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I WASHTEHAW E OUNTY. j f Ej fiÖtARY PUBÖCH ! 1 WF -UB GENERAL ULLJLJ L-.JL-JUiCONVEYANr.ER iL-Jgg SfijjÉB5Sffij[(SS ffflSKBwj REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The nalarafmad baring il perfect Record ljifttorv of all of th Real lístalo Tille in thü ijlti 1 ? t10 Comity of Yaahten%W, laken plminiirc in arnouncing to the public thal he ■vin examine title.iTe lstractnof Eeal Kstate title.make oeeda mort gages, contracis and other ifjjM papors on tlit' nhortest DOtlMI Wi;l also itmUn saleo) City ii'opt-rty ttnJ faruie , ren( lmuiu's, and foroolOM morttrftge Persons wantinfj a his tor y i Roil Estáte tit lo, vi 11 ri colli-e', tlüit liis liook tak in Tax Titli-n and all coilateral mattem which touch cach particular dworlptioa; and all raortgagefl, anciont or modern. whioh appsar to be atill subsihting of recurd at the presenr time. I offer the followinff Real Eatate for b;i1o : No.lOO Tlm Malouj Hjuao and Lot ua DivisioD btreet. Mo.101. Hwe anl Lot in nicock's addition. l'i ice $2.000. So. TO?. Two Story Brlck House on Spring Street. No. 103. Two Story Wood Qoun on Spring Street. Ho. 104. N'ico Ilmiao, I,ot aud Barn juut weet of Law Gol Itga ÜO. 105, Fine Houie, Ont-house, Barn ami fi acrn t1! I :ind,Wiittir Fount, ie. - very dosirable Property. No.106. House and Sacros of I.and iuiide corpora, tion . No.107. ITohsp and Lot just uouth of theUnirerBity building. N'o. 108. UK acre of Land eaat of the Unirertlty Gi o inds. :To. ÏPE; City T.otu neaHy opposita Pr. Ghase's l'rinSiiiff ITstaltshuient. .Vo. 110. One Tü BtoiJ Wood DweUtog on State Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story Brlck House near University Siuare. No.112. 20 acres with buildias just uorth of tlio City. Mo.llS? One Two Story House jnst north Cemetry G round n. No. 111 Tw.o Brick Hougef; west nlde of Univereity Square k N'o. 15. 6 acres juut west of the City. No. 116. 5 acres wíth building? just west of the City. No. 1 J7. 1G0 acres with buIWlnj?i) and inprorenionts 5 mltafl north - Jood situation. NTo. 119. 320 acres - flne farm in rthiawaBsee. Xo.119. 2 ,000 acre of Wild I.ands in tho Couuties af Wayne, Monrop, Sagina w and Shia wauee, iy Abstract Booii acepostedto dat. Nu. 120. One elogantThree Story Building on Huron 8tretf west. No. 121 . 175 aeren on Uiddle Road to YpMUnti. No. 122. 40 acre on Scuth Road with liuildiugs au iiorov-ment. it123. 240-acrtíson North Hexter Road. 2 miles oat, witli irap ro vemen t h. Ko. 124. And rauch other Kesl E-state not hercin in elude d. Thora aro manr oía mortaíes in Washtenaw Coun ty un'Uacharged of Record, and the laws of Limita tionsaa to Mortg-ííes is different frora thvt appllca ble to Real Estáte. Terms of OommtMlOD on ales of Rnsl Kutate, onc ptrcpnt. if salo made. Ratos for search of Keal K t:ite Title (' cents per yonr for Deeils nd six cents a yenrfi'r Mortgageg until chanco of notiee. No clwrget wil-1 ïö mndo for examitiation of Title tnaking papersor recordin, ko OATtiM lendlng money through mf. M ' ui y wantod to loan on uB-incuni toredRal Etat( trom OM to fire yearu, at 1U ia cent. intereMt net to the lenïer. Aun Arbor , March 0, 1B70 TRACY W. ROOT. E. ' J. JOHNSON, At Wo. 7 Soutli Main Street STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEPT, LATEST STYLES, ANP Just the thing for the Season Wüich wtll besold X-O-VSTEH, a?HC-A.3ST EVER 1 ALffO A LARGK3TOCK 0 (I-OVES, COIjLARS NECK TIES, HAN DKCRCHIEFS, SATCUETjS, CANES, Umbrellas9 Parasols, &c. Pipare cali and examine my goodsbeforo purchas ne í'lfiowhcre . May, 18701 TLTONET CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK SIQHT ISPRIOELESS THEnTAMONnGLASi-LS.Manuracturcdby 1. K Spencer & Co.t N . Y., whlch are now oilered t tho public, are pronounced by all tbs celebrated Optieiaii of the World to be the Most Perfect, N"tui;i!, Artiiicial Lt-lp to the human eye ever kuown. Thay are ground unoer their own upervisjon. from min uteCryatal Pfbble, mclted tofetbcr, and l-rive their name, " Dtamond'oii account of thelr ha relness and brilliancy. The Scientific Principie on which tliey are constructed briñón the core or centre o( he lena direct ly in front of tliu pye, protlucn a elcar and tiintirict viniun, as ín the natural, ïfaltby ight, and prTstfng all uaplftauot seusation?, such a glimnierint? and wavering of sight, liviui'ss, c-, peculiar to all othrfl ia use. Thfy are mounted in the FINEöX MANNKIÏ, In 'lamen of the b3t quality of all material ued for that purpose. Tbelr BnUb and durability cannot ho purpassed. CAUTION. - None genuine unleH beaiing their trade mark ntamped on erery frnnie. J. C. WATTS & BRO.t .Tewvlem and Oritician,&re iOlttagentfl lor ANN' AIIBOK, MIJII., ïroiu whom ]n-y (-1)1 only beobtained. Theae goodi are not bupplied to FcdliTs atany price. 12A7yl pÜRNITÜRË"" The Larpent and Ht'st atock i n tbpeity, of all va. ictieiaml ftylc, at the oíd Stoie of O. M. MARTIN. OEOPLE'S DRUG STOxiril R. W, ELLIS & GO' ]}UY YÜUK X-iooking Glasses W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK 3 RËASONS. Kirst, bccaus heketps.tha of ImporMtHünas, ■ mi a oud ansortmentof square hhü ürchtop f ramea, anú u OHEAPi áecoBilly, boonute tliey beloop to binfíne. He tuaks tlicni a Kjwj(jalt,y, ■! ■-■ 1 i ■ h work , CI-IBAPEB 1 Tbtrdly, Beuaune h manufacturen them, and can and will h.-II ttio CHEAPBST 1 of any ono in tbccity. Healso lell ; PICTURE FRAMES! Thocheapest of anybodv in theState- aifar as beard f rom. NICS OVAL FRAMES FOB 6O CXS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FKK.VCH GLASS- bj tbe Iight or box- ForPictureB orfor house : 3a BAST IIURON STREET, AST? ARBOR. - - - MICH. 117f)tf I S Ë w i % 5 " „ 0 fl. i s bS H H 2 SH S -2 J r unh j S 1 ü 0 I o S o}8o P 1 "ín , ■ y k rt H o n i 4 8 S_i pOR CASH YOÜCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF G. SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArbor,January,187. 1252 T UMBER YARD f O. KEAPF Hrh a larj?e and woll tncked Lumber Yard, on Jcfer.-iin Str m-i . i n Uw BOlltfa part of the City, and will eepconntantly on haud an xcelleot Tarlety of LUMBER. SHINGT.ES, LATH, &C. wliinli will bo rtoM as low ae eau be afTorded iniliie Quiliïy and pricessucb thnt do one necd to go te totrolt. OÓNRAD KRAPF. Ann Arbor. Oct.ldt. 1868. 861f "VliN ARBOE AGAINSr THE STATEIN THE FURNITÜRE TRADE, And O. M. Martin againat Ann Arbor. Don't Foieet his Old Stand. FÏÏYSW1ANS' Prescrlpiüms Accurately and Carefully Prepared by R. W. EL LTS & Co. r ADÍES' FABHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. at.. T.iEï.m.A.ï'JT1 M South Main Strrct , Dtalei in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEVVEST STYLES iisr Kid, Oalf, and Cloth, AlwílVBlill llitljíl , :uul Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A BOOT, A. GAITEH, -A. BXJSKHST, OB A SLIPPER, CALL AMD EXAMINE I1IS STOCK BEÏORE PUB CHASIN'Q. PEICES LOWEB than the LOWEST. R. TARKANT. Ann Arbor.M.j 1870. piNLEY LEWIS, Gentleman's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. " French Congress Gaiters. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Ties. " Aïl Riglits. Oxfurd Tles. In short, a Full Line of Gentlemen' Boots and Shoej, Boy's and Youth"s Boots and Shoesj n Qroat Variity, and MEN'S HEAVY WORK, hand tuadc of all kinds. Ladies' French Kid Buttoa. " Foxed " " " Serge " " " Polish. Misses' Bronze, " and Button. " Serge " ' Cbild's " " m Weask the particular attentionvf the Ladio to OTJH FINE AVOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsnrpassed, IX TUE STATE, Mid in Prioe FAR BJïLOW DETROIT FIGURES OÜR WDI'K WAKHANTET AS REPRESENTE!.). vin IF YOU WANT A SUMMER HAT, ÏF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, O-O TO A.. A. TEERY'8, 15 South Main Street, W'iieri' 7011 II ulío flnd a full lint of Gent's Furnislnng GooïAun Arbor.May, 18T0. 1249)1 J&yéet QuïMe f fia A KECEXT IMTROVEMENV k Kcpllces the uso of llio Bitteb Snf.r-HATS (L'i.m.'e, wi:li which all aro fauülur. Uosc ior dose, it is FULLÏ JQUAL IN EVERY WAY TO BITTEF7QUININE, AND LIKE IT IS TOE Me1 UIIiAt, POSlTIVli nild V.f llilIVÖ CURE rOBkU DISEASES of MA1ARI0U3 IIGIK. í- or and Aguc, Vïiittrmit tent TYvrr, Cblll Fever, Iteniittent FeverJ Bilivns FtJr, and tl loner trnin of disorders lAlowiog these hen neglcoted. t STTEET QUISIiarE 1 ia mflo flolely from lkenivian itnJk, (so Is ll'fter Qninine,) tlicrefore is of Vfftetftble orlím( ftntl not n. Mineral poison, biition tho comrary is provftl to be 011c oi'the emeiits fuunn i ú the blood of all bealthy penons. stitset aunvnvB [ ucis V nn antidote t. well nft n ouro for,) atalarlal or mtasmnttc pollpn, tbo absorjliion of which by the lunl causrs lnU'mlitt;nt Fovcrs, etc. The onlyliulvautugo cltlmud for I SWEET iriiVllVE over 0 "se of old Bitter Quininells tho entlrt#ab3cnco of that Intentie, perltitent 1itt:n!8s, "whieh in tho lattcr is anlinsupnïoutablf obsitu-lr to ii s ose wilii uiuat ]er son&l mul uhv;tys witli childrcn. 1 I SWEET ariXIIVE kp ij two fonns- in Poivdcr for the use Of iyKanH and Drutifïfsts, and KluiW, for ui mi t%u iaiuily und lor Lho ;crin' rnl AliblA. Sceairns, Farr &&61, j MUFflCTURlNe CHEMiaR. A I . vew Tonií. y ForSali' bv EfcerbMb & Co., dn-ggists. I2f4jl QOME AGAIN o. :m:_ 3.RTi3sr, WITH A FüI.I. STOCK OF OABÏNET-WARE, TO HE SOI,D CHKAI'KR TIIAN ANVWHERE ld, SI'. IN THE SUTE. AT H1S OLD STURIC, MAIN TRI ET, ANK AKBOR, GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines .Paints , Oils, &c.


Old News
Michigan Argus