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SPRING AND SÜM1R. S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RITCRNED FROM NEW YORK LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHINO, ALSO THE FIXESTjSTOCK OF CL O TH S, CASS1MEZE8, VESTING 8 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTns OF ALL COLORS, SCCH AS BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTHER COLORS TOO KL'MEROL'S TO MENTION. CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. IW THE BEST 8TYL.E, AND FIT WARRANTED. I Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHIlsG FIFTY PER CFNT. CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTIIER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS IN'DEQTED TO LATE FIRSf OF vi. Ol'ITKRMAK kCO., WILL PLEASE CALI. AND 3ETTLE AND SAVE COSTS. B. R. UM "w.AjR.:isr:E:R.s Warucr's Pile ltcmedy has never failed (not veo in one case) to c uro thé vcrv worst cases of lUnd, I telling or Dleed i np Plfoft, Th cao wlio are til iet eá fthouM immediately cali on their dragglit md (Tt-t Wak-Vkk'h 1'ile Remkdy, ït is expreslv for he Piles, nn'l is not rocnmmended to cnre any other Ifseagt. lt bas cured many cases of o Ter thrrtp 'c.itb Fr ice Oo I'ollar. lor sale by Inis-ir'S'H cvtrywhfTft. DYPEPSIA-"" Wartter'fl Dy&pepsla Toulc is preparel ex rc]y tot DyspL0ptiea and thefti sufiering with habtaal UostiveitPSH. Jt s a licht stiiuulating toi ie and a nplendtd appetizer ; ït : atrengthens the stom'atli an tl rf-Ftort'B the digestí ve órgano to their lealt hy t-t:ite . Wcak, nervoua and dynpoptic perona snould ueS W'aknfk' Dtsïbp Iomc. For ale by dru?Ki.'H. Trice Ooe I)ollar. COUGH NO MORE." Wnriu-r's CougH Bnlsnm Is hcaling, Ruftenng and expectoratiog. The extraoidinary power it jcsheses in immcdiately relieving, and evtntually uring the roost obbtmate cases of Coughp, Colds, áore Throat, Bronchftit?, Intiucnza, Catarrli, ■loareeness, Asthma and Conüiimpticn is almcBtincreJlblo. t-"o prompt is the relief and certain its lirts in all the above cases, or any aflectinn of h throA and lungs, thftt tlioiisands of pbvBiciana are daily prescribing it, and one and all say that it is the most healidg and oxpectorating medicine known . Ont' tlo.-u always uíf.irds relief, and in most cases one botïle effects a cure, tío ld by druggists, in large bottlfis. Frico Oue TolJar. It ís jour own fault if you still cvugb and BUÍTor. The Balsamwill cure. AVIASTE OF LIFÊT1 The preat Blood Furifir and Peliciouft Drink V ;n in i's Vinum Vin', gr AVine of Lile is frte l'rom any poiaonous drugs or impuritiea, bO Ing prepared for those who requirc a stíninlant , I la ft aplmdtd appetizer and tonic, and tha fine thiiifí in the wond for purifying thft bloed. It is the most pieanant and delicioua arlicle ever ofïred to ibe p-ubllo, fltr nyperioi to brandy, whisky, vla, bittert, or auy otber artirle. It is inore hcaííby and chenper. Both male or female, onng or oíd, ean (tkc t lie Wine of Life. It is, in fact, a Ji le preservar. 'Ihose who wiOi to nnjoy good henlth and a free ilow of lively spirits, wil) do wel! to tnke the Wine oi'Life. It is different from any thing ever before in use. It is gold by drttggjwtfl ; also by all respec tab Ie Faloo na, Price Üi e Cd Uur, in riuart bottlei. EMMENAGOGÏÏE. Warner' Kniinrnngoguv s llie ouly artiel knbvn to ciir' WLite it will cure in -very case.) Wliere is the famii.v in which this itnp&rtank uiedk-ine s not wantedy Mnihers, tfars '19 tbe frreatest blesaing every olTcrctl vou , unl you huild itnme. ;.v procure it. ït is ulso a sure cure for Pernal r; ivniiarities, and may be ip)e pon in evcry case whero tlie niootiilv ílow has been obstructed tlirough cold or ilij-e nso. Snld by dragéUtfl Trica One lol ar. ()r n-ut by mail onreceipt of Ooo Dollar and a Qaariür. CIO State Slrrct, Chicago. FAl'RANI, SHELF.Y & CO. Who'.osaTe Agent , Delioit. ForsalbyEberbach&Co.,ana R.W. El lis Co. ■QR. C. B. PORTEE, DE3STTIST. Office iu the NEW BAHK ELOCK, AUN AEBOR &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth FF.ltFOItMKI) W1TH CARE. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ABTÍÍICÍAL TEETH, TO G1VK EACH INDIVIDUAL, Dentunê of tkc prrper sur, fhape,eolor, firm-nttt and natural czprcitíoH, 1E44 $Í0,000BÍWAEDr" GRBAT EXCIIMIT ! ! AMÖKG FARMERS. SOIOMIIiLS VTIU, l'AV THE BISBXBT CASH PRICKS FOR GOOÜ WHEAT. AI.I. FA1ÍMKHS W1I.I. DO WEI.L TO CAI.L TIIIiKK BSFOSI BELUNG ELSEWHEBE. niiiNG Yoirn goou wiikat to SCIO BIIM.S. 1-200 N. W. BRIGQS. Scio. YSYSICIAWS ' Prescrïp ( tïons Accuratoly and Cait fully Prepared by R. W.ELLIS&CO.


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