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JOB PRINTING. AT THE. ARGUS JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TO GJJT TOUR POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SMALL BILLS, YOXJit LAW BRIEFS, RECORDS, ANO BLANKS, YOTXR BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, YOTJR CiRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS. WSDDÍNG CARDS, VOTJR CHECKS, ORDBBS, RECEIPTS PLAIN AND IN 00L0RS, WITH New ñtyles Tjp e, FIBST-CLASS PRESSES, AND GOOD WORK MEN, SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED, Corner Main and Hurón Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICH. OTIGË"! The flrm of O. A. Oilbert & Bro. was dlsnolvod on thn 2d nay of Jiily, bv mutual consent. The bu8l ness will bc continnen by K N Gilbert, whowill eottle the acccnmtH of thdlato flrm. Aun Arbor, JdIv 20th. K. H. OTLHERT, G. A. MILBBKT. P. S.- All per3On indebted to thn late flrm are requostetl to make mmsdiate BCttlement. líWwí IVIINEllAL SPRING DISOOVEHED AT TUE CITY ARCADE. It throwg up 3 ponnds of Old Gov. Java for $1.00, Tea rlght .'rom China for $1 .00 por pound, nnd Sngar frora Cuba lor liUpf'r pouiitl. ;m' du ye who are sickof HIQII PRIUESandgctCUHEI). CLARK &CUOPSEY. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'b for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &c. THE UICHEST FAHMING LANDS ' IX THK WORLD. 1,300,000 ACRES FOR SALE TÜ ACTUAL SETTLERS. NEOSHO VALLEY, KAN9AF, Union Pacific Railroad Co., Southern Branche The ].n:i'N dow nffeieii by t hi s Coilijh . un v aro situiited ma in] y withta twenty miles on each Mdo of the road, i-t t-ntljiií,' on e hundred and eventy niiU-s alonK the NEOBHO VA LLEY- tie si , linVst ,aud mout Invlting valley for settlemont n the west. One-third of the labor requiretl at the Etst ntlie culturo nf f pms wil 1 in Mire befe doublé the amouni of crops. Kor orchard, gripe culimt, fcüd sn ■.! l fruit s in pinpral, it 'f unfqun 1 '■''.- BUILDING MATERIAL AND FKXCINO of erery ▼ari et. y aui in j;rcat tb and i De . TX)K iïAlSIX.;.- 'l'lin FlOB D&tlTgnUMl of tfi prairienand bottom. with the laTgfl arei of tinoccupied l;ni-!,in conncction witli tíi o ciry, tniUt,anrl Dpa winters, present nnciiuaiofl advautages for the ; raiBÏiïif f cattlo f-hr'ep and homes. DAIftTINti -In sucha country, with ranpe for ptock unr'Nstricti(l and picture ttmltleSB, 6h produc tlon of butter and rhpese Duidt be prort tibie. FRUlT-(íROVIN(i is one of the speciatties, as ,!'„]- owitrfttftd by the Gold Modal mrded to the i Kansas by the Pennsvlv.iuia State ' ciety for1 A OOULIOTIOMOF Fri'Its U"s(■;AKl roa SlZli, BHAITTV,ANI) KLAVOR." T1ÏKCLIMATR AM) HEALTH nf Kaiwnn are uneq un led, Tbesp.iu.lcpiJ, ure among )t.-i ciiicl sxeellenclB, and nr rvooniDSBdvttoDi ior iettlejU6iiti PRICJES OF LAND.- Prom $2 to $e pw aero ; orsdlt of ten f 10) years tïm, TKIÍMS (F SALK.- tcnth down ut 0 pnrohan No payment thsocond yo;u-. Onn t"i)th ' evo"y ypir aftnr uati 1 coinpletion of payniont, wtth ] unnunl intorest. THE Hl AD LAND OFFICE inlocateA at JUNCTION OÏTTi To alt purchasers ol ' lauúaj'ru ticku U'm arpgiven over th ro:nl. Kor furthor tnformtioQ , adilrees ISAAC T GOODN0W Land Commisslcnor 1275 m3 JONCT1GN CITY, KANSAS. TÜTTEB WANTBD, I WANT ALL THE GOOD BUTTER i Offerod rturing tho senaon, for "oniis nr mnncj, ! IST4US J1)1(V II. MA NAfiü. j pEOPLE'S DRUG STOit R, W. ELLIS 8c CO1 mm SPrl . i 1 4Í1LZJJ9 Tui ia tiif niüst thórough blood purifler vit 'is ren all humor' rrom lbo WOIst ■ƒ iptlon. Pimples ami Bloti-lips i tlie face, hm.1 ](orrra;h skin, wl,idi a nnnoyuif bleniibbea I" iiüniy voinv.' porsonn ji .1 t t!ic useof a few lottle.f ihis wonderful ucdicliw. trom out tó eight bottle, cure Bi lii.ScaldHead.Itiug Worrns, BoiU. Baal] KrnpUom tin. Sc ro f ii la Sores, D)ce tnd ■■ iVinkir" in Moiith an.l SloinHch. It is u pui-e me "i roota n„,i p o t, eoinblnlng in bumon] Natare'a , , :w,uw Co.l ha iD.tllUd int,, tb vegetable kinfrdomforbeallngthoidoJc. [t la a Krat rtorrfo Dgtbaud vigor of tb yUm. Thoe wbo "rt' ' km pprthtouit%t ot rea,rs, or anj of tht ffoetlona i;ra tomtlo (,i mik1 rind oonTiaeing vi lonce of pownrupon trial; If jro feel iktt, drotctf tíbill. taied aifl dapowlrnt, hiiv frequent htrdacba, roouth Usieabadlf la the moralng, Irregular nppotite and 'o'1 ng frnm Toraid Lije orbiloiuacw. In rannjr .:.-,. ,, Lítoi C mpUInt onlynlrtol I una ra axnail'inerd As ■ o kld "'" hasn ■ aqual, au ita fffeotJ i jure. lïlna the llTei ■■ f"' ""' '■""■ UW "'!' it is ;i oetrer falüng n medjr, :m] tlinK whol ■ " '."' thijpurp I in iis pjole. In I r.m fbroal and Lung Masasen, ' b producod TOrkabl cure, irhr o her aedloinea had at $1.00 per bottle. PieirI at thi: i : v f,f R. V. P1BBCK.M.D., IluiTiilo. V V. JIVE G PEATHEPS Con8tttnriun baad amlforealc. hy BA CE á- BifZ. "Pil YSICI A m S PRFÏCaiPTIONSl ACCURATELY AND I CAREPULLY PREFAB ED BT R. IV. BLLI6 & CO., DRUQQIS18. '


Old News
Michigan Argus