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Hon. C. C. Comstock

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Ihe nomination of tbis gentleman for Governor by the Democratie party, is a compliment as flattering as it ia deserved. He Las never been a politician Las never beid any office other than tbat of Maycr of tbis city, a circumstance in which be hns been moro fortúnate tban Gen. Grant, who gighed in vain to be Mayor of Galena. Mr. Comatock carne bere soine tweuty years figo, a poor man. By energy he has made a competency. Ho has conetantly boen building, improving and going aboad, always furnisbing employrnent for lal'Orerfi and mecbanics. It ig safe tosay tbat no man in Grand Rapids has done os much to build up tho city as Mr. Comstock. His energy, eagacity and enterprise have been feit more widely than thoee of any otlier man in the city - turning the crudo into the beautiful, tbeioert into utility, the dormant power into active wealtb. Iiis saw-mill operations and wooden ware manufactories f ivo cmploymeni to many busy bands lo built up the largest furniture raaoufaotory in the city, and has built dwelliogs enough to malse a respectable village. His hands have had the Midan touch, but he bas worked for others as ■well as for himeelf - worked to keep otbers in comfortable employment. He is tbe impersonation of cnergy and perst - veranee - all-over Western - honc6t sincere and unselfisb. In this pomnnniiy no man, as a man, stands bigher or is vnnrp widely respected, irrespective of politics. Kal We regret tbat the barriera of politics will prevent Mr. Comstock serving the Stale as faithfully as be bas subeerved the interests of tbis city ; for wo présame, bis most attached friends will bardly expect bim to be elccted. Ilere, bowever, his vote will not be partiean, but be will receivo tbe votes of hundredn of men who have reaped the


Old News
Michigan Argus