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In Another Column Our Citizens Will

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.(jvertWneut in wblcfa oue and all lutoted, tüat Is a cali for a '■ , 'o' thcílockiioitlers of the Toledo, Arbor d Northern Rallroad Com "" ' . ,y.,jLT and act opon articlcs of !"' tf0con8olldation wllh the Bal„„jjhlo, Toledo and Michigan ", (upauy. Sre have exftnalncd cles8 agreed uPn b' thc Boards ■" ' [Ol of the two coiupanle, and are UÍ sed t;lt tIiey Protect our i"tcrcsts. tclrratiflcatlon wlll secure the '"' ':a, commenceinent of real work, "'".'Tèirlj' uoinplïtiou of M road, con9C'' 'u'sr from Lexlngton, Ohlo, tlic junc'"'"„iie Baltlraoreand Oliio Rallroad i" ty aml from henee uorthward as' ""lid ffhenevcr the sum of ü,000 per "Tl. stock süall be tsubscribed. Under ""'litutc, as well as by the tenns ofconrdlo" nut a l0"ur of onr money can ti in ülii, sf' t'iat "o posslble risk is u thiit clirection. 'J'liis cousoiidated iáy wi" '■"■' baclieLl hy lil tt'At'10 jQUio lUUroüd Cpinpany, one of the Jgest companie-s and best roads iu the ' lrJ. and our road wlll be a link iu a gongo rod. Weshallrecurto the subitSa!u 'fbe Detroit Conference closei its Kjion, ' FentOQVllle, on Tuesday mori;The fbllowtng aupointments wen S, ftrtbte district; pmúIím Klder- Sninuul Clement. K&or-L. H. Flsk. puboro - Cordon. Sta ker. usta-Ví M. Trlggi. akvillo-K. Bibbins. W. Lpwe. W. Crum. rhíiea- David Casler. Scovllleand Leoni-D. O. Ball. Griss Uke-A. J. Bigelow. Heurictta-J. H. Curualia. rniJill- Clough. Piuckuev - Öcott. lima anti Nortli LaVe- E. E. Pearmau. BiBborg-H. Hodsklss. nrihton - John Levlugton. SSiyon-B. F. Pritchard, J. G. Spar1 Mi!ford-L. J. Whltcorab. ippointmciits in the Adrián district, for Wüonsin and adjolnlng tliis county, are : niitotand Maco n- S. Bcssey. jbïcteter- V. W. Waehbum. Biuw-Wm. C. Way. ffatMIlao- M. J. bcott. C-W. J. Clack. _T!ie next sessiou of the Conference is jjbeieldatMonroe. Ihefollnwing liet of jurors hag been irnfufor the next term of the Circuit Cnrt.tocommeuce ou Monday, the 19th iber, i nst : j-C.Carpeiitcr, Pittsfield. lP. Chase, Bylvan. ju.H.Clüugli, LodL fat} üavidtcr, Frecdoia. urn, Frecdoui. UriFreer, Lima. John Gilbcrt, Ypsilantl City. fciliilmps, Brldgewater. JAiHus, Preedom. Birioiv H. Howe, Aun Arbor City. OliTcrlligh, Bharon. Kb. Humpliroy, Lodi. ftlerC. Kanouse, York. tmS. Laird, Bylvan. p.C.Morray, Salem. aond, iiharon. JuwRÜgii, Sylvan. i.C.Root, Superior. JimesSaüe, Loili N-.!l:hi Salyer, Nortlilioid. feo, W.Smltli, A mi Ai'lJor City. (to.Smum, Northfléld. John il. Waik, Lima. Geo.8. Wood, Lodi. Tfie Cfert informa as Ihatthe Sujiervlsors ofstvculowns failed to return jury lis!sj wliich wlll In part account fcr tlie draft beiiig made on so few towM. It is anoounceJ that the Ësecutivc Commitiee of tle Board of Regeuts have Èielik' vacuncv created by the reslgnalioo of Prof. Evass, by appoiutiug üeo s.JlOBitis, i)i New York. Mr, JIokbis is; mparatively a youug man, is a gradúate : Dartmoutli, and lias upent sevcral ycars ibroid stuUying modero lauguaes aud y. He comes hlgbly recomineiul(du a scliular, teacher, and ceatlaman. -It U said tliat Prof. VVood, of thfi (Uirof Civil Buglneerlus, has been oö'erJ llic positiou of Superintendent of tl.c Militmtee Iron Works, at a salavy of HöOü u yc-ar, doublé liis salary liere, and liiihUacceptance s probable. -Street report also says tliat Prof. SflKK lias nsigned, and that the Freiich Md Germán proicssoi slüps are to be mergliawoue chair - Ijut, we have DOthing ofál. -The grounds aud buildings are belng ?ut in applt-pie order, aud studeuts are alrtdv cooiiug ia. Tiiomas W. HoorEE and Edwaud HïxtuQcts, of thi.i cily, wcre on bo:irl tl e Kkooner Thorntou which was wrecked on Lite Iluron n few clays ugo - seo bneí acwunt in aiiother column. Tliey wre reiïining froin a cruise tlirougii tUe Lakcs in boaiof their ovv u aud iiait boarded the Th'irnton before the ga!e set in. Alter the kk was spruiig all liaud took turas at iba f'ops for some thirty iiours, and wheu it Witdown IIoopek and Henuiques, witU lo( the crew, einbarkwl in tlieir bont, ll rest of the crew Caklng the only boat 'tlieschoouer. Tlie boys report a time none llvely tliuu gay. TiieArteeiau WeJl Cnuipauy has let " contract, aud tbe great bore is being P down on the west side of tlie Court Square, in Maia street. A regular Wlwiii be ürst sunk- lo faot the diggers "llready ia the viciuity of water - aad B steam will be got up and the drill put feffloton. The derrick is up aud excites ostóerableatlcntiou. ■"16 Lniversity Literary Department "" enter npou the active work of a new Jt on Wednesday, the 21st. lnst. Tbc tWniimtions will commence ou Monday, 'l'Jth. The number of letters of iuqui1 indícate large classes. Tlie Medical and Law Departments will aOctoberlst. BrA. B. C, .iv, Professor of Surerï in the Michigan University, has been PPolnted to the same chair in the Long s and College Hospital at Brooklyn, N. 'o evidcuce that he is appreciated both 'ecturer and an operator Tbe Jacksou Cititen gives the populaitof8eVen t0VTns of Jackson County at ' ' but Wis to gratlfy the public curiosiVgiviug the census of Jackson city. "refusing to be coraforted is cliildisli. b, k("'N Gernis" ua put in a new Fair gtrD 8 Sca'?, adjoiniDg hls store on Liberty l. sndoícourse nothlng can be better n.?llm,7nber the Anoual School Meettttend. ay Every citizon shülll(1 dTheJUblio óöu'oFTbiTóitj openCD MQday, rltb full classes. Dropping in at the Music Houso of Root & Cady- the largest publishers of sliect music in the West - wlieu rcceutlj in Chicago, our olJ fricinl Cady goeastugthat musical crlticlsm was our furie, on tl e priuciplc that one eau best criticise what he kuows tUo cast about, placed In our banda a roll oí tholr latcst publicatious, as fullows ; Angel Xdtic Banc. Words by Frank Dumom. .Music by Fred. Nayior. Tha robín Mug hia woeteat lay, The wild Aovrers blooned agüin. Arouud ihe col benoib tlie t: Wbere dwelt wl Nottlo Baoa Maar Út briglll ttreanüel Bil in ;iri[i;, Vü''ve wíiiidfi'itl sida by t-iiie, wlii.-piTi-il oncfl iliitL t-!il bo iniue Sonic dny uïy ]ovin; biide. But "tlic angels led her by the hand, to yoader happy snore," and the song tells the pallietic story. 2 hu IJ', i Queen halt, By. R. Goerdeler. Dedlcated to Miss Lizzie C. and öue Whltelj ,of Danvllle, Ky. Soiitfbodt's Wailiuy doum in the Dcü. Soug and Chorus. Wbwteby A. V. French. Music by Gco. W. IVrsky. Down id the wildwood. dovvu in tho dell Bomobody's wsfUoïi who iMI ucr teil ; ïtluc eyta aro watcblDffi dark onoe tu lect, Ken lip nrc welling kisscs so eweet. Who wouldn't "swlftly bastan down through t!ie lane" '! The uiuslc is prcsumeil to match, and we may proclaim it a llt piecc for au enrapturcct lover. Mazurka de Salon. By Freilerick Dean. Connting Babia Tvcs. W"rd8 l'roin thé "Lit t!t Corporal;' by Emily Huntiiigluii Millcr. Husic by James Harrisou. Witli iiusic appropriate to the words this eau but be a favorite nursery song. llecolkctiousofa, ifusic Box. For the Piano. By Willie Pape, Pianist to the Roy al Family of Englaud. Ouly aatborlzcd American edition. 'Ike Banner of tlie Fatherland. To the Fricnds of Prussia. Song and Choros. Words and Music by G. Friedrich Wurzel. Kalsc tbc proud bnunev Fatherlund dear. Millions of hearts bral wiiJi luv for tiiue licre, ïlow it came fladhliif; over the maiii, Pruttsta has sent forth her MglM aaiu The Four Sisters. By Kdward Hoifman. 1. Adelina, (Polka;, 2. Isabella, (WaltZ). 'J. Carlotta, (Galop.) 4. Heurietta, (Ha. zurka.) lf Hoffnjan's notes fltly sing the praises of tlie faces givcu on the title page he has done his part to give "The Four Sisters" their due. Ihe Jiay is Cold. One of a set of eisrlit gongs. Music by Robert Goldbeck. Words by various authors. In the sheet before us is sung that sad refrain of Lougfellow's, beginning : Tlie dy is cold and dark nnd dreary. It i ai lis nud tbo wiiiditi uevcr wum-y, but end'mg with the glad assuratice that ltebi.nd the cloud is the eun -till ehiniítL', All days are not dark and drcary. Daughter of the isUs. Song and Chorus. Words by E. H. Barnes. Music by S. "Wesley Martin. Fatlier Take üfy Hand. Sacred Song and Chorus. Words by Nellie A.. Audersou. Music by J.P. Webster. Falherless. Song aad Chorus. By A. AV. Havens. Base Balt. Words and Music by John Suiith. Johu Smlth, - every Argus reader issure to iersomüly know him, or, perhaps, them - is evidently enamorud of the game. Ilear liiii) : Wc've a game in thia land, and a noble pame too, That don't auit the profeyHioiiüi curd-dealingcrew, For it'e one that i honet and open and truo, 'Tis our glorious National Base Ball. Siuco our laat list of notices lbo following September Magazines have come to our table : - The Catholh World, plethorlc and scholarly. The leading papers are : Hereditar.vtíenius, Dion and tlio Sybils.Our Lady of Lourdes, Ueligion in Education, Journal and Caaipaign of Claude Blauchard, The Church Beyond the Ilocky Mountains, The First (Ecuménica! Coimcil of the Vatican - vin , and, The First Pögwatnc Decree on tlie ChurcU of Christ, The uumber closes the xi. volume, and i accompanied by a copious indcr. Oatholic readers should have tjjis able advocate of tlieir faith. S a year. Address LAWBBHCB Keuoe, Geu'l. Agent, y Warren Htreet N. Y. - Oíd and JSiio- with the most attraciive pages, typographicaliy, of any of the mouthlies - has: Eryaui's I;iad,.by J. B. Thayer; Chap. in. of Johu Whopper the Newsboy, in which John progresses in uis experiences ; The Oldest Fortress, Fort lndependence, Boston Uarbor Paraguay, by Porler C. lïliss ; 8he Writes, Chapa, ix., x., by Eüse Polko ; The Quakers in Hew Eüjj land, by li. P. Hallovvell ; Piuk and White Tyrranny, chaps. m., iv., by Mis. Btowe ; The Church of the Latter Day Saints, Part t ., by W. T. Brigham ; Tlie National C.'iurch ; Six Months on Five Cents, by Halpn Keeler; Adirondacks iu August, ljy A. D. Sayo ; fficumeuical Council, poeins, review, notes Of progress, etc. $4 a year. Adtlrees Hobebts Buothkhs, 143 Washington Street, Bostou. O'.d anl yw and the Akguí lor $5. Send ustlii.Ji.Jy aambei' - The Ocerümd Monlldy lias ainung otherreadable papers: Twelve Days "Abseuce Without Leave," the absence being from Libby Pr'ison ; The Yuba llydrauüc .Mines, No. 2 ; Our Scout to Biack Cuuou an IikI!u.ii border sketch ; Road-Makini; In the tr pics, No. 1 ; Mezlcan Bauditti ; Confusión o C.ime - ts value ; Plain LaDgaage aom TiUt.i.ul Jaiaes, abüut the "Chinee." It is a tlioioughly western uumber. $4 a year. Address Joilx H. Carmany & Co , 409 Washington Street, San Fraucisco - TUe Laclies llepoiilory has tvvo steel plate, "Play in the Sunsiiine" - two bears, and a portrait of Bev. Lutlier Lee, D. D , also five illustrated articles, and a long list ol readable papers, covering a wide range. $:J.5O a yuar. Address Hitchcock & Waldex, Ciueinnati. - Tlie Ituurs at Uome has another installment of Uupublished Letters of Charlotte Iiroutc ; Up Chamouny Afoot; Blossonis l'rom a Slieltering Trw; ; Hero - cbaps. xiv.xvi , by Georgiana M. Craik; The Nesv L'ducation, by Horace Busbnell ; The Treasury Department, by W. B. Hooper; Will Science Anuihilate the Vital Forcé, bvT. Kdivard Clark, etc. The llours at llome is to be suspended with the Oclober nuinber, or give place to Hcribners Monihly, an illustjated magazine to be conductcd Ijy Dr. J. G. HoLLABD, a guaranleu of its excellence. $3 a year. Address Scribskb & Co , New York. - Besides these we have Arlltur's Home Magazine, Golden Hour, the ChHdren'sJlour, The Litlle Corporal, and the Jfunery, tach freighted with good thinjjs, both lor young aud old. Toledo coal dealera advertise the best qualities of authracite coal ut $8.25O8.75 per tou, the lowcr ilgure being lor uut, the higher for stove coal ; grate being put in at $8.45 and -egg at $8.50. The lowest tigures advcrtiseil l)y Detroit dealers tor the same qualities is $9.25 a ton, making a differente iu favor of Toledo of from 50c. to $1 a ton. With the Baltiniore and Ohio Hailroad brought iuto Toledo thedifference in favor of thatcity will be still greater, aud with the Toledo, Anti Arbor aud Northern road connected with or merged into the Balti more and Ohio road our cltizcus wlll get the full benefit of the reduction. Dr. Haten was iu our city a day or two ago Was looking vcry woll. - Gov. Felcu started for the sea shore od Weduesday. We hope that he will come back with lmproved health.


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Michigan Argus