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CHAS. A. LEÍTElt & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER&CO., CHAS. A. LETTER & CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTER & CO., No. 1 GiGSOry Block, No. 1 Q-regory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegory Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar E3 Ï3T Sign of the Gilt Mnrtar "%3 t% Sign of the Gilt Mortar " ES" Siga of the Gilt Mortar "3 HAVE JUST OPKN'ED irAVE JUSÏ QPENED HAVK JUST OPENEO HAVE JL'ST OPEN'ED 1'he ITinost Stook ot THe Ifinest Stook oí The iniiaest Stook of The Finest Stook oí DRUGS ASD MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDÏCIXES DRUGS AND MEDICINES! DRUGS AND UDIGIES! IN TJIE CITY. in the crrr. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PIJRE WINES AND LIQUORS Kor Medicinal PurpoHOf. The Popular Patent liedle I nea of the flay , and everything kept in a ftrtclass Di b Store. !■ EXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY THEM, Polo Agontfl íq the City for Otto k. Reynder celSURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. ESPECIAL ArrKÑTÍON' TO THE COMPOUNDINGOF PHYMCIANS1 I'RESiRIPIIONS and FAMII.Y UJED1CINES. 1206 Tli. KELLOGG'S LIVER I N VIGOR ATOE, Iaanover fníüng cure for Uyapepsia, Siok-FIeftJacln, Aeuf nri'l fttlier dísease atisiug ííorn ImligestioD or Torpiílity of I.irer. rí" TOU FEEL WEAK OR LANGUID, Dultand Unambitious, use Pr.Kellogg's Livexlnvls;oratorand rfaiD your health . TR. KËLLOUG'8 Híiver Invigoratorj b Standard Medicine, and is composed o( mocliciua 1 propei ti'-s extractel f rom ome of the moet coramon artilles of fon I combiaed witli the conceutratod juices of fUui')U8 Ií oís anl HorbflÏÏR. KCLLOGG'S ludían Remedy, Ncvcr faiis to cuio COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and otbcr afFections of tlie Throat and LungR. AS A LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S INDIAN REMEDY. Stands unrivaled as a cure for n (3eafeB attended witta inHamuiatíon,and8 equally good for mun or beuti HPHE ÖAÏUAETI0 PROPERTIES of T)r. KFILOGGS FILI.S are extractod from fln artícle of fbod, whlcb makes them [jiforablo to any other. They curo Constipation, Khewmati.-m, and ehoulJ be eraployed n all cases of bíliousnes, ALL KINDS OF l D1PEASEP OF THE SKIN' Aiecured by Dr. Kellogg'e CHAMPION OIXTMEXT. TT)R. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Are sold by Druggisth everywhere, TEA. I TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF No. 1 GREGORY BLOCK, hold the Solé Agency of tho Great United States Tea Co. Oí New York, for the City of Ann Arbor. Tlils Coropany deal cxclusivoly in TEA andCOF FEE, aml Tea by the Cargo. Thoir Superior Knowledge c-f tMf ('Inss of Goods, and unusual facilitirB for purchasing Teee , givethera A GREAT ADVANTAÖE over swaller dealers. Thcs Teas are put up in Pound Package,(down weight,) a ml the prica and kiu-1 markM in piain print anti figures by tbe Compan y on ench packago, so tlieresliall be KO PARTALITY IN PR1GE OR QUAIJTy. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING REC0MMENDATI0N3 MAY BE KETURNED AND THE MONEY REFÜNDED, Ab wo Bhall not sell any a!ultprated articlo knowInly. Wc fcel confident tliat 25 to 33K Per Cont. can be Saved By I'urchasing These Tean. TÜ1T THBMl Ann Arbor, June 'Jith: 1ST0; C A. LEITER & CO. n: h . i


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