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In nnswcr to a question of ufortnatioo a to'thtt form of govcniment of "Prussia proper," the Journal of Commerc replies thut it is now a coiistitutionul monarchy, hereiiitary in tho malts line of the house cf Hohenzollern. The coratituïion, wbich is derived írom a grant by Kmg Freiierick Willatu IV., brut her of tho present sivereign, niodified by .ub sequettt grants, and ti;ts only been in existeuce finco 1848, vest- the exceu.ivc and part of the legislativo auttwrity in the Kiu. In tho execu'.ive branuh, bc ;s agisied by a O'Hincil ol ministers uppoiuted by hun e;f. The legislative bniiic8 ol ilio 'Herrenliaus" whicli is the (Jpper Ohetnbor, and is cumposed ol the piim-es ol the roy;il f'amily ; eixteen "mediatiged" fiiends; tho heads of the territorial uoiiiiity ; eiuht lile pners; - eight tiiled nobletiien eiected by lie res d ut land-owners iu the eiyht proviocee ; represan tati ves of the uuiveritie; ihe heads of Mie "drtptew ;" the roayors of towns haring mort' than 50,000 inhabitaut, anl persons nomiuated at the pleisure of the Kini. The Kronü clutnibor is composed of 43"2 members, chosen lor tbree years by general bul nol uuiversul suftrage. Every Prussian subject is cnrolled in the ariny up"u reaohiog iheoge of twenly, and nerves three years iu tbe epular aimv, four in i he rerve", aid niiic in thu 'Landwehr,'1 or uiilniii. Kven u' the ao of Blty lie is nnt cxempt dom miliiiy duty, but ia hei eoruÜed in the "Landstruin," or ' hume guard " Ou a peuce touiing, a PruSsiaii regiment cmisitts ol' ihree baitallioi 8, numhering 518 eaeh ; iu war ihe baltallions are ucreascü to 1.002 eacb. "Piusia proper contains 24,043, '29G ohabitante; tb Nrth üerni.m Ckrafed eraiiou, inoludiuj Prussia, 29,810,377 ; tbe population of the Ssath Germso States 8 3,611,522, making the total populutiuii cf ali tbc vouiitiics under iliu iniliury Itftaaihip of Kirg William, 3, 521,900. Thai of Franou is 3,192,084.


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Michigan Argus