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New Youk, Ang, 18th. Wall strcet is in a state of comparative quiet, and bat Teiy Ilttle attention is paldta the war ramo floating around. Telegrama to baiikers say the engagement yeaterday reaulted in favor of the Pmssiansand that France is verging on a revolution. Repurts say also that the popular indienation against Napoleon coutiuucs to iucreasc. These rumora if they have any effect at all can only canse a decline in goM as evcry victory of the Prontas army ia supposed to leseen the cbance of a long war. Gold opened this inorning at 11S?Í and closed at U1%. Late in the day a slight advance was made in the stock nifirkct. The Huur market is heavy and lowcr with hardly any transactions. We quoto superfino state and Western at t5.SOftG.7O; extra do 5.70 8.10 ; good t'J Cholee clu 6.H i B.BO : white whi'iit exIra weitere t BI @7 00. live Muur is dull nnd heavy at taT.M. The wheat market, too, is dull and heavy her, noiwithatanding the rise and aetivity in a few leadlng western dtlea. A late dlspatch irom Chlcaga this evenlng iya the market is fairly active there. The war and forclgn ehipnients in California Mem to make no fanpreulon on tis hereat all. We qno.o No :: pring at LU ; No 9 do 1 .18(3 1 ,M ; Racine spring 4.28 ; amber ntate l.4ï ; winter rod and amber western 1.4' KI. 43. Kye is dull at 1.00 for 1.0S for new Pennijlvanla. C'orn ia heavy and declinln;; tol western mixed, add 1.03 lor yellow western. WOOT,. From preopnt appearanens dealen all concs) in the belief that ooi la going to lo caree. Tlie receipt o far being very pmall, and Trom rellable sonrcee we lcaru that thtre is very Ilttle yet behlnd in proportion to Hik clip ol prevlong years' Manyofthe milis have stopped for want of wlter jupt now, luit ifthcy all getto rnnninK again thcre wül mostcertainly be ascanty snpply. Now would bo a good time for ept'culators to bny. DiTitoiT, Ang. 17, Nothing now hore at present. The markets abnt:t as rtnll as usual, and the changes are so unimportant thatitteratherdlaeonraglng to try to writc a commercial letter. The Bom market is stil! In ttatvoquo and excites bnt little comment in business cirlej. Thorcis.however.n diversity of npii,i„„ regardlng its fütore. Some aro holdiDR on to stocka with the hope that liuTO wijl eoon bo au advance, whilo otlicrs are confident figures wUl remaln one grade less Iba at present. Til cntlre brcadBtOflfe market for ti pn-t wt'iks bna been nu niisolved problem t many, bu) we iíñuk before threo weeks have pase( It wlll be Bolvert to overy one's atisfaotfon. TI quotatlon for flonr i mchanged. Wlieat has beg to recover from tho tnmble noted in our last, aud alowly advaDciiig again. It is in good demaucl figures quoted : Extra, 1.50; Wol J.38; Regala 1.S8 amber 1.80@1.81. Corn weak nt 90c. Oats bettor. Wi-iiiote nfiw tate at 3(..-f"c: oíd dojlT .mil oíd treatern at Jtntter a nctive, od chtjc ín good (li'inaiul. PolatocB lu good demand. Othe article are quict añil unchanged. DETROIT PRODITOR MARKET.- The rollowinj qnotatlooerepreseDttbe onrrent nct pricenreaiin. bvcoinmlsion denlere.Hüd arecarefnlly revisedever reek fur tho Akous, by our DetroitcorrespíWioen DodnctloDí fr'im these prloeí r.r cinmissi"ii an . willsli'nv thc uct ratos to flrsí liands: Auu1b8,- Drled, 9@91íc ; Gretn. $2C0a $2.25 per bbl. n:ir!y- pcrrwt. . fl 8" 1.90 for No 1 Beeswax - tx Beans-wliite, .! I 91.80 Botter- Rtill and crock 242S. Firkln, ;0f21. m- Michigan Factor;, 13SH. Dalry, soiils. Cora- perbn.i Wd -perdoz., IB" 15c. fluur- whlte superior. T.CCKB.T.TO. ' medlnm,i.26@6 16, " ambers, 6.SS@G.T5. 11 low grades, 4.6O@íS.5O. " rye.í.OíKae.SO, Hided-drT,perlb.,181Tc-:iireoD,e; e. CaJf öklne- Orean, 18(5 Iflc; dry, i'xyV. SheepSktDS- eO@l.SO: lamb sklnr 40550. Hopa - New, perlbti Tíyioo, Lard- perlb.. Uc. J{ye- 0(.íl 00. Oats- (.'Id and new) 3S@40. Onions - per bbl. 8 00. Poutocs - snOPOc; per bn. Tallow- 8ii8%c. Turkcys- drcsse(l.porlb.,19ö20c. WUpat- extra white, 1 .4T ; No, 1 . $1 ,SS. AV ASSOIl PUODICE MARKETS. Akqus Office, Aug. 18, 1870. Wc quote tliisaTteruoon as follows : WIIKAT- Wllite. 12SÍJ14CC; Red, 110c BUCK WHBAT- We. OORN- To. OATJ- 25@3c. BEANS- $1.15. BDTTER- ÍOSSC. EGOS- 11c. LARD- 16c. APPLK8- 40c. POTATOES- 4rt(4iS0c. oaiCKENS- 14o TURKEÏS- 16c. WOOL- 4O'a;41c.


Old News
Michigan Argus