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■ vVM. "i. SINCLAIR, C0MMISSIOÏÏ MEROHANT " f' &BAJN AND FLOUR, .BOOM!-. 18 -t:;:;t, .iiicago. " o. M. MARTIN, nrn T' FÜRNTTÜRB of all kinds. Partorand S toSi Sot; Mirror, c. 33 SoOtb Mam ______ - MAGK &SCILMII), t,jiTFRS in Dry Good, Oroceries, Crockcry, ?L MSouth Main SU ret. '" 0. A. LEITBB & CO., piifr'; lx DROOS and Medicine. Pnre Wl iiullMwr's lor Medicinal Parpóse, Olead $c-, go. i Gwgory Block. ' - A. WIDENMANN, MBaaMBichanaeB " Estáte and Fire gggenf. Xo. 25 Sonth Main Street. TRAüY W. ROOT, MfflWNSKD Kccord ■ ■" Couniy.aud tttateExchange. So. ■ _ DU. KELLOGG, rRiCTICINGVhvsn-mi.nml L.B. Keilom ProprlrtoT of Dr Kdlogg'a Cclebrated Reme&s, Aun Arbor, Mich. ' '_ . . MOEEIS' H Al?, M. D. ,., nerWniluuMid Recolar office honre, 1 to 8 p r 't atls to the poor. ,;. 11. niOTHTNGHAM.M. Í)., PBYSICIW MH) 80KOEON. Office over IJrng s N. THaron Btreet! Residen c, No. U nïipntreet. Oücehours, Sto 11 A. M .and m s ;■. m. K. W. KLLIS & CO., P'tfliGI.STS. and deal I -, Oü.setc Xo.2 SotbM-i'.:i , auArbor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEVLERS in Furniture of all Wnas, No.iïSonth too Kreet. anJ 4 ff! Liberty; Btreot, Ann Arbur. " J. Q. A. SESSIO 1TT0UNEY anil Connj ellor .'ir Law, Real Eatateand j .ncineandCollecttonol OfImIi ' l' " ll-'r"u i'1''"'Ann Arbor Midi. W. II. JACKSON, PENTI" o C.B. Pot!rne- UiiíandUnronStreets. over tht atore of R.WEllisACo ,Ann _rbor, Klch. AMMUieücaadnan istercd i? reqnlred . W. F. BREAKEY; M. D. PIIYSIC1.W AXDSi;: üv'X. Off.ce at redpnce, ion Street, Orst door Kutol Preibyterlan Charch, Ann Arbor. Mich. E. J. JOHÑ:: DEALER IN!: ;',f"!9 . nul: Main Slrc-t. .'. . 8UTHEBLAND ie WHEDQN, UFÍindlTIrelaúvu-ance Agenta anti dealers in Keal butè'. Officeon Haron Street. A!su sell llrstdittScwing 1!;;' r W. D. HOLMES, SEKT tor tbeFlnrcni ' Kihlne. and dealer ini'ictur.s, t .i.iHi, &..-. No.ïa Bast Quron 3 LEWIS C. RISDON, ■ in Hardware, Stovea, H -hins Ooóds.Tin Ware, &c, No. 81 Soatb Main Street. BACH & AB3 }' 1 ;.,: rocorln, _c, &c. Mo. 2C Soot'rjcSircct, Ann Arbor. N & BON, bROCERS, Provisión and Commlaílon Merchante nd dealers in Water Urne, Land Piaster, and l'last Paris, No. 1 1 Eal Qaron Street j 8. 80NDHEIM, ÍTBOtESALE and retall deal Stade ClothInj.C! ii Gents1 Furtoods. Ni. 9 Soalh Main Street. WM. WAGÑER, iths, Casalmeres . : . Tiunkï, Ua Bags, &c .218 tre t.. GILMORE & PI8KE, BOOKSELI.El'.S find Stat'i)! il, Law and neons Book. No.gHortbl . . Gregory Block, Aud Arbur. FINLEY & LEWIS, DÏALERS in Bootf . Shoen, Oaiters, Slipycis &c, No. ï East lluriin Street. E. TA11RANT, J.ADIES' Faahlonable Shoe llouse, No. 24 South Hita B'rcet. jQ.B O C K E R Y , 5LASSWARE & GB.OCERIES. 'J. & P. DONNELLY S'Tetu torfii largentock-of Crec-:.-i ■■ . (' i:.-sware raleJWre,Cutlery , Grüccni., &c., tic., all tob w& ttuDUftuallv low j.i icf . Xo . 1 ü Mi .t H orcnSli eet , Ann Arhor llïitf J.fcP. DOS.NKI.r.Y. JOIIN G. GAL-L, XíEA-IjIBIÍ, I3ST f RESI AND SALT MEATS, _AK, SAtSAGKS. Etc, iNensoltcIted andpromptly filled wiih theljest fau In the market. öl Baat Wasbington street. Ao Arbor, Sopt. 16th, 1S09. lSSDtf T IVEKY AND SALE STABLE. J. 3T1. _v__TKL_j, Cnrnor Main and Catnarlne etreets. üor=ea board""n ri-aaonalli' Smiml haud baggles, cul und haud harnees for _de . Iï6ïyl J ARKSEY, $k llanatactnreT of "arriages, Buggies, Wagons, __5 8LE1GH8 of everj rtyle, made of the bcsl ""'erial, and warranted. Repalrlng done pjom ,tlj' o prlces reasonalile. Detroit Slrect, nenr H. K ueI'M,Arm Arbor, Mich. lL'Tnyl IVE GEESE FEATHERS pirst caTjr__x,i __-, onttaatiyon hand and Tor aleby __________ CM Sr A BEL. Go to R. W. ELLIS & C0's for choioe Wines and Liqucrs for Medical Pu rposos, rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSi COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ. (E3TASLI3HED IN .1887.) JOHN J. BAGLEY, I -. FrtKK k s ]. lee Pri .-iJcnt. ,!o. i1 LIGGETT, Becretary. .1 l:) C WAIMIN, A.l,i:iiy. 1). o. I'A.ü:a.1', U. i)., aecjicjl Exwnlner. A Sucocsefiil Michigan I-'f Insurance Cci orgiDilèd lor iLe .ur.ivkt' of furnbing Iu,uii:ce uiuii l.vea at THE LOWEST COST COMI'ATIBI.E WITU Absolute Secunty, anO for the further purpose of KEEP1NG MÓNET AT HOME, wlilob heretufuie L.ü ucen sent Kast, BATES AS LOW AS SAFETY EEBMIT8. EJ3T1RE MUTALiTÏ AND STRICT EQTJ1T1T MarL t!ie fystem and prevalí in the ANNUAL DIVIDENDS 10 THJS INs'.'BKD While.hj 1 roWsions of the State Ui, and by tbeir own ternu, All I'OLICIES AKE NON-FORFEITABLE ikiURANCK FÜRNK1IKD LTON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AU Iho BKST KEVTURFSof the Ohl Companics ADOP'J'ED.alHhelr EBROKS A,oll::i. SEGÜRITY. ECONOMYj EQUITY AND THE "WEST, ITS IL L2L For Agencies apply at tl. o IJOME OFFICE, Bank Blopfc Griswold Street. S5Í t M. ÏÜAYEK.Gen'l v-..nt. FREÍ). I.. HAIIN', Agl nt. I233yl A. WIDENMANNT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANlN AUilOU, JIICH. OFFERS FOÜ S-A-XjE: 53 acref nf land, witliin oro !ilf niilc frrtm the citj, tobe huid is wbolor paréfils, n fbM l V.t, in tl. ■ ta "f Ann 4rloerin ; en t líe ■ Ing to CornwelU' ppei ;i '' ou lS}i or ultnated .i the northwwt corner ol the tiorliam r said Ckirnwell Paclorj raïil . fXltifl ia ■ ii-' of tl ie hndomstBÍtuatloua ,n ihfl 'ü "f Ana Arbor.J 13J tem ImproTi olng i'ao above 15_: 1 porty a. i laai Parmlng I.n'!, witl , . , ■ . from tho Court . , on :ii.' upper Dix'joru road. 1 iicreofhinil w!th n new two tory frame hooe on -j.u-tr CJlOmpbon'B aútlmoti lo the Cit v o: Ann Axbor . T Iota of 'i acreeacb,onTlioinpbon,Sjicjor4T]imníiacp' Akilüon. 9 HCMB of land, wltta pleniii groT, iolnlng the Piremen'a i'arU ón t!iu it. 1 BouM nii.l l' lts of lan.J, with Barn, WaghKitchcn, Carrtage Uotwe, ah8 a nupbot f mudcm Improvc'ment, ..■■ tha nortlwt corner ol Föurth and fnckarO 8 1 reets. 1 Uoauaud potin the ïd Wrd, on r-outh [Jbety BI reet. 1 Bocfe "u.l :; U)t '■" the24Trard,neiSd Ward ir.r.hi.ol II0U8C. 1 Uouseand 4 J.ots,uear the .C.K.H. Depot. 20acrc of land in theeootj of the tate of-Ulasouri , oear tlie lanuioal Jrïil. Jipli iia.uad. v I ote near 2ü VVi'J SchoolHouae. TflTwÏDËNM ANN , FOBEIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN, MICS.. SELL5 AND BUYS DRAFTS, A.3ST3D ISSUES LETTERS Of CREDIT ON' Al.L I'KIXCI!AL PLACES In HEAT BRITAIN-, (EUMAXY , KHAM l", -VHTZBRLANÜ,ete. Mydireot connections wlth Europe eoable meto olTor n fair ratea aeany Nv Yor Hou-o. Kemember, I m not an agentofaa in thfo countri . bnt i am baring direct oomiannioation irtCh thu In-t houees in Earo] o. COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏEOPE RYPOWKR OF ATTOEKEY OR OTHERWISE, WI1.L, BEI'KOMl'li.V Al-n.-NDlUTO PASSAGE TICKETS per Pteamer to and from Npw Vork to all principal port ol Europa 1 il inl asju'.lows: From New York to Southampton, Havre, Ixmlon, Jïn iu(jn, or Hamburg, lst C16S. 2dClass. StooraRC tlïO. $"2. $ï51GoW. Return tickets. Í25. 125 61 " " From abovc placre o Kw York, liitClass. 2d Clas. 3dClaF8. $1ÏO $72. $40 ia Gold. ('abin, $S0 to$100 Currency. gteorage, $30 u turrency. F-rom Liverpool to New York.Cabin, S100. 8tnnge,S7. FIEE INSURANCE AGENT For thft HowftrdInmrftnoe Co, In New York onc of oldett anil bt-et Companie in the country. The Tentonia Insura.nco Company n C1eT#lftHd. ;, The honorable and safe ciBuagi-mont of thlfl inslt iutioQ has maU it on of tho most reliubto Fire lutijranco Compnl in the. W(vi. 1267yl


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Michigan Argus