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Pendieton On The Coolie Question

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I ii September lust. Hou. Gorpfl II Feuilleton, iu bis Clifion spi-rcli, diseaínd tltic inutter, in conuection witl the lulteeu'h A tiit-ndment. Suid lio: I nl.ji-ct to iliis adnjtion, becaute it i paitand iHreel of the aobeins to Bood the country with a f.rced tmporiatinüi üt an immense n amber ol - of eoolics - an.i tli .s (o the sound lime t tn ing Int o on imdst ao ulieu rwoe, and 10 npi-at in u more difücult f tui tl,social and g verntnental qiiostions which have 'O unhnppily divideö 'mr peoplo. '1 lm in iiing of the Pacific Kailroad the dciuand for la! or at tlio South, l e desiie fcir nim' ! r hands and lei! viinicous app -i itf a io the luctories. lr.tvc tiirncd llie trUoiition of fpe.culator'8 to the teeuiing p pulaii n cif thu Eur-t. Tbej fiuil wtrm and fertile touni ries dettdelj crowdul w ith a patiënt, iIhgrided, nnd hentheii rnof. "Tlnir skilled laborors gut Ihrce or fourdllrH pei ! nim) li, i"d wi h til s tlny -ciin : mt : ' Th' y wolk from ciar light Ui iuuttt, u,d have hut u sinijlti hnliiiiy n the Jfiir Tlicir food consisis of i ice, salt, a fe vegetables, aud foniciuies fisli." Thu plan proposod ls lo brin inuni n-e num ber ol thoso hcro to i-upply the demar.d for labor in the h"lds hnJ ihe faoturjea and the shop?. We in Oliio have nol nppreciated the iiuportance of this moveinent. I protest iigainst it now, in timp, before they cmne among us - befure we aie ooofrnnted wiih dut ie.?, md obügaiiona u.'d intercsls gruwiug out of theit pres etici'. Thev are an alien, an inferior a'id idolatrous race. Thuv have uut our tasles.our hiibits, or mnnners, ilevelop meu', or religión. They are not fit t" beoone citiz.-us, or to enjiy tlie right of suffiage. AmalgamstioD would injure boih tüeir racu and ours Isol-ition will rive rise to great troublea Englaod, Iieland, Gcrinanv, Norwav, France, have au overtlowing popuialloo of our r;tce, similar to us in mnnn'ere, hibit?, and in roligiooa faith - au industiious, sturdy, íelí'-reliant, se!f-repect;nf pcoile. Thiy are lit to become citizens. They will mix with us, and our comciiugled blon.J is purer for their association. Let us invite thoiu with open arma to öome to us. Lot us people our country with the best raoo of men. Bat the Chinese will give us chenp lubor ! Chenp human labor. I desiie ihe word. li signiüi-s a rime' n:id B si.anie. It significa tqualor, degrüdütiou ignoianie aud viee. Are not lubsrera men - uur Mluw dmd 'i They bare büdies to clolhe, and tolachs to leed, aiid minda to etiucatc, and spirits to elévate, and old ngu to prnviue for. 'i'lity have homes which ihcy lovo, aud wivts wiv m tlny (hun li, and ehtldréb whom tliey Lopi; to make worthy citi ZtóLS - tin: iionrst futheni and t!i& virtuous mothtr of a succecilitig geaerat on, And can yuu rt'iu miier the-o duiies, aud Src these aüpiraiÍQnfi: etui jou coutenj] Inte the patiënt hi'pefulnesa of eh' crl'ul :md coiitcntcd, lecause f'ar'y '. conip iisatci ii dut y, ajd inlk of uhcap I iabor ? Lbor is too cbu:ip in ! Labor roes uot rec .ivo i s jurt retrard TIn eiiuuiry ui't-cis üki k-il laborera aud hohost, utelKgent, aiitlaggcd, zaalaufl in du.-try ; it needs that sith laimr sliall iiot te ulieap hut thui ii. .- hall be must boQDiifully rewardod. Thé relaiiou bewei-n capitiii aid lilor is now b.dl idju-tcd. 1 die mohev - iinotiey wlreh uu hunuiii wants or ;;lï. rtiuns, u j inputhiee - tarusmore than lubor, wilti ttll Hs cweat and toil nd 8uftor:ng Jioney combiuM ttifli moer, mal gevks hioreoxe ;n.d imtnui.i y v r :ios f in'corporatii'b, VVhen laborera combine ihfir prnieetion, ih. y ere in somc of Olir St;iiC' ricimuiccd by ihe luw, iilül eve'ywhere hwfced uj.o'i uh soinpIcioD. Tbev sliould nol antigua ze. ïhty ahould oo-operat . Th.y ghou d he in füirino1 y 1 dó n ■■% kcoiv tliat th fi.ll g'diition of (bid ifreat probteui has berb dmoovereïi, br.t 1 bf'ieve üreat pr'erö i has been milde iu Lita yeari lo etabli-h a juHt üiid boller relaii )n. That pro Ijrec8 will en iüue. it must tlift crliirtH of a'i sdvancirg civitifittnii and iliu favnr of a jist Gol. nulil a' 1 t tiie hum in intellect, i:d hmd and blood ■ thoy Dona itu-e ihe iiobltT, shull a:.bu the bctti-r piid incmbership in ili areat usrtoerüllip of lalmr and capital ' VVliat. Jlr. Pendleton foreaw aiid warned ag-ii -st 1 it Sopteuibcr is rajiidly becjniing an ;:larini'.:g fact.


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