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jv'ÖTic;-:. My wlfe, Francia F. Trlpp hnvlnjlclt DiTbedw bo ird without jun cnntc uil p.üwim ure (arbUb t trast hor un my account, asi tli„ll i.nv'kciS or Wer contráctil.. [.9-.fh.lST0 liSUv THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! The Fall term of Ihe l'nbhc Schoor. will icM.,, Monday, Angast -JOth, Ii7u. ïhote ipi. wbo , Ihe laxt tximintuion, werc coilrti.iuni In anyoiiL, . wil) [il-ase Ik at ib roow rl sfc;rioi2[ ent in the Hi-h School buiWinj;, 04 Saturdat Z iTth in3i.. for examimti"n. Non-ri'SiiUnta . (t-t!j;uin: to enter thcKhmilik coming term. ara retpn-öieiT to meet the Suptrlatoit uut at tíie same time and plaC;. W. S. f"ERRY, 1-S:;w2 Snperintcnilent of Public Schooli, IMSSOLUriON OF CO-PARTÍJJEESHIP, The firm of Iïevenanih & Co., dissolved oti lSth.uf Auuusi bj matU'ii consent. The lin!i ■miiuiel liy John Koster, who wilt na the accounts of the firm. All persons indetu to tho late firm are nquested to mafia seMlnnm' A. O. RETENAOS s. 1!. RÉVENAtJOE JOHN s. FOSTKR ' A.O Revcnniirli vi?l remain ín connectie the callen rad continue to p.-tintportraits stidiib photographt iu India lnk atd Water Colora, m, heretofom. 125-lwl1 Mortgaga Sale. DEPAÜLT haring been made In the condkinu' a ceiLain morl;„;:iL'e uuule t y Adam rinkMif] Cio secure i:ie parchase pike of 1 ad tlierein iH'n-iiKiiu-r deaeribed) to Orria ThVitcher. btfa date üie . 'Jd day of A. D. itttis nnd recow in the office of the Register of leed.Jor the Coa of Wa-hienaw, and State of Michigan, in líber Cí a. mi pagé ■. lï. oi. the firteektb flSjdiii May, A, D. lc.t aod on wtuch aid .'.oitngetherji clafmed lo be doe a: the date of notice, the ra o: fonr badrfld nnd Dine dollar.-, aiui ninetv hjc-;iit prooeedlue.eltheratl3 equi;y, baviDg boen instituted ti recover theM 'i nji urt thereof: Now, Uun noiicn Uk y glveu thai vy vlrtuo ■ I the power of sXeia'it! mrU' r_' ■ cuntaioèd, I will tffll at pablte aucttos.i' ; bidder .ui Wortoe day, tho twentfil dny of Novembrr mxt, at ten O'dock in thefom; of &iid i' the g.nth.duur of the Court Hou' in the City of Aun Arbor and Cotinty of Wubf n w afuivuiil. ('■iiiil ■ cmrt Hoiye bein thepkni' UU.;',' tKc Circuh (Jourt in Stid t ..-üilcs (ii-.f! i ■-(! in -: ! mortL';Lru. to-rj All thoM parceU of Jiind d-crlbed :is follow. iii I ■; anmber fonrteen 'il . fttieen ■l.. oud ilnn (ISi.alao ono and onehalf (l.'jj rod.i ofTtheui end of lot Dniuber oue flj. two (g; and thre(J)i' iilock DUinbn elght (.. in the villncof Sjlr "r " uu1 -!i or nnéijj. ihereuf ás nhll lx; nfi - hiv to eailóVi theinoc dae on ■'. i ' t.: !_■■ -i' i :i - notice, is l'. tli.r wiih ük! FnHber Intcrou which shall 'mire ernvd thereou, aiid tweniy-flv iii]-ir Aitm:n % r.i i t_-'.'_'r proriilcil, and coii.cwn and expenses u'A iwo ; by luw an.l provMedhi sald mortg ie Duted noxost --'d. 1-7". ORRIN THATOÍIER. Mortppt A 3. Sawïf.u, Atl'j' for tluitgSKaii, Kstati' of L_yn;a:i O. L vi 11. oTATKOï'. MICHIGAN, Conutj of Vahti, ! 0 Atssloa of tb nrl firtii(Ci [ of Wtishtemnv, holden at tnv Probatt (ttïicf.iis City of Ann Arbor,on ■. ;i;r,Hy. ii.r tMi.t:oikè of August, In tbe year one tbousand elgti hui and Presont, iliram J. Bcakcs, Jndeeof Probate. Ih the matter of the Eslata. of ljnian 0. w. il. miu'tr. ■ Min? i'.i' petltlon, dnlj vfriW. Detsj lt Lovewelï Gnardfan, pr.ivtnthutphenMjt licfn-vd to SL-11 cvrtaiu real estáte beluu:iijg ua minor. Tliereupon it Ie Ordered. that Mocslaj, the siatt day of èeptemlx-r Deit, ut ten o'clock inrteto dooü! be asslBAd f r ttaehearnir ofsaidptfll and tli.-it Ihe next of kin of saul minor ibi i qther persotta intcrttt;d iu said estáte. aré rrfÉ frjanuenr at seslou of sald Cimrt. thm holden at ;i.i Probatf Office, in tlieCityofAnnAit amd !hw ■ mse, If anv '.in-ri bje, wby tïieprajerifi petlltom i ahonld ht bejjrnoted: And it furtiefr eidel, tt at. paid petitVoiier :'ve notice to 6 next o! kin o Bald minor aidail oiherperiB Interesteuin aaid enate, of the pendenry ofiiif? t ti;m. nul tli e bearlng thereof, oy canainga 6I thls Order to be jHrtriiahed in tl! UiekigmAifm newapaper printedand cltcnlatlng in 8idCo threesai cosslre wcoksprevious to eaiddayctfc In:. (A trnecopy.l IIIEAM J.BEAKES. I24ttd .ïiu'ïei.iPtobK Estatfi of Mat'hew Koarncy. TATKOP MICHIGAN. Connty of V7ashtUl Notice is horcbVrfvrn, uat Ivvan order!' lliefc bate Coart fort he Connty ot washtanaw, mtd' tho iweuty econd day óf Anziwt. Ai I?V,1 montha frotn that date wure allowed tor crnt irei-r.i thelr claims aealnst ihe eetatts of Mt K-.: rney, late of wiid Conntv dccea.-ed. andtmi credltora of ?aid aeeeased are reqnired to prtc their cl.iinu ro salfl Probate Uonrt, at the ft OlHce in thi city cf Ann Arbor, for examiW aud n)lowance on or before tbe rwmty-taWi 01 I'',-bniMrv nezti an.l thai such willbf K beforesald Probate Conrt, on Siturdav. thetw nioth d y oí' October. and on ThnredaT. tbe twj thlrd day of tVbrnary next. at ten o'clo.cJt '' f.irt-naon ofeacb of thoye days Dated, Auu Arbar, August _', A. D.. is;o. HIRAM.J JiEAKKS. 12S4 JudReof 1 rot A COMPLETE STOCK OF 1W AND SlASOli GOODS, NOW BEIXG RECEIVED FINLEY & LEWIi WE ASK Tlir, PARTICULAR ATISNTIC! OF BXJYERS OOR LABGE STOC OF Kip & Calf Boots MA DU BF HAND :XPRESSLY FOR (O TI PI1YSW1AM PrescrijM Accurately and Uar.fully pared by R. W. ELLlSd'


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Michigan Argus