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A ID POR THE WOUNDED ■AND TUE WIDOWS AND OEPHANS! PICNIC & FESTIVAL Sept. 7tli, 187O. A Picnic nnd Festival will be beid at R'lief Fire Cünipftuyt Pai'k, Aun Arbur, on Wednesday, Sept. 7th. The arrangement are in the hands of an etüciont committcc of Gcrmau ladies and gentlemen. Eefreshments of all kinds will be furnished on the gronmls at ragonable rates, and no pañis spared ti coutributu tú thu comfort aad enjoymeut of visitoraMusió faj t?ie Porter Zouave Band. The proceeds will be devoted to aid the wounded, thc wuiows and uí'phaad, mad so by the present war in BnroM. C TT A kind and general attendaoce is respectfully Bo':c;tp'l. The Proce."8'on will be formcd at 10 o'clock A. il. P.ticulars iu poster. By order of Committee, K. MAXN, r resident. JTR. KiiLLUGG'tí CELEBRATKD ROOT BITTEliS A Sümulant, Corrector of Digestión ar.d t Uvy are .ju;t k-il . Kor i'cnialert who are W-ak aiiü Lmguid aml foi tb'e who are c üTftlesoing fronf BfeknM a ml reqalra Btlmulatfng Tonic these BiTrEKS will bo fuuud to be juet thething. Use one Kottle ami jou ivill uümit th .t thfy ara MÏ wo claim them to be. For Sale by E. V. ELLIS & CO. W4-12S5. TOTICE! AH peraons are forbid to trust Wuhlofft' 11 Hill on my account, as I shall puy uu debta of hie contractIng nltT ÜÜfl date. Scio. Aug. 3l8t.lS:0. 1386WÖ JAMES M. HILL. T"DÍBRICÍ1E8T FAttMING LANDS IX TUK WORLD. 1,300,000 ACRBS FOR SALE TO ACTUAL SETTLERS. NEOSHO VAIjLEY, KANSAS, Union Paciñc Kailroad Co., Southern Eranch. Cura iiow Iluiiulu. The Lands now o ff ei e J ly thía ('ouipann y aro attufcted i!i:iui:y witliia t went y mücs on eavh iie of tlie rt.-i'i , Bxtcnding on 6 bnodred ftod nventy mi lts alongthe NEO.SIIO VALLSY- t'ie rl ehvst, lim-.-t ad most lavltlag v:il lejr Por sttlmeDt f o the west. Onf-ihn-d Dl" the labor requiredat theFst inthe cultura uf farms wil l losvr bêra doublé the amount u' orops, Fol orehard, K'"-le culture, and smull fruits lo pfneral, it a une qua ted BUILDING MA'IKKlvL AM KhNCING of every vari et t au I I rrvatabuadaneTiOCK KAISINU.- The ncli rative graasea of the pi-iiirit-s aii'l Ijotltims. with the Luye rea of uiiuci ;uifis,iD oonoection with the iry, Daildfand it aneqoaled aüvantages forthe ral si cg of cátele sheep and borsea. DAIRYINti - Insucba QOnntrj, with ranges for tock itnrcstrictf'tl anl pastan Iinitl6st, tb e proüuc Uoo ol batter and cheese must be proti t;ible. FRÜ1T-GROWING is ont .f iho s}tcialtics,;i demonittrated ty the Oold Meda] awarded to the Btatfl "i K.ii)n;i. !y th' I' Minvlv.(iiia Stnte Horticultural Bo.-i"lv fot1 A tn.LKCTlO. OF FrCITS UNüURPASSED FOB Sizis, Beauty, a.mj Klavou." THK CLJM ATE AND IIEAI.TH of Kansas are uneqaaled. These, indeed, are among it.s chief excellencies, aad re reconimendiition.s for .-'Hh-aient. PRICL8 OP LAM).- From 9' to $ö per acre; Bredli nfcen (lO)years' timp. TKRMS OF SALK.- One tenth down at tiwe of purchase. N" paymont tb'i teoood yoar. One tt-nth ove-y year after unti 1 coniitli-tion of paytnont, with unnutti Interest. TUK IU AI) LAND OFFICE islocatea at JUNCTION CITY". Toali iuxohaera ol ' landt freeticktt from araglreo over ttoToad. Kor farther Lafoi ü.ttioo, aMress ISAAC T GOODN0W Land Commissioner. I275m3 NÍ03HO FAi LS, KA2föAS. Estáte of John Peatr. OTATE OV MIC1IIUAN, ofWaíhtenaw, O A t. :i yrssion of the Probate Courtfor the Coniit of Wasbten&w. bolden tí the Probate Office Ín ti City of Aun Arbor, on Frlday. the tweiity-Mxth d: o f Anguat, In tho yeai oue thousaud elgut hun drcd aud seventy. Present. Hirttm J.líeake6,.Tudíreof Probate. lu Hu: matter of tbc lístate of Jobu Peatt, Spcnd tliriít. On rr-n'iiucraiid Bllng thc petition, dnly verifled.of Gi'iïgtO. Armp, ".i.-irdiaii, pruying that lie miy lie Iuumu to M'U cil!;iin ic: t-.-rl:ile bdloDglDg to Büld "pt'iiiiihrilt lor the purpoao of providiut; means íbr bu support. Therenpon itis ordercdlhatMoiidny. tbp tvd:iysixth dnyuf September, D8Xt,atten o'Clock in t lie rotenoon,baas8lgned for ibe bearlsg "f Baia pee tion, aud that the uexl kiu of euid spemUbrift, ami a]l otbei penosa Lntereated Ín sald estáte. are roquin-d 10 Hppear ni n BaMion oí satd Oourt, tli to be holden m the Probate Olttce, la the City ol Aun Arbor. und showcaose, Ifanythere be.whythe prayer of the petitioucr should not be L'rnuted :- And it tifunker oríered, tbataald petutoner gWe Dotloeto thepersoiw Interéstedln Bala estáte, of ibc pe&denc7 ol s.-iiil ptiiioiuaiul tm beartng thcreof, by ean&lñgacop; ol ibis order to be pnblbbed In the ií higan Argus, a newapaper prlntod and blrcalatlng ic Bafd Counry, tiirce auccesslvo weeka proriooi to ■alddayofheamx, UIRAM J.BEAKKs. AtruVcopy. Judüeof Probate. 12í!)td Coinmissioners' Notice. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wnhtrnaw,sa. uniU'i'sL'iicil. liavinir bren npjiointed by tile Probate d:irt. i'or aaid Connty, Opraiaelonera to renmlne nd adjast .'ill cMlma nml demande f nll pereona :iL'anst Iba estáte of Charles Mooro, teta of 8ii(l Conuiv. deceaeed, bsreb; trive notice Uial f ix montba from flato ara tllowed by order of aaid i rolude ('oiiri, rnr crediton to present thcir clalnu againattbe tata or stihl deceased, nml tnatthey wil! meatal lii BcaofCntcoeon A Allun. in theCItj (ir TpsUantl, io m Cimut.v. on Satorday, the nina teanth flay oí November, and ffedneíday, the lirst dar of Mareb, nezt, at 10 tr"clock A M. ofeachof ft:r:l U fxamiih1. niicladjuíit siiidclaime. üatcd, Anensl B th, A. D. 137Ü. IÏ8S TMOM S NINDE !cml.i,ni(n KDWARD P. ALLBN, ( Commlssioner. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Dnigs and Medicines ,Faints , Oils, &c ! FURNITUKË J. KECK 8c CO. Manufacturera Jwbolegale and retail draltnij AND ÜPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERY DESCKIPTIOX We Manufacture our goodi and will aot be llndei-soldl; any HOUSE EAST or WEsT UNDERTAKING ! We Keep Constant ly od Hand a full assortment of wood, metalic, cloth covered cases 3st:d which will be sold at prica so lOWasto defy all Competition. Sales Room 52 South Main St, and 4 West Liberty Streel. IVIASyUFACTORY ! Comer of Wüliam and West FourthSi J. KECK & CO. 1285. TTOTICE. My wife.FrancisF. Tripp. haring lelt mybiinl board without just cause, uil persons are lorbiddn tfttnutberon my attouut, as I shali pay ijo daib of hercoutractiug. ROBEUT G TR1PÍ. Siiliue.Aug.2Sth.lSI0. nstvrl The Tlichigan Central Kailroad. NEW TIME TABLE. Trains on the Michigan Central Railroadnowlfl1' stations uuuied ub fuliowH : COINU WEST. Mali Kast Dexter Eve'g. Pit Traiu. Ex. Ace. Ex. Ei. Dntroif, C 50 M T.80 i.m41p 5.40 pa 9.1" Ypsilunti, 8.33 " 8-2S " S.35 " 7.0i " 10.C!' Aun Albor, S.57 " 8.43 " 6 00 " 7.25" 10.a1 Uextcr, 9 2-i " " 6.23 " 7.S5 " - Cholsea, 45" - " 8.15" - .lacksou, 10 45 "9.45" 9.15 " .' Knlmas0O, 2.05pm11.37am 12.15 .a 1.M" Clilcay.., 8.0 " 4(10pm 6 30" 7.1" OmSQ KABT. Atlantic Night Dexter Mail Fast tl Ex. Ex. Ace. Train. Ex. Chicago. 5.1&P.M 9 OOP. M 6.00 AM 11.301' Kalamtsoo, l L8 " 2."3 a n 10.50 3.5i JilckHOD, 1 M AM 4 U " 2.06 p x 5.4S " Ohelsea, 5.25 " A.M. 3.02 " -- Deiter, 54 " fi.l 3.?o " -- Ann Arbor, 2.20 " fl.OO " 8 45 3.50 " 6.45' Tpsllantl, S 41 " 6.20 " 7.10 4 65 7.0!Detroit, 3.45" 7.30" 8.40 5.40" 7.5!' Dtcrt,May2üth,lS70. jQR. KELLOGG'S STANDARD MEDICINES, Are o b.v DriipffistH pyfrywhcre. pARUIAGES! CAltUlAGES! " POE SALE. I will sell one L;ood Single Top Bnffgy.for B: nne Single Top BdsE} . nc;irly ney, foril50; o Doublu Two-seat (Ja?Vie, nearly new, cO'tW' for S250, on one years lime. A goud Single Htf wantod. D: nBNNINö Ann Arbor, July 14, 1S70. UW A UGÜST lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOI euporior qualtiy, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS Very nice bolted Corn Meal, coarae Meal, Gr" Flour - tiontl senond quality Hour at lw pric" Urnckcil Wheat.snd 11 ki'nils of Feed, at !" ( 'rices, umi üciivered in any part of the city. T1 Cash. SW Orders left in my Order Box at the PostO prominly uttondid 10. ., 12S2 J. T. SWATI1E1POR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The wept half of tö6 southweat qnarter of id iwo C-), towo tf Saline, twenty acres nnder imp n-iir. the balance troocl timbar. Inqniro at b Hardware Store, 31 South Main Street, rbor, Midi. L. C. IUSD0& JAnn Arbor, May IS, 1S70. 12T0mot VJINERAL SPRING DISCOVKKED AT TOE CITY ARCADE. It throwa u :; pounda of OU1 Gov. .iavnfor M& '■;i iiL-lit froni UhiiiH nr Si .00 por potind, iiud öui11 ■inn i.'iiint lor l-.Jló [er potmd. fme n ye who11 ckof UIGU PKlUBSaudgutCUREU. CLARK js CROPSEÍ. , gg Finest Asscrtment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus