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WASHÏENAWCOUTY [ y " ' ' ' " jjj REAL ESTÁTE EXCHAKGE I ! The un'lr-;iíri;p(l Iiarín a MTT-ct Récord hístory of illof the Real Estáte THle in thia c;ity, and in the County itf" Y : -■■! ■ -'i i . t ' ilog tf the public il.r.t :,■ ;J examine t i 1 . ■ morí ;.i re, ■ís and ether l'ií;il papers on tb njioieal otioe: v.'iü nK; mnlie sale of City ptoperty aod l'nrins , rcii ' bousos, and Oto rio- moi tL'.ir- l'orli:i a lii.-tury of Real ; ■■ 1 1 . i.-, wil i ri oolleci ka taketn Tax Tltlea nd ni! c..l:i I eral mat teta wblcb tonob eaoh particular l tío o ; aii'l all . anciont or iiiü'it'rn, ■tiich a ;i j.i ut to be atillíubiibtiuy of record ;it tho present time. I offer tlio lotlowiog Keal Estni-o for Mlfl ; N'o.100 Th M.ilooy Uooso and Lot ou DItíhIod QtTi - Mo. 101. IIoiw r añil l.o t ín Iltsco-k'fi ftdditioa. Piíco-3 000. So. 102. Two Story Brlck Hottseon Sprlngtret. No. 103. Twoátorv Wod Hm-oon Spingíítieot. NTo. 104. N'Ílío H'iuso, Lol ;n Iïaru just wtst of Law Coi:. Xo. loó. Fine ITii-i- Oitt-ftouse, Barn andSactfM of Land,Watr Fouot, &c- verjr desintbU Property, Nu.lOG. ITnuse and 3 acres of LandtnsMe corpora tí'Ml. No. 107. IIomso amt Loí juat eouth oí tbe Univeröit} building. No. l0J. 15 !á acres of Lan 1 eaat of tho Univorsity No. 109. Ctty Lbli QoarTy opposfte Pr. ChascV I'i'it.; ■ N'o.lKl OoeTwo Stoiy Woud DweUiug on Sute X tj . 11. One elcg-mf Two St'jry Brlck Uon I niveraitj S [uro. tïo.112. SO aerea w'.i'n bulldiagfl just northof thc íío.ll?. One Two Story Ilouae jaat north Cemetrj Hrom No. 11+. Twf Brick Houbcó went hitleof Uuiversit Square, resjort wejt of the City. No. jl6. ti ucrcs wïth balldinei just wet of the No. 1J7. 160 aerea wifh bulldU aní taprow ;i mtlea north - good Bituatlon. JÍO. 118. 320 acres - fine farm in tío. 110. 2 ,000 itere of Wúñ t&ñúa lo Ihe Oountloa of Wayny, kfonroe, Sagluaw aad Bfa i wanee, Abstract Uuoivs arepottedio date. . NTo. 1-JO. Ono tN'.iat Three Svrjr DuOdínj on. Hurón No, 12] . 1T ." aeres on VIiMIo Road-to YjiRÍlanti. No. 1-2. 40 aérea on South Road iríth Buildings ant Improri metitfli Xo. 123. 240 aeres on North Ooxter Road. 2jf railes out , with improvemeQl s. Ni'. 184. Aiil miich o (hor Rosl Eslate not heroin inelndeda iré :u inv oM mortgages Eo Washteaaw Coan ty uridlsebarged of Reijord, and tho lawa (" Limita tions ae t" '■!■■ . .i.ÍL'reut from tht-t upplica Terms of Coi to . one pw cent. lf sale made. Bates fbr searoh of Keal Es t;itt Til ' I ll'l six CL'tllS i untll chfin(;e üf no Nd ch-t rges willbt ixaixrifiatifln of litio makiug paper? ot n i . moaej fchrouh me, itod to loau on un :-::itp from onu to five yearsfatl0p0 etnt. tñtereat oet to tho le Aun Arbor, March J0, itiTO TK.Vr' W. KOOT. J. . JOHNSON, At No. 7 South Main Street. 8TILL HAS A. HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES," AXD Just the thiag for the Season, Wliicb will besold LOWEB TI3:-A.lar EVER ! AI20 A LAJIGESTOCK OÏ GliOVES, COLCAKS, NECK T1CS, HANDKERCISIEFS SATCHWfiS, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Mil uid exmmlne ni.v gooda bafora pnrohM H 'HfTU. jyroNEir can not bu y it. FOK SIGHT ISPRIOELESS TUK DIAMOND GLARï i S, M;i íinfactuied b.v J. E. S] eno i' íiCki.. N . y.,whicb ; re noír oflered t;' ie public, are prunounceíl bv all tbn oelebrmted Üpticfansof Ibe World to b the H ti Peí fed Natural, Artificia! hftlp to the buman tjre tver known. They ar their otra superrfadon, from mío . melted togeUu r, : r L derive tbeli iiniH'.1' DUmoDd,"on aecoaatof thelr hard' i brlllUncy. The Soientlflo Principie on whitli tb I npctefl bflngl th6 cmuí or centre of tb v in front oe the cw, producmg a clear a,ml (liHtiüct rlsloa, aa ha the Dèituralf and pTeTentfngállnnpleaeant esa glimiaering tuid wavering f siglit, llczinesa, &c, pi cuKar t ;ill ■tltirs iu ■■. n tbe K1NI-ST .MANNKÜ, in fianics of t'ao best qualïtj, of all material used for tli;it porpose. Tlicir iii;nU and d-arabütty cannot Bar] OAITCION- Noe yenatne nless baring tbeir irade naavk stasofed oa evitry frame. J, O. WATTS & BRO.j Jefrelereand Opttclass.are sftloatrpnts lor ANK ARBOR, M1JH.} Crom wbon only be obtained. good are not supplicd to Pt'dlers atany price. 1267yl pURNITXJRË" CHEAP I Tlte Larrest and Dost stock i n tliecity, ofallvariiih and fltyles, at tho oíd Store of O. M. MARTIN. PJBY8IC1AN8' Prés&riptiónt Acourately and Carcfully Pre.pared by E. W. ELL1S & Cr, TUY tOUfi Looking Glasses 0? W. D EOLMÏS, AcnArbcr, FOR KEASOiÜ. Firet, bccauRe bckefpsflie best f Imported Glus, and a good fcMorfcnAttUf Bqu&re a mi arclitt'j i' ri dm . i -i . ■ 1 :h Secon(ïy.boraupt' they bt'lonff to hl bujloefcí-. fï -. '.- them a spécial ij . mi i eau alïuiU t- itll CHEAPEB ! T'-iinÜr, Becaus h mnur:iclurrK tbem, and can and will Bell t'.io CÜBAPBST 1 of anj' oncintliccitj. Hc.Iao ne'.I " . PICTURE FRAMES! Tlie oheapest (Tí anybody it tho-Statc - as far au Ucarc f rom. NWE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6 O C07SPictare Cord, Tassels & Nails! FHK.'iCII GLASS- bj the Iight or bui- For I'iütures orfor 3:iOTTi33r; ! 33 EAST WTJKOif STREET, rr arboh. - - - micii. 'f ff ÍÍ - 2 S . 8 I?; 3 s „ s aí Mol fl i B $ s i 8 H , g ja j j pq j ï fl I ! P J Silo i i 8 1 L . . ra CO w 11 q58o P 5 H g h 8 O Pk b pOR CASH YOÜCAN BBY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C, SÜTHERLAND &C0. AnnArbor,.Ianuary,16"0. 1252 T UMBER YARD! O. KEAPF TlftR % lur.u'f :iTi'l wctl stookfl 1 I.'inibi.'i1 Ya.'tl , on Jift of 1 ba ('i' f, od will - uní :mll v cj n liaiul au (.-Xücllrnt va riet ƒ of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, &C. vlilch will ie soUlialo asean be alTorilcd inlhls Oiií-.l i y aiul prÏL-össiich tliftt do ono need to go te Detroit. CONRAD KRAPPi AnnArbor.Oct.lst.16C9. !)80lf ANN AEBOE AGAINSr THE STATEIN THE FURNIÏUEE TRADE, And O. M. Maltin against Ann Arbor. Don 't Poiget his Old Stand. pEOPLE'8 DRUG STOUWT R. W.ELLIS& CO1 f ADIES' FASHIOltAJBLE JU S H O E HOUSE. 2', Soutii Ham EKrf t , Deali i LABIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Til.Ii SaSWEST SÏYLES Kid, Calí, and Cloth, Alwaysou hand , aml Stock and Werk Guarantced. IF YOU WANT A ÖOOT, .A. GAITER, -A. rJtJSKIN", OI1 -A. &U ïz.e:ii, cali, and examine Erra btöcji before n b CHAflNG. PEICES L3WEB than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor.May 18"0. piNLEY fc LEWIS, Gebtleiai),a'g 0,}eit linofcs. " Furgcsou Button Boots. " Frcnch Uongrcss Gaitería II Qu .1 l( Serge " " ' Scotch ïies. " All Rights. " Oxford' Tica. In. short, a Full Line of, Gontlemvrs ïlota, aud Shoca, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Great Varii-iy, and MLNS UEAVY WORK, hand made of atl kmdg. Ladics' Frcnch Kid Button. " Fosüd " " " Sorgo " " " Poüsh. Missoj' I'ronze, " and Button. " Serge, " " " CLild's " '! " We ask the particular attention of the Ladics to OUR FI1STE WOEK WHICH FOR Quality is ïïnsurpassed, IN TUE STATE, knd In Trice FAR BÜLOW DETROIT FIGURES OÜR WOPK WARHÍNTED AS RKPBKSBNTED. 1283 JF YOU WANT A STJMMEK HAT, F YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Séason, TF YOU WANT A "ïïatasisaHat," f F YOU WANT Hats Cbeap - tbr Cash. JF YOU WANT ! . Straw, Palm or Panama, C3-O TO l. A;. TEEEY'S, 15 SoutVi jMaia Stxeet. Wbero ynn frlll aio Hntl a full lino of Geot's l Piirnisliing Goodi. Ann Arbor, May, ] 1240_vl f XlS A KECCNT mrilOVtME Ecpliccs tlie se of tho Bitter snr.PttATB (l:iMNi:, ri:h wliiob r.ll nro fumiinr. iJoöo lor tloso, it ia FULU jöUAL IN EVERY mi TO BITTE(qU!N!HE, I AND I.IKE IT 19 TUE OXeI GRI'At, POS1TIVE au-J VXMU-tlSG CURE FOEfaU DISEASES of ÏIALAHIOUS ojlIQIN. l'cvRr nucí Aguc, Vliilciüiil Jent fever, C'IOll Fever, j JS111OH8 FeJr, DninU Agne9 rnl tl A lons trnln of disorders iaiowtag Ihesc flien noglected. l SWJEET aUUUOJii I Js mido olely Trom IVruylnn TSnHc, (so is Ulier Quiniiic.) t hrrelori: La H' V;-tafale orinal, aml not a Mineral polson. bu'lon tlio conifiir' is pxoved t be onq f thu (#(;inoutd íuui.ll Lii Ibu blooü of ;;11 liualttiy poftous. ítofs; Vi fin mttiiloto to, (us well 5 n ■ lor.) Bmlarinl or mtaamntic polAnn, lliu abaormtton of vrhlch by tho Iuiirsi cansea Intonilittcnt Fcver, ole. The oii)t;n.lviintago clixiut'd for I SnXET QtTjnSB OTtvr xno tisft of Old llitlor Quininelis ÜM entlnf absence of tliat lutemic, pcrbtnit liiKnni'üa. whlch in Dn: latter i.s aniinsiirmoiitublü obftjielH to its use witli uofit per Bons and alway 8 witli children. I SWEET 4,tUllEUS U il two foniiR - ín Powiler for iho Lso of sy icinns and DrussistSi unti Kluil for uK : i liu famliy mü ror iho b-cnui-ulViblib. %n3, Farr &6èf, UMUFfiCTÜRlHG CHEMiaR. A For Sale uy Eberbach 4 Co., druniits. 1-jr.Jvl QOME AGAIN HITS A rui.i. STOOK OF CA3INET-WARE, To BE SOLD CHAPBR THAN' ANTWHEHE SLSE IN III i: STATI. AT Jis OW STOKK, , ANN ARBOK. GotoE.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drug3 and Mediemos ,Paints,Oils, &c. j = _; ; :


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