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Democtatic County Convention

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A Democratie County Convention was held .ursuant to cali, at the C.mrt Houne in city, on Wedncsday, AuguFt 24ili., at II o'clock, a. K. The convenlion was catled to order by Hd. dus. II. Hicumond, eb a ir man of the Cuunty Conimittec, and 1 temporiry Ofgunizaiion tffucted by eleutiug 1'. C. MobbaT, Esq., of Sulem, Chairmao, aud J. D. Tuunbuli., of Chelsca, Secretary. On motion, Mossrs. P. Wal!, R. Beahan, N. K. Towncr, J. Perry, and E M. Col--, wero nppointed comiuitti-c on credent'als and permanent organization, after whicli tlie oonveuti m udjouri;ed lo ht o'clocfc I'. M. AFTEKNOOX SKSStOM. Tbe cooveution met at llí P. M. The couimittee on credentiuls report ed a list of delégales fíom tbe several toitns iind citiL-e, and algo a- .ffictrs : President - II on. H. J. Beakes. Secretary - J. D. Tuumjull. Wbich report wus aoepted and adopted. On motion of E. F. Urn, eacb Reprcsentaiive district was requested to report to tbe convci tion tbo minus of two delegatie to the Stato ind two to the dngressional Couveutions, uod reported as followg : Ta State Contenlion - lst district- E. M. Cole, P. C. Murray. 2d " -O. Ilawklns, Geo. Sutton. 3j " _p. liium, Win. M. Brown. 4tli " -Win. A. Joues, Elias Huiro. lo Congrtísional Convention - lst district- D. L. Quirk.E. F Uhl. 2tl " -II. J. Beakes, R. E. Frazer. 3.1 " - Myron Webb, P. Coon. 4th ' -O. High, O. Clark. On motion each delégate was autlinriztd lo a point bisovrn substituir, ficm bis district in c:iso of bis inability to attend, and that failinj; to do so the de!cgation may íill vacancies. The couvention tben adjourned tin dit. H. J. Bkakes, President. J. D. Türnbl'm, Seoretary. The sereral Democratie Congressinnai Conventiona ai e calle J to be beld us followj : l6t diot. - At Monrop, Sept. 7th. 2d " - At Kalamazoo, Si-pt. 15. 3d " - At Jackaon, Sept. 14. 5th " - At Romeo, Stpt. lst. 6th " - At Flint, Sept. lst. We liavo as yet nüticed no cali for the 4tb district. Prioigs appearit to beyetting tfie up per hand of Strickland in the Sixth distriut, and seems sure of the nominalion. Tho DemocratM Oug-ht to present a united front, go vigorously into tbe campaign led by a good cardiiiato, and elect him. Thu Democraey of the Stato dem&nd tbis, and also demand that tho Democra's f Saginavv ceaso to play into tho of Duioos. Tbat has been done ofteu cnough. Tiie County Conventiun en Wcd:ies day wus well atteuded, and the best of feeling prevailed. No prefert-nce wa expreed lor either Stato or Confiesa ional candid-ite4, but delugats were eleoted abundan' ly quid fied to express the wishes of tho Demnoracy of tliis county. The news brouglit in fri'in tht; rural distriets was cheering, and the campi'.ign proinises to opon eneourag;ng ly - that is if thu nummer of candMates „etki'ig a uoiiiination is evidonoa therebf. A Paris paper estímate the cost of a ball íiiveu by M. Chevreau, iu tiiat city, at $210,915.- Kx. That's nothing to the cost of the iuleroational bll now in progresa to l,v east of Paris, Louis Napoleon being ll"or raanngor ou one side, and Kino Wii.iiAM on the Dlher. Miliiary bills are nutoiiously !he most crstly of etnertainincnts, and Jl Ciikyiikau niay count liia performance of do account. Whittemore bas fiuidly given up tbc cbase for a scat in Congross t S5.000 a jear and the perquinites from eo!d cadetships, and a negro by the name f Rainey bas boen nomiuated ixs his succefsor. Threo other negroes are aho oandida'es for Congrcss in South Car0lio, aud tbe poer Radical "white trash"' and carpet-baggers are counted out. Shell iDAUOEit, nominated for Con gresa by the Radicáis of ihe Seventh Obio district, hns claimcd I he privilege .f a country jtistice, that is taken fourdays to decide ug to whelher he will accept. The distriot is now represented by WiNANS, lïadioa!, wbo was elected in 1868 by a majority of only 105. Ex-Seuator Fkklinguuysen bas re8igojd the raission to Jíogland to whicb he was couürtned by the Sonate before it adjourncd, and that notwitlitanding he twice telegraphed his doulination to tbe President, lïn sucoeRjor is nut announced. A Paris dispatch of tho 3d repnrtr1 tbat. the Frenub floot had landud 55,060 men at Stettin, who were marching on Berlin. Later dispatches have uot cor.firmad tbe report, and as yet tbe Baltic flect sceius to have accoinplishcd nothiug. The Detroit Conference of the M. E. Cburch cominenccd its aunual gession at Fentonviüe, on Wednenday, Bis'4p Clakk preaiding. - The Michigan Conference will cominence iis annual si-ssioo ut Coldwater on the 31st nit. The T-ibune tius a Jíattle Creek dispatch pa'm{ tliut Ilon. Gko. Wii.lakd, of the Journal, carrios the Congressional delegte8 iu tho westvru part of ('ulhoun. Just thic.k of an ditur himiiolf down to run tbr Cougregs ! An Engiish court bas held a:i Indiana divorco of uo account - out of ludían, and tent a re-married Iudiana-mnde widow to prison for adultcry. She wedt iu Indiana to get divorcad whilo her busbaod remaioed io England.


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