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I i WASHTENAW COUWYV. I "■ ( lA ■ ÍLJ.0 I GENERAL l J LUÍ HE iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiimiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iniiiiiiHiiiiilimiii'iiii AVISTO REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The 11 nlersif?ned haring n perfect Record Mutnry o? all of the Roal Ruta te Tille in lilis City, and in the ('imnly of Wafhtemw, takc.i pleannro in annnunc ing to tln p:hlic thnt ne wlll examino titU'..'iVo abhtrnctsoi Éeal Kstate title, make aecd wortgattcfl, contractM i mi r 1 1 j t. r legal popera on the shortent notice: Will also make saleofCity property and farms, rent liOHBOH, and forecloM roortffages PersonB waiitinR a history of Real Estatn title, will rcollecí thut his Booh.n takein Tax Titlea and al! collateral mal! i-i s wliiclt touch t-ach particular dcflcription; a ml all mortgaafofi, ancient or moilorn, wliich appear to be still Sobslstlug of record at the present time. I offer the following Real Estáte for Rale : Vo.100. Tho Malony House and Lot on División Street. !o. 101. IIouío juk! Lot in Iliscock s addition. Pí Ice $2.000. No. 102. Two Story Brick lï on Spring Street. No. 103. Two Story Wo'tá House on Spring Street. N'o.104. N'ioe. IIouso. Lot and Barn just west of Law Collece. N'o. 103. Finp Hoimo, Oui-lioiute, Barn and 5 acres of I.jindjVVattfr Fount,&c. - very dosírable l'roperty. No. 106. ITuuho nnd 3 aerea oflAnd innide corpora. tioii. No. 107. ITousp and Lot jus t sontb of the L'uirersit.T building. Xo.108. 15'í acresof Land east o f tho Uniyersitj Gvound. No. 109. City Lot noarly opposltO Dr. Chase'a Priuting Etabliülituent. No. 110. OnoTwo Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. No. 111. One elegant Tvro Story Brlck House near Univeriíity Saltare, No. 112. 30 acres witk building just north of tbe City. No. 113. One Two t-tory House jast aorth Cemetory G round a. No. 114 TITO Brick Housca wost aideof Unlvernity Square. N'o. 115. 6 acres just west of the City. N'o. 116. 5 acres with building just wet of the City. No. 1J7. 160 acres witfebulUUnga and inproveraenU 5 raile north - good Kituation. No. 119. 320 acres - fine farra in Shiawassee. No. 110. 2,000 acres of Wild Lands in the Counties of Vayne, Monroo, Saginaw and Shia wassec. üy Abstract Booko are posted to date. No. 120. One elegant Three Story lïuilding on Iïuron Street, west. No. 121, 175 aerea on Widdle Road to Ypsilanti. No. 122. 40 acres on Scuth Ruad with Buildiugs and improvements. No. 123. 240 acres on North Oexter Road. 'Zft railen out , with improvementi;. No. 124. And inuch other Resl Esiat not herein included. There are many oíd mortaes in Washtenaw County unñ"Ícbnrged of Record, and the laws of Umita, tiona ft to Mortgages is different from thst applica bleti Real Kstate. Tei-ms of Commjasion on salea of Real Estáte, one pr cnt. íf sale made. Ratea for searoh of Heal Estáte Title fi cenU per yer for Desda ml sixceuta a yearfor Mortgageg until change of nntice. No ch-vrges will be made for examinatínD of litle, niaking papers o r recordinj?, to partieR lcudintí niouoy through me. Money wanted to loan on unincumbered Heal Estáte from ono to five jears, at 10 per cent, interest net to the lender. Aun Ai-bor , March 20, 1870, THAOY W. JiOOT. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 Soutli Main Street. STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Whicb will besold LO"WEB TH-A.3ST EVER 1 AI.80 A LARGESTOCK OF GliOVES, COI.UHS, JiliCK TIC, HAN DKERCHIBF8, SATCHEr,S, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Picase cali and examine my goodsbcfore purchasiníj olsewhere. May, 1870 ATONE5T CAN NOT BUY IT, FOR SIGHT ISPRIOELESS THE DIAMOND GLAS3K8, Manuínctnred by J. E. Spencer & Co.} N. Y., which are now o fff red to the public, are pronouncol by all th celebratfl pti ■ cianBof th World to be the Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial help to tho human eye ever known. The y are ground untier tln'ir own supervisión, f rom min uteCryetal Pnbble, raolted topether, hih.1 derive theirname, " Diamond," on account of the ir hardneas and brilliancy. The Scientific Principie on which they are construoted bring tho core or centre of the lens directly in front of tho tyo, producing a clear and difttinct visión, &n in tho natural, healthy Right, and preventing all unpleasant snnsationa, such as glimmering and wa Tering of sight, di7zinesp, kc, peculiar to all others in u-'-. They are mounted in tho FïNBOT MANNKR, in fiamos of the best quality, of all material used for that purpowe. Their finish and durnbility cannot ba Kurpased. CAUTION. - None Renuine unlesa beating their trade mark Ktamped on erory frame. J. C. WATTS k BRO., Jewelers and Opticianu, are soleafrents for AXN' ARBOR, MIJIÍ., from whom they can only be obtained. These good are not supplied to Pedlers atany price. 1267yl PURNITURE The Livrgcst and Beflt tockln thocity, of&llvaricticani! tytcB, at the oldStoroof O. M. MARTIN. ■ _. ] GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &c. üüï YOUR Looking GHasses o W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOB 3 It KV SONS. Pirtt)'WttftaaiB hkivpMlte bt of lni'rtiiHJIftH nbd yootl aKsortuicutiif giiare aud urcfoScconilly. bi-cnMupthvy ln-lttnfr to hi bujltta. H mketlifnl RipicIs'U', dttfenhls uwcwvrk, u Ad tin iiltuHi t stil CHEAPEE 1 TMr.Uy, BMtus ho manufacturas theln, nd C4Í1 aud vrill aell the CHEAPBST 1 of any ont in the city . IIpjiIso aellB ■ -1'-'1' PIOTURE FRAMES! Thecboftpsiit of anybodyin the State- adraras heard f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FJR.E.VCH GLASS- bjr thelight or box- ForPicturen orfor HOUSE CtrljtAJR'ZDfGr ! 3 KAST IIlfRON STREET, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. 1176tf S l % , S g i S k ets h H pü tJ wal R LU h j S s l m Bis hifi ei Üol s H E CO j e, O l m os i 2 w ij w CO w It qJ8o f SE A r-t Cl . n O g 8 Mag ■ Nf _ü __ ft _ pOR CASH YOUOAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO, Ann Arbor, January ,1870. 1252 T UMBER YARD.' C. KRAPP Has a larffean'l well stockod Lumber Yard, on ,Iefferíon Straat, lo the south pftrt o f th City, and wíl I keepconwtantly on hand an excellent Triety of LUMBER. SHINGLE8, LATH, &C. which wil] be sold as tow as can bo afforded inthis miivkot, Qual ity a mi pric6n Ruch thatiioooenecdto go to Detroit. OONItAÜ KRAPF, Aun Arbor.Oct. Int. 1869. 986lf ANN ABBÖR AGAINSr THE STATEIN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Albor. Don't Poiget his Oíd Stand. PHTSIClANS'Preseriptiona Accurately and Oarefully JPrepared hy R.W. ELLIS & Co. T AD1ES:FASHIONABLÊ SHOE HOUSE-. 24 Soutb Main Street , I). f,1. i n LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES. THE NEWKST 8TYLE8 Kid, Calf, and Cloth, Alwnjaon band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed, tF YOÜ WANT A BOOT, A GArrEB, A UXJBKIISr, OR CALL AND EXAMINE H!S STOCK BEFOKE l'l'B CHA5ING. PKICES LOWER than the LOWEST. B. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.Maj 18Ï0. piNLEY LEWI5, Qenlleinan's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. " French Congres Gaitera, " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotoh Ties. All Rights. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Kuil Line of Gentlemen' Booti and Shoe , Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes, n Great Varii-ty, and MEN'S HEAVY WOKK, hand made of all kinds. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " 41 Serge " " " Polish. Misses' Bronze, " and Button. " Serge, " " Child'8 " " " VVeask the particular attpntion of the Ladiei to OXJR FINE WORK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IK THE STATE, and n Trice FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOHK WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. 1263 TF YOU WANT A SUMMEE, HAT, JF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A Hat as is a Hat," JF YOÜ WANT Hats Oheap - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, O-O TO A.. .A. TEREY'8, 10 South M:aiii Street, Wliore you will also flud a full lioe of Gent's Furnishing GooÜJ". Aun Arbor, May, 1870. 1249yl Swet Quiituie C Versus Bitter, jf ForVho foUowing REASOXS SweeW Quininb shoulcl rcplnce the old i'orn or Jiitter Quinine. I ■ t rtiuinino is TVAÏITÏAXTF.D 7ftttfiotna7ty íe.ycZ in cffoct with Bitter Qti ine Swcet ftnlnlne hns xone of the hí e and per.tLtent bittcrncus Of conimon Qi uinc. Siveetl Qulnino Í3 made from P ravian i i.'iik only, iho sourco of Uitter Qt iniuo. In S-vArt Qiiiniue the bitterness is Vrfectly cyicealcd, but muy bo instantly do velolod if desired. I & Swcot tuiiiinc v,ï not sicken, aavery hitte substancos oftcn do. Swcet QuinZne is roadily taken, aid vríUiouj the least hesltation, by old anty'oung". SvfccAquíhíiic entireïy obviatog tlm uncoiwiuii'ablc dislike "vhich childroiahavo toliVtcrijuiuine. 1 j Swcct Aiinitic reQuires no oln.lioratqproparatlon to take, is ready ft instant uso. Sweet Auïnlne, !n lts nmcnblllt nnd prompt effioacyj (Usabuses the (public im;d Of Tiiucli jütjucIIcí; apainsí QilininO, an aids the etForts of Ui o iuLcAiiícjit PhKiciau iii ita aduiiniatratlon. Sw'i-t Wuiniiio costs no moro tlianl tho Bitter Quiniuo. Svreet wulnlno can be had at tho i)rng Storls in two fonns, viz: jluid, foiconvonrLncc ot" famlli?N and tl1 gcncnulpiiv lic,wnd iïjtcder, for uso rhysiows an djwoiists. W r SfJ4is, Farr & 9&., S MAWif ACTURING CHEMISTy r atEw viiiik. f x For Sale by Ebcrbach & Co., druggietfl. 12G4J-1 QOME AGAIN ■WITH A FÜI.r. STOCK OF . CAB I N E T-WAR E , TO BE SOLD CHEAPER THAN ANVWHERE 5LSE IN THE STATE. AT IIIS OLD STORE, MAIN PBIET, ANN AKBOR. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by D.W.llig&60uSmggfclg.


Old News
Michigan Argus