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Washtenaw County Teachers' Association

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Tlie first semi animal meeting of the Wasbtenaw Coanty Teachers' Assoclation will be held at Saline, cominencin.H August 20th, instant, at 1 o'clock r. M , mul closlng on Friday, Septeniber 2;I, at 12 o'clock M. Tilie (serclses win consist of twenty-fonr cljss and fonr pabtlc lecïures. .M.'.uUiy evcnuisi, public adilrcss by Prof. D. P. Mftjhew, Principal of the State Normal School. Toesday evening, public uddress by Prof Daniel PatDam, of the State Normal School; Wednesday eventag, public address ljy Prol'. A. A. QriIBth, of the Sime Normal School. Subject " Eiocutiou, " wlth eiocutlonary txerciMs. Thursday evcnlng, public address by Prof. AJonzo ]J. Palmer, M. A., M. O-, of the Michigan ünlversUy. Subject, " Narcotics." A!so the followlng cl&SS lectures : Two l.ectures on Mental Phlloeopuy by Prof. I). P. Mayhcw. Two lcctures on Theory and Art of Teaching, by Prof. D. Putnam. One leetnie on Philosophy and Hygenie by Prof. A. B. Palmer, 51. A , 51. D. Five UctureS on ArithmeUc and Methods ai Teaching it, by Prol'. C. T Bellows, of the Normal School. Four lectures on Grammar and Metlioda of Teaching it, by Miss M. A. Hice, teacher of Uramnrar in State Normal School. Four lectures on Oeogrspliy and Methods of Teaching it, by Prof. G. Washington Crouch, of Dexter Union School. Two lectores on Peunianshlp and Methods of Teaching it, by Prof. W. Carey Hill, of Chelsea. Two lectures on Elecutiou wlth Iïeadlng, by Prof. A. A GrilliUi. One lecture on History - its importancc as connected ; . !i the Primsry Schools - by Prof. M. V. Uork, of Saline Union School. Two lectures on Qrthography and Metliods of Teaching it. Teachers of Wasbtenaw, it is scldom tlmt siu-li in trrayol talent as sliuivn above can be secured, und it is fortúnate lor us tliat we live in a community where sucli adrantageu eau be enjoyed. Every teacher in the connty who proposes to teiich In the :ii.:irc should attend this association. We canuot afford to stay away and diiregard, tor any cons)derattou, this golden opportonity ofgreatly enlarglug oqr stock of Intellectual accompllshinents and professional quallUcntlons. Li-t us eagerly embrace and wlsely employ these proffcred means of Improyeipeat, and thus becoine trulv qualitled Tor our noble and respons! ble woré. It is at these meetings tliat ttmid nul lnexperlencéd teachers are luitiated luto tlieir new work, older teachers reecive valuable suggestions which tbelr experlence and Bense of want enables them at once to undertand and apply; gelf-conceited teachers are torced to let j{o some of their old notlons, Rad grow wlserasthey are compared Wlth those who kuow more thau themseirea Au entbosiasni is exclted In onr pro!esSion; we are inipressed wlth proper views of the dignity and solemnlty of our employ meqt ; we forin new and Btrongatt.-iclnmnts, and from tlicse intt-iestinu and e$cltlng scènes we go forth fresh and cheerful to tlie labors of the season, furnished with vnloable knowledge. Come one and all ; be present at the open n; oxercises, provjded with pencil and blank bool, In which to enter notes of all tliat sliall be protttabic and nséful. Yon will llnd the 18 of Salinf UOt oniy liberal, bnt generous, r.n.i aiive t' educaüonai Interests. Schooi offlceif, parents, and othera, yon are cordially luvlted to nttend the meetings ol the assoclatlon. District offleere wlil flnd at the assoclation a fine opportunttj to eug:ijre teachers for the lall and winter schools, as the best teaciurs will uudoubtedijr bd present. GEO S. Vt'lIEIXEtl, Chairman of Ex. Commlttee, The fol'owing September Magazioes are on oot Cabla : The dtlantic; with, The Bngllsh TioteBooks ol Nathanlel Ilawthorne, by G. S. Ilillaid; Joseph and his Fr end, ciitp. xxiii., by JJayard Taylor, in which o:ie eatastrnpiio is roached ; Charles A'bert Pechter, by Kate Fie'.d ; A Day's Pieasore, m., by W. D. Howelis; Ilalf-Way, n., by QeoTge ]{ irrow ; A. Handful of Translatlons by II. W. Longlellow ; A Reminlscence of Uentiiu : A Diy with the Sliuvel Makers ; poeniü by F. YV. Loring, Har riet Prescott Öpafford, Lncy Larcoin, Reviews, etc. Fiki.ds, Osooon e lo.. Bostou. - The Gitlaxy, with chaps. vi -x, of O verla nd, qnnained author; Milk, by John O. Dinjicr. SI. i). ■ The Album ot the Reginient, by QdwaH) AbQtjt; Ten Yeure In lloine - the Inquisition ; the opening chapters of Lady Judith - a tale uf two continent, by Jiihtiti MeCaithy ; Thi'ee Women, by Richard Grant White ; Poetry, Art Xotes, DnttVVood, Nebuia1, and Memoranda, In wlilah M-uk Twaln says his say aboat soudry things in Kis wuy. Sueldos & Co., New York. - Lippincoll has, among other papors : Admetus, an illustrated poem ; The Story of the Sapphire, by Lucy Ilamilton Hoop er ; About DogS, by Don Piatt; Sir llarry Hotspur of Ilumbleivalle, Part v , by Anthony Trollope; The Hypothesis of Evolu tion, concluded, by Edward D. Cope; WaiTs from Field, Camp, and Garrison, by James Frank!. !'itts ; iV Glirapse of Que;bec, by John Eten Cook, etc , etc. J. 13. Lippincott & Co., Phlladelphla. - The Edectic has a choice list of sclcctions, the more noticablc benig, perhaps, The Coaacil oí the Vatican, Madame de Maintenon, The Heart of Crete, Charles Dickcns by Anthony Troilope, Lectures on the Science of Religión by Max Muller, Tlie Old Prisons of Paris, Pliny the Younger, and Adam and Mally. E. R. Pjeltoh, New York. The Juno number of The Mirror of Typography is unusually attroctivc, presenting several line specimen pages, and an iuteresliug and nstructive table of coutents. But the "trainp card" is "Whittier's Bare loot Boy'7 printed in oil colors from zinc plates and on a Campbell cyllnder prjss, by Chaui.ks Stai.i.. Toe cliromo lithographers will have to look to their latiréis. It Is botli a thing of beauty and a marvel even to the iuitiated. We joiu the craft In thauking the Messrs. Seniok & Co. for so choice a contribution to the priuter's art. $1 a year. Tlie Printer1! Circular fnr August is a capital number, both In reading matter and advertisements. The "Dictlonary of Typography and its Acccssory of Arts" progresses slowly, and reaclies "Engüsli." 1 a year. Address R. S. Mexamix, Philadclphia.


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