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Base Origin Of British Nobles

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iho beginmng or tiie Untish aristocracy dates at the time when William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy, of Franco, overthrew tho Saxons at tbe battle of Hastintrs. Tho Couqueror possesed hiniself of the entiro kingdom, and thus took place one of the greatest property revolutions over known in Jiuropo, At one feil blow the rights of every Saxon wcre annihilated, and they were treated with nearly as little respee as were the serfs of liussia in moro modern times. Willium tho Conqueror and kis officers, in stcaling the fine estates of tlie Britons, appended to their titlcs such looal namcs as were BUggeslecl, and thus nrose tho nobilit}'. The English peers of the present day, who do not trace their lineage tö sooie officer of William the Conquuror, derive their tidès by the favor of William's snecessorg, the kings of England. A multitude of causes led to this favor. Souie peers ai o descended irom the Ilegitímate children of tho monarchs ; for, ilthough "uristocracy" is a oom pouud Greuk word, eigjatfying "the govcrnnieiit of the best," and good birtii is defined by Aristotle to be "anoient (long-inherited) wealth and virtue," yet we doubt whether the most barelaced Anierican politician of our time would commend to office such Bcallawags aa founded many ducal lines in Englaod. It was a frequent custotn for tho sovereign to give a husband an office, s title, or a giaut of land, and tuko his wife for a misiross. This was the caso close down to tho reign of Victoria. Dukes, n grade highor, were the fruit of intimados between the king and eonie nctres?. Jlany families wero eonobled for military service, for opportune loans of money to the king, or aa mero reward of good company in the king's "eprce;." Tbere nre about 550 peers or noble, and as a class they are such s:ipheuds io politics that they have lost oeariy all influeuec in legisiation. Tho House of ]j"ids nover preteuJs to rasist any reul demaiid of tho Houso of (Jommons aud lho pcople.


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Michigan Argus