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The Annual School Meeting

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fbcanuual school inenting was held, as roquired by the statnle, en Jlonday last. I % polls were opened at 10 o'clock a. m , pnrsottiit lo cali, and closed ut 2 o'clock r. dwing wliich fonr hours a vigorous aspalg was waged, demonstratlug bcwn(j qiicstlon tliat once a year our Cltlzons ijH'oftlie schools. 579 votara eutered +eir appearnnce, and a coaut showed the (bUowlDg resiilt for Trustees, tvo tlckft? l„Bg In tlie flekl : forPhlUp Bach, 51c ■ Pttrlck Donovan, 40 aB-Porter, H38 " Emaiiui'1 Manu, 241 " gcuylerGriin;, 282 1. Bdwsrd Duily, 310 goktterlug, 11 Mtwrs Bacu, Dokovax, ami Torter tiviuga majorlty ofllie votes were declareJclcctcd for the term ol threc ycars. Tlie business meeting immediately followed the electlon, when the followlog „port was submittrtl in behalf oftheBoaiid ofTrusteos, and read by Becretary Whedo, Fresidcnt Whkeler in the chair ; AJTKÜAL ltEI'ORT FOIt 1870. Tbc Board o! Trustees of School District Ko.l.Cityof Anti Arbor, submit the folio iu n-port for the school year cucling September 5th, 1870 : IÍECKIPT8. frum Bal at dalu of last repori tl,400 OS ■■ ftxfolad to pay bonds oidfstfict. .. 80 o po " " i:. ter Ml OD boodB. . 1,040 00 ■ " " " " teachers salaries. .. '.'m ' " " for school appamtoi ttv 00 11 " " " " fut:]. Inniralice,care of building, repairs anti incldeatalg 5,313 M " " " " "' for bite for Kihool BuUalBg in 'íiitli U'arcl I OOI 00 " Twomilluz !.! 3 e 11 Primuyschoo] fund - í,088 C4 11 Tnition of ncn-ri'sident papllfl, 1,A6A 60 " rendept papij' 355 u " " In dravi:ifl; . :. 104 00 '■ Insarancc scrip 40 fiJ Total rfccipts $27,324 ST' j:xri;NDiTKKES. tri nhm.f o! TtaUiers 114,828 50 " bood o ' diitrict Uue Feb. lat, :-7il 2.oon 00 ■ Interest oh bonds 1,040 0 " ín chool uppatatus -il:! ?D ■ " Jinltor1 tervlces .. . fi;o oa 1 ' HMirairce 43100 '■ ' ''-1 2 4'!S 74 " " furultnrc. rujmin r.nd fjddeuiale 1,4SS H Cm od hand from isx for par 1. ... 1.00'J 00 S.' Bil;,-, of Treasurcr, $.),;)j IC Tfepréscnt iudebteduess Of tlie tlislrict is as foliows : BndíoeFelirtia."yl3t, HT! $;,ron 01 lRTi 5 (.00 (!0 "' " " " IS7J . 4,000 10 laonntipg 10 00 Wticb beireintcrttt nis percent. U'theiiboveainounl this meeting must providefortbc payraect of $2,000, wblcll B t!ic imoont ialling ciuc Fob. ist, 1871. Also fortüesum of 9880.00 iiiüireöt dis at i'attHcou tlieoutsUmüng of tbe district. The Board ustiinatc tliat tlio imount reqnlred fw Teachers' sahuies and eines, witl; jtbp liMEeBtedness fallkgdoe on the flrst qt Febirdary next, s }S,730.0O, and tliat tlic recelpts from pubfcmoncys and tuition vill be $5,000.00. Web, with a credit of $2,500.00 for cash cahind, vill loave a balance of $15,60.00, íJbeprovided for by tax. The returns made t,o the Board, from a sos just made, s!ioy the number of pcrwlntbed{-tr.ct bctweci; lie ages of ind tweuty jears to be 2,3V, vvhicli is W more tha last year. Thewholc number of pupils enrollcd and ïaJiuattciidauce in the si-!: !s tlie past fr was 1,864, wblch s tlve loss tliau the prcTioas ycar, and the attendance was ï'24-100 per cent. of the above number. The number of non-resident pnpils was Wi wliich is nn excess of 10 over the prefousycar. The number of ?ittings in all Uiscliool buildings is 1.T28. , The tax votcd for purchasc of pite in Gth ïard veas collected and pëmaiusnftexpendWrorthereasoa tliat the Uoard are not tóle to makc a sctectltj-j at this time which ♦III be suitcd to the changos that are conUntly affecting the supposed center of WlatioD. And it secms also that there Willbe nQgreat dlfficulty in securing a site "ben the time for erecting a building is "■"repressing. At thé present tirire ene of jj rooms in tircSd Ward, one in the 4lh fffI, aud alto ons il .the 5th Ward are nol !5 'se, ana for the acconiraodation of this ?rde of scholars the Board cannot bclieve "tott building is now reqnired. Thcre are 'cant lots at and near the intersection of Wi'lard a:id Forest Strccts which can be 'fcured, and which seem to be about as Wralascould be deelred, yet the fóoard wthc matter back for the action of the district electors themselves. Thecost of a WeoffoarlotstU this poiut wouTd proba%range (rom 1400 10 li8oo. A far greater embarrassment Is feit by 'heBoard iu adjusUiiR the Union School Building, with a capacity of only about 150 sittiDgs, so as to accommodate it foi oscofaboutOOliohu-s. This ditEuulï is in ioevcasing ouc, U the present stand for adraissiou is to remaiu Huchanged. " "lUSt f'l t hfr inrifDco t }tn tl rv mJ st un I í ícioiis to be artained in the Ward 7 "ools, and thus lessen the number to euierthe and High school depart■jwts,or cIsb we must enlargc the present ak School building as heretofore recommell by the Board, at the probable exw" o[ about $15,000. In rclation to this sabject, the Board has adoplcd the follow'"■esolution: &frf, That at the „ext annual meeting .'district au appropriation of 15,000 prcwnl i,-for tllc '■■'pose o' eniarglog the var r ion S('-1oo' Building, at the long "onlnthesummer of 1871. And that ism l'lereror 'c aiithoricd ut (och time '"ay best promote thls object. "'s raattor is most respectfully urged the atteution o( the district electors. 8 re8rct tosay that our formcr efficien PcrintenUent U to leave our service for a PPosecl hiffUer poeltlOD in tlie University -"checrfuiiy acknowledge ourrecognition 's valuabie and zcalous labors duriiii. cthrecyearsofhis administration. Fo tailcd statement o." the operation o schoolB, during the year just closed re erence is made to the Superintendent' 0rttobePublished during the presen Sp wnew Superintendent, Prof. W fc RRY bringg to his position the highest station for success aud EklU displaycd n similar positions elsewhere, and we are confideut Ihc schools wil] not suffer by the chango. Bcherïale A, made a paf t oi this report, s an exhtbit o( salaries of teachers for tbe com in.' year. Bcbednle I!, :i!so made a part of this report, Is an estímate of the probable receipts añil expcndlturea of the coming year. Bcbednle C, shows the names of teachers employed and tlie amoont of salary pald each of them during the year jast closet!. The term of ofUoe of three Trustees, Messrs. P. IUrit, P. Dokovan, and W. W. Whkdox, expires witli tbe current year, aml ;t is incuinbent upon this anuual meeting to clect their successors. All of which is respectiully subiniited. liy order of the Board. JOHN II WHEELEK, President. Vm. W. Wiiedox, Secreta ry. Aun Albor, Sopt. 5th, 1870. The folloivinjr appropriations for 1870-71, as recommended in the report, were then n:ide without opposition : To pay teaehers, $10,400 " " jjinitors, insurance, fuel, repairs, &c„... 2,350 " " boiitls ducI'Vb.lst.lSiO,.. 2,000 " interest due Feb. lst 1871,. 880 11 " bal. ojilots in Cth Ward.. 400 Total ?l(i,030 TUcsc appropriatioas fall short of those made last year for the same purposes, in the SOTO ol $4,300. The recommendution for nn appropriatlon of $15,000 for an additian to the central s-hool building was slio.nsly cpposed at flrst,but was finally adopted Wlth bot out dissenting vote, the same to be borrowed on the bonds of the district payable in three installm,eits of $5,000 oach, in flve tix, and cvcn years, at not to exceed eight per cent. interest. Onr individual opinión is that the loan is too long a one. We bcliuvc that the district should clean up its deb pa y as it goes, or negotiate shvrt time loaus and save interest. Lots 1, 2, aiid 8, iu Block 6 of Sinltii's addition, corner of Forest and Ilill Strccts, were selected as a site for a Siith Wail School ITouse, aiid the Board instrncted to purchafe the saiiie at the sum of $1,400. In tliis leraticn Wf tliiiik a mistako was made. Lots 7,8, 9, and 10, in the Rr$t biock south oí the southeiisl corner of the University grorinds- or :iny fpur lots in the center of that block - srould have been a niuch more centnil l'yjation, böth now and for a gencration, aiid the extra cost of theiri could well havg been afforded. 'We really hope that somc. mcans wïll be devised foran ezchange before a house is erectcd. The experiment ofcrowdlng the school house to the very OQter veige ofpopiilatlon was tricil in the Sccoml Ward, and not witli tlie best satisiaction. m i i ■ i i w ■ - The Picnic and Festival given on Wednesday by our Germán fellow-cltlzens, at lïelief Park, in aid of their Buffcring brcthren in the Fatherland, was largely attended, anti was a vcry succcssful ailiür. The procession formed at 10 o'clock A. t., and Inclnded the üerruau Firc Company, the Germán Worklngmen'H Associatiou, the Turners, etc., inarched tbroogh our principal streets preceded by the Zouave ]j!and, am] under the American and Germán flags. We notlced in the processiqn qdc large wagou fllled with young ladies, onc of them, Miss Widenmass, vepiescntin;' :nania"and carrying the natiqnal sbleld. At the Park aildresses yere made in Ger man by Mr. Koit, of the Michigan Journal, Detroit, and Kev. E. Bauer of this city; and in Engllgb ly Jlossrs. R. E. Fsazbr, I). CiuiiEii, an.a B. F. Grangek, after whlch G.(,rmuns t,iu Araericans. with a sprinkling of Iiislimen, separated into partlea and eijjqyed the afternoon and cveUing to the bent of their Incllnatlon, shootng, dancing, swinging, nlne-plns, gymnasic exerclses, and otlier sports, with no end o eating and dnnking. The Concordia Society and Mamer Chor furnished some ood nmsic, and no disturbance occurred o mar the festivitics of the occasion. - We leorn that tlie net prooeeda were ïearly $1,000, and many a widow and rphan, made such by desolating war, wlll )e relieved by tlie expenditure thereof. "We are under obligaüon j,o the Secary of the Colorado Agricultura! and Inustrial Association for the premium list of the coming Fifth Amiual Fair, to bo held at Denver, September 27- 30,'accoinpanicd by a"iamily ticket" and a kind letter of Invitation to use t. On lts recoipt vye entcrd upon au investigation of jijr account of 'bilis payable and bilis reccivable," aud re gret to gay tliat ilnding the balance on the vrong side we are obliged to decline. Kot ven the arrangement of "half faxe" over the Kansas Pacific from St. Louis - open to Jl visitor- added to the fcecretary's nssuranco that ";.ye vill show the biggest; vegetables, best grain, and the jínest niincralogical display you have evorseen in onc exhibition," and superaddcd our deslre to look upon the mountalns, into the mines, aud over theparks of Colorado, can counterbalauce the "soneucss in our pocket," or multiply our "resources" by greenbacks enough to put us through. 2o, we can't go to that Denver Fair. We said in tbo last Anaus tliat street report had H that Prof. A. K. Spence had resigned, and that the chair, that of French, would be merged into the professorship of Modern Languagos. It is now annoiiii(-il that Prof. SrENCE has accepted the Presidency of'Fisk Colloge'' atNashville.Tenn., a colored college, or ratber a colicge for the eilucution of colored folk, and that he has already left for his new fleld of labor. The Tribune' e Ann Arbffr itemizcr converts our public schools into an excecsively costly concern, or the late animal meeting iuto an cxtraordiüarily liberal body. He makes the meeting appropriatc $23,030 for janitors, iiisuraiicc, fuel, and other "running eipcnscs" instead of $2,350, the real amount. He alsu appropriates $10,880 foi interest on bonds, When the meeting found that $880 wonld pay tlie interest on tlie entirc bondcd dcbt of the district. What are such facls worth ? Every Saturday for September 10 is out ofthehandsoinest Illustrated Papers ever issued. It contaius European War Pictures, - the Baden Prisoners taken at Nicdcrbronn ; Frencli Soldiers bathing at Nancy; A Prussian Outpost ; Baarbrnck; and Some Recruits for the South Gciman Anny. It lias, besides, fine portraita of Mademoisclle Sessi and Gco. W. Childs of the Phdaddphia Legdcr ; a beautiful art picture, Morning in the Desert ; and three admirable sumiller pictures, - A Picnic in the Woods, by A. Hopptn ; Summer Dayg, by W. J. Ilennessy ; and On the Beach at Long Brancli, by C. G. Busli. lts Literary conteuts comprise able and very interestiug Editorials on The Balance of Power, Au Kmplre's Buil Run, On the Uncertainty of Things, A Desirable Calamity, etc. It has a full summary of Home and Foreign News, twoadditional chapters of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood,' a sketch of Gco. W. Childs by James Parton, and other fresh and readable articlcs. Altogfithj r, it is a rcmarkablc uumber of this I 1 class famlly lllustrated Weckly. '


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