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A Horse's Memory Of Kindness

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A correspondent oí' the Country Gentleman relates the followÍDg anécdota of a celebrHttd gniy stullion oalled "llush Messenger." Ho had been sold into bad hunds, ind becnu.e aliuost as Jr as tlio famous "Cruiser." Col. Bush, bis former owoer, who liad always iroated him very kihiily, camo to eee bim after uu alsciico of maiiy yeare, and found him in a five-acre hit, aad surruunded by i fenco (on iect Iiili. On reaohing the eutranoe to tho lot, Cul. Busb, cotwithstandiüg the warningg and etitroatics of tho wotinin, jR-rsitited in pasaing through the bars ; and asthe horsti waaia a raviuo, he bud oot yet been bis viaitore, and the C lonel suoceedcd in plaoipg lüuiseif a largo tree unubsorvkU. Jlc theo gve a pocoliar wbisilo that the horso had leurned as the cal! of a kind Diaster yearsbefore. With a snort and a neig h ho responded to jtbe loijgremembered r-igüi), and carno "boandiug iivcr Btunipe aud logy u tLo tiiruction whenoe t came. The ei ios of the terrified trom a d were not board :it al', but iu cvery direotion heloikod aud listuiied íor ti o wel] km v,u whistle, The (Julocel kopt wel! ccruted bt-hind tho tret', and oii' started iba horse wuh a leap una a bouud iu auother dircotion. When iu ''iLiiil onrecr," he wbtatled again aod quiok ns ligbtniog lie wbeeled and ui;u!o for bis oíd raaster, nh'o noír stooJ fully exj)("(.cl to h'n víew. JJut insiead otthe iofuriated brute seekiog to Lili and deslroy, as Lis present owoer, but uot in;i-tcr, kncw and tcared, lio cauie as gently as a lamb, ;u;d laid liis head on Lis oíd raaatei'sslioulder, to receivo tlio caiesHCa thut liad uut boeu kimwu to liim ior a long time. At a glauca thu (Jolunul toük n tbo situation ; tbero was a hole in tlio fcnco wh'ere bis feed was put tbrough to hiin, uid if any persen dared to entor the enolosure lio must bo well ai med with club or pitohforK. Tbe horsi.''s dispi.sifiiiu bad Leen sciuicd, and be had Locóme vicious y brutal Irea'.ment. herover Col. liuc-h vent about the lot, tbo horse was at Lis hoela, rubbing his litad agsiust bim. 'J'begood Scotch iromaD was but ill prepaiud to believo uil tliis was tbo result of kindness and not of witcherafí. Tho decüningsun admouished our larty that tliey must return to Caouuduigua. Col. Bush pas9ed out of the enolosurs, aud tho stroog higb b:irs were faí tened. About tbo time tliey rcactied their oonveyanoe at tlio house, there vvns a licmcuduus crash iu the diroeiion of tho euclosurc, aud ihere was the horso tbrough the bars und couiing after tlieui. He followed Col. Uush to the stable liko a dog, where lio wíib secured ly a s!roriíj ropo fasteni'd to each fida oí' bia hoad ; and as they drovo away, tliey ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ■ lasbing out againit the door of bis priton, in b6 vaiu eílorts to get ionse aud foilow.


Old News
Michigan Argus