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otrengtli ot cuaracti r ivü.usts o{ two thiogfl - power of will ;uid power if st!f reatraiot, It requirei twn things, fchereforo, i'cr u eikténse - strong foelings andstroni comimind crcr Ihoiu, Now it is here wo tnake llie grent mistake ; wc mistake gtrong foeling fur tstnft;g '.'liaricter. A man who boars all befure biui, beiyve whpse {jrowu domÖBtust o:tiblo, and wbose bumtd of fnry Diaké the chiidren of the household (juako - bcauso lie haa his v'ú obeyed, and his own vvuy iu all things - we cali bim a strotig mau. Tliu tiutli is, tlnit is the wcLik man, t s his passioDS that are stroDg; lie, mas erod bj tiicín, ia weak. You must measure ihu Btrengkh of a iu3u by the p.awcr of fee 1 ing he subdues, not by the power of tbofio toliiigs vehich subdue him. And" e:icd oomposare s vrv oíten tbo bjgbeet resull ol streogth Did we never sce a man foeive a Üagrant insult, and ünly grow üttle palo and then ri-ply qnietly ? That j a man spiritually Etrp'Dg. Or, did wo never see, a man it) aufjui-'b stuud, ns if carved out of soüd rock, roaateriog liiniself ? Or oue beai ing a hopeloos, dily trial remaiü silenl, and uerer teil the world what cankered bis borne peac 'i Tbat is stTcugth. H wlio, wüh btroug paesion, ronKiiiis ohaste; he who, kceuiy sea&itive, wilh niüily powers of indignation in bim, can he provoked aml yet restraia hiuiseíf, aud forL;ive - thodc are tbe Btroag uien, t!io spiritual héroes.


Old News
Michigan Argus