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Republicans Getting Complimentary

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Toa Grand Rapids Eagle (Rep.)pays that Mr. Eider, tlie Democratie nomince for CongresR iu tho Fourtli district "isa lunibcrman of muoh enterprise," and furtber tliat "physically be is asplcndid spocimeo of manliood, bíx feet and five imhes in bis stockings, and tnorally, bo far as wo know, above reproacb." If so "loil" a paper as tlie Eagle can tlm en dorso him be ought to pass tnuster. - T!io Eagle !i!t"o ppeuks as fallows of Chas. V. Biri.uü, ono of tbe "unknown nobodies" whicb tlie Post and Trtbunt assurcd their readers constituted tbe Democratie Stato ticket : 11, was a pieásure to Kreet In our sanctmn, to-day, Hou. Charlea W. Butler, the Democratie candltlate for Auditor General. Wherever he is knmvn ha is rerognize'l as one of nAtwe's ncblemeti. He vas one of the early pioneera of Lanslng, and tweutythree yoars ngo tlüs autumn, ín the Fall of 1847, lic drew froni a small tawmtll, at Delta, on the Grand Blver, the lnmbcr for the Capital building, which was that vear erecfed In tlie woods, on soction lö, of the to wnahip of Lansing. ölnce that day he has been an enterprlaing citizcn of the capital, and no man stands htgher In the cstrrni of his associates for integrity and manliness. Air. Butler is also well acquainted with the details of that departtneut ot State (Auditor General), having scrvcil theretn as clerk and deputy for a iiumber of years. The JCagh will have to be labored with. -It has no right to see of concede any intelligoncfi, morality or virtue in any Deuiocrat. If it can, it must be demoralized. - And also comes into court the Adrir.n 'Times, with tliis endoreemont of the Democratie noruineo in tho First Congrcssional district : "Col. Eldreilge is one of the best of citizens, is a line lawyer, and makes a firstrate Mayor, fout unfortiuiately for himself, he has got on the wrong side in politics, and uSt now the rijiht side la in the ascendency ín this district, and there Is no show for hitn." We congratúlate the Democratie party of the district upon this Indlcatlon of procfress. Col. Eklredcc is a war Democrat oí' lio strictost type, and nothlng can persuade liim topo back on his record as a soldier. Again, Mayor Eldredge is in favor of dfoppklg 'dead issues,' and dealiog with the. questions of the present. In short he is a Democrat of tJic most advánced type, and the only way we can account ior his nomination is, that. tliose who lead the Democratie party knew tlicre was no chance of clecting a Democrat in tlie district, and the (Jolonel consented to become a martyr, trust Ing In the martyr's liope - that heshall rcap his reward hereaftcr." "One of the best of citizens" and a Democrat. Thero, who'll dare say, now, that no good can come out of Nazaroth ? If fi?e righteous meu would havs eaved Soclom, threo suoh as E,ider, Butler, and Ei.DiiEDGE ougbt to redeeni tbc despised Democracy.


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