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Convening Straw Into Manure

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The editor of the Ohio Farmer in replj to a correspondent who asks how he uiay convert u lai{,'o stuuk of straw into ma uure, o that it inay be utcJ the coming Fal! as a uianuru of wiioat, replier as f"Uows : This is an important ques:inn, and one iliat thousHiids ol farmera throagkout the country should askof thomielvM ond at the same timo adopt lome imana of doing the work. It takes a 8tra stiick a goud waiiy year t rot down into manure; and no wiso farmur will wait for this. There are Fcverul iiicthodsadopted for decomposing struw ; one, and in onr opinión ihe moet profitable Í9 to use it as a stable feed and liticr in the winter time ; anothor is by schitter ing it iu the furrow behind the plow, and eovering it up ; a third by priading it over the snrfnce of a field in th' spring and burning it. By this mean the heat deatroys the upstarting (tciln, and tho ashes makes a valuablu fértiliser. It iir of cour-ie, too late now for t'.ie adoption of the first metbod by our correspondent, and reoeive any bcneflt this season, and ns to the eecoud, a greut deal of labor is required to accouiplish the deöired end, and sufficient decomposi t ion would nt talto place to rendcr material aid to tle fírat crp. We do not betieve the full valuu of tLe material can bo obtained by burning, as ruott of tho wora lands need loseijng np o well as strcDgtheiiing, and straw is one of the very best malcriáis for tbid purposo. Our advice wouli bo to lot the itack stand until fall. G) on and put in tl. e whcat as wo'l as it c in be done, and iheu draw out the stiaw and t-prinkle t over the entire eurfaue of the field, if you have enon#h. In this u ay you st-uure a doublo valuo ; the uiu!cb protects ihe wheat planta in winter, preven'iug the upheaving of the roots by tlio actioo of tho trost. It wil! be noticed that when ever ft coating ol fin w rcniHÍns upon a vjheat field duriug the winter tlicre is a vigorous grewth in the Spring, and here is the philosopby of uing struw ns a tnulchiug ; more frequeully tlie tmnv is blown n:e!ted away - the straw rctains it. The dressing nviy be put upon the field as soon au thu graiu i harrowud in. or after the f II giuwth is oompletod, but not pr(.fitabiy any tiino bütwaen these two :erious. The OOatÍDg if put on at Eeediug time, should not be so heavy as to prevent ihe frea giowth ot' tho graio. After the erop bas boen removed, tho Btrsiw, whicli wül be then eonsiderably rotted, niay bo plowed uuder with the utubble, when a stouud benefit will be der ved.


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