto Fannie J.HtnH minor, praying that certaïn rea! estáte whereoíni deieaeíl died aivzed, may be partitioned araoDJ heirs at. law. Thereupon it is virdered, that Momlay, the twelt day of September next, at ten o'clock in thef noon. be assigned for the hearing of sald petilfc and that the heirs at law of said deceased, iDÍ other persona Intereeted Ib sald ctate, arereqrij to appear at a eeeion of bêXA Court, then to bei en. at the i róbate Office, in the City of AiiiiArt and show cause, if any there be. why theprayff ihe petitioner anould not be sianted: And H11J thcr ordered, that said potitioner give notice to persons Inlereated In said dstate, of the 1 eudentj' said petition, and the hcarin-i ihereof, by caniilC copyof ths order tobe pnblishd In theiffeWP Ar,., a newppaper printed and cirenjating it County, three tsuccesüive weeks previoitö to. SEÜW of beanng. CA trne copy.i IIIIRAM BEAKES. 1283 Judire of Probttt Estáte of Rufus Knight. S" TATEofMICIIIGAX, CousttofWjipbte At a session of the Probate Court fortheCoa of Washtenaw, holden aUhe Probate Office in ÈheC of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the sixieeuth dAJ August, in the year one thousand eight han' and eeventy. Present, Iliram .T. Beakes, -Tudge of Probate. Tu the matter of the Estáte of linfas Kfliff" deceased. OnreadingandfllinsthepetitloD, duly verifie Laraiia Knihi,, prayiag that a certaín ïnsiruB bow on file mÜUS Court, imri)ortijog toïetli] will and tetameut of said deceased, may beaw ted .to probate, and that Bh e and ïlacriet Kd"-. may be appointed E-xecntrtx thercof. Thereupon it is Orde red, that Muiwiny. the tj day of Küptemben next, at tea o'elork in tbel noon, be aaaSgnedfortlie hearing of BaidpetitMAj that the legaiees. devlseea and h Ira at Uw of síw Ceased. audall other persons interested in said fifí are reqoired to appeax at a Beaaioo of ejiid Coafi to be holden at th.c Probate Office, in the City oí i Arbor. and show cause, tf any there be, why tfléPj r oi'thcpeiltioiuir tshould nothe gaanted : Ana' f:ii!lHTordered tluitsaid petltlonergivonoiice te eraone Interested e, o! tlie peudeDtJ1 nttd petition, and the nearine thereof, by causn iopyofthia Order to b' pnblisbedin the ■'''■' , a newspaper printed uid cirt:ulaiingl%1 County, three eucceseive weeks previous tos' Ol Atnlecópy.j HIRAM J. BBAKBS. XïS3td Jude olProb 3Iortjriige ia'c. DKPAULT haviog hoen midc in t ho condHioi a mortgage to secure tíie naroent of ího P ;haae money lortne mortsara piemipes, exeg Dy James W.Aray to Wiliiam S MaynArd,J August üth, 1, and recrded in tbc Boffij . ia Waslitr:i:nv ConiHy. in t:n' ' rau.o&tbe 2d day of Auguet. 186-ï, iu IHieri" oorti v wbich default thcPf t&sáiduongaare becume operi I andno atlarorlu equit? haviDgJJI natltnted to r cover the debt secmed by eaid I mufge, or aiiT part theréo'f, axa of ""'1 ollars being now claimetl to be duo ujion öalaïDw ■ race Nottefl ia therefor hereby iiiven, 1 ald mortgaae will be tm-1 premisos üoeribea tn aid mortirage, orsoTneP hereof. tO-wit: Lol No. fonr, in litock M'. n.i;h, iu range threeeMt.ln the city of Ann Ají ; n the State 1 uil Court HmtH In taid CttYOüf "Anij Arbor, on tnei ay of November next at noon. Dated, Auguet ITtb, ii '■ W1LLIAM CHEEVBRs Admuiitrator of the Esiate of , i.liam O. Miiyn H. W. Cuksv, Att'y. l-: - Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by i).iu. Du? &c0m tm&'


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Michigan Argus