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-ïho dulloess whieli 13 so general tbroughoiit the country, has Is jroportlouate eflect on business clrcles íere, Uud tíoes not secm to dampen the enerprlstng spirit of the cltizens, íor improve neuts, both public and private, are being pushed forward. Tlie Episcopal Ciiurch, vhlch was so damagetl by lighining a feíy veeks siuce, is being thorouglily repalred. (easra. Tuite & Seeky are erectiiig a fine tore upon the lot next to Costello's Hall Mr. P. Dolar has also broken ground for a new building adjoiniug Jiis present store. onjr Lutz lias erected a fliie two story )i-ick just opposite tfee Dexter Exchange. Leaviug the business part of the vlllage and going toward the Union School buildng, we find several fine resldencas in procüss of erection, all of whlch we givcas unmistakablc signs of a good healthy business, for it takes off the p.rofits to build in hese days. Mr. Mesekoix, of the flrm of Bkamax & Mesekoi.l, has retired, and Roscoe now arries on the business alone. Bekt. Gkat vill give yon a " fresh cigar and the mornng paper," in the Express Office, and Rob. De ViKEr holds himself in readiness to acoramodate you to anything in his line at he Post Oflice. Allen, the " Star Galley"man, has been taking somc flue views of Dexter aud vicinity. . lie also lias Jiis 'lews of the people. The sshools of the village are to open Mouday, Sept. 5th, with Prof. Croucii as Principal, and Miss Kittie Vitokbll, of Ann Arbor, as Preceptress. The Blue Lioe Express going east came to grief last Wednesday evenlng near Wayne, by the neglect of the engineer to heed signáis given. It seems that the track was being repalred at this place, and a Slg. ïal flag sent out to warn the comlug train, but the engineer, for somc unkuown reasoa, ailed to cotice the warning, and the conse quenco was : the engine and four cars off the track, with a delay of several hou ra in the passenger trains. So llves werc lost, but Wednesday evening's war news hereabouts was a total failure. The Porter Zouaves leave tbis citv this morning for - not the seat of war - but Slocum's lslaud, where with the Detroit [ilght Guards and the Adrián Guarils they go Into camp for one week. Dnrtng thelr stay a visit is expected from Co. A. ol the Cincinnati Zouaves, when a grand dress parade will be had In the streets of Detroit. If any laurels are to be gained, we think the Porter Zouaves, with thelr efficiency in drill and une appearance, will bear them away. Five hundred and Cfty fcet of tl.e new rubber hose ordercd by the Comnion Council, and voted by the lectors of the city who were nnforlunatc enougU to bc tax-payer?, has arrived and been placed on the cart., but we iail to see thattower rlslngnp anywherc. or any cisterns bciii; jQllt, nor have we heard the tone of that new lire bell. To issue the Aróos without iuforning its readers of the kind of weather we are having would be almost anpardonablo, so here goes i It is beautlful, spleudid, ( xccllcat, grand, dclightful, nice, supcrb, elegant, magnificent, can't-be-beat, miraöile Etste, satis enperque, bon ton, betterish-donïix. Furthcr comment wc consi.ier nnneceteajj. The .September magazines aro makin their appearance on the counters of th periódica) dealers anti the editora' tnble m í'-ti mcly remloder that the"first frost is not maDV weeks distaut. We are in re ceipt oi'tlic fblloWUlft : l'utnam. wlth : New York Society in th Olilon Time, by Kt. Rer. Bishop Kip Crabbcd Age and Youtii, by E. C. Stee man ; The Broates and their Home - twf days at Harvorth, by Ifrs. E. P. Evans Montank, by F H. Angier Pedro el Moro tlic Sword-Bladd Maker of Puebla, by N A. Knox ; Tlic Isortli western Itoundarj Dispute, by Gen. AlVord; Apartinun Housea Pra.ctlcnl)y Conatdered, by P. u Wlght; Society vs. Insanity, by "VV. A Hammond, Editorial Notes, etc. $4 a year. G. P. Pütnam A Sons, New York.. - Gokey's Lady a Boolc has a liberal supply ofseasonable, fasbleeabie and worferoom platea; fine steel plato, "Joseph'a Coat brought to Jacob ;" a capital WÓodcut, :i man witli a big baby in bis lap, scated before the cóok stove tending tlie dinner, whllc a lady sita a ader a tree at the gate readlng the lust Congresslonal speech ui tin Ilon. Mrs! Jenkins. The literaturo is of Godfi's best. 3 a year. L. A. Godey, Phlladelphla. - The August nhmber of the Munufacivrcr and Ihiilder is au excellent one both in Ulastratlons and contenta. Every mechante of whatever branch will dnd this monthly a valoable ald. At f 1 50 a year it is a marvel of cheapness. Western & Co., 37 Park Kow, New York. Send us the July number. The Fall torm of the public schools will begin on Monday, August 29th, with W. 3. Pbrrt as Baperlntendent.


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