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TVJAD AM E CÓTÉ" Wonld ropecrlfatly inform thepnblic of Ann Arbor and vicinity that she is now open to eufragements, for private lesgons, for instrncUon in Krcnch. Tenns reasonable. Apply at No. 33, corner of William and Pourth Slreets . iïfViKE.vrs.s.-Prol.Tyler, Rev. N. S. Barton, Rev. II. L. Hnbbcll, Prof. "Buur. Prof. TenBrook. Prof. Adams, Prof. Olney, Prof Harrington. m3-l'2S7. ttïÖiTRÊWAKD ff And no questions asked ! I wlH pny One hiindred dollars rcward to any person who will return the tin box, and papers contalnod thereln, taken hom my liouse. Tlie papers are valiiaiilc to nie but of no ué t anv one jpe, a proper precautions have been taken to stop piymcnt, parElcniarlT onc bond of oue thousand dollars and one of flvfl hundrt'd dollars, Nos. 24 and 2C, made by the Svracusu.X. Y., Watur Work. D. HETTNrXG. Ann Arbor.Sept. 3, 1S70; 12S(iw4 Estáte of Kufu8 Knight. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Notice is hereby givrn.that ny nn order of the Probate Court for the Comity of Washtenaw. made on the twelfth day of September, A. D. 1S7", six montiH from date were allowed for enditon to present thelr claims agaraat the estáte of Knfus Kntht. late of said ('cuinly, deceased, and that all credltora of said deceased are required to present thelr claims to said Probato Conrt. at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, forexamination and allowance on or before the thirteenth day of Man h ii'-xt, and that sucli claims win bc heard bcfore saiil Proliate Court, on Raturday, the terth day of December, and on Mondar, tlie thirteenth day of Mar-h, teno'clock in the forenoon of each of thoscdays. DuUil.Aun Arbor, September I2th, 1S70. HIRAM .1. BEAKKS. 1287ïi-4' Jqdge of Probate. Estáte of John D. Arm6trong. STATEOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtcnaw, s p. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tho thirteenth day of Septemovr, in the year one thousand eiht hundred and seventy. Present iliram .T. Beakes, .Intlje of Probate In the matter of the estáte of John I). Aimstong. dei'ea.Td. Elvira Armstronsr, Execntrix of the last wlll and testament of said deccaned, comes into Court and rrpresents that she ir; now preparad to rendcr her lina] account as eucli lixecntrix. Thereupon it is ordercd, that Monday. the tenth day of October, next. at ten uVlock in the forenoon, be assiued forexarainini: and tllowlnc soca acooant, I that the legrtees. devkees, and ln'irs :it law of eaid deceased, and all oihcr persons Intereated m K:iid estáte are required to apicar at a seaslon of sül Conrt then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ot' Ann Arbor, in suid County, and howcanao, lf any therebe, why the adtdaccoantshonldnotbeailowed: And it tefnrther ordered, that naid Executrix ;;ive notice to the persons intcrested in aaid estáte, of the pendency of eaid account, and the hearing thereof, hy caoalpga copy of this order to be piiblished la the Michigan irgut, a newspaper printed and circalating in said Connty, three Buccessive weeks prevloas to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, U8T Judte of Probate. Estato of William Roberts. QJTATEor MICHIGAN, CouaTT o Wasbhbw ds k3 At a session of the Probate Court fortNcCountr of Wasntenaw, holden at thel'robateOfflcein the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tbirteenth day of heptcmber. in tho yearone thousaud olght hundred aml seventy. Present, niram J. Beakos, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of William Roberts, deceased. ' OnreHdiniramlulinsrthepetitlctn, duly vcrifled.ot Benianun V. Roberts, urnytng that acertaininsiruincm now on lile in this Oourt, purportlne to be the lat will and testamabt or said deceased. may be admit teel to probate, and that Wa! arS Rtch may be apI)iiimol solo Kxicutor thereof. Thewupon t is Ordered. that Mondav, the tenth ttaj of October, next, at tan o'dook in the fore. noon, be ass.gnedrorthe hearing of said petltion, and that the legatee, devUeas and hetn at law of saiddeceased, andall other persona Interested In sald estáte, aro required appeu al n session of said Gaart, then to be holden at tne Probate Office, in the city of Ann Ajbor, and show cause, if any therebe, whv bë praj. erorthepetlttonershonld notbefjrantcil: Aridit'is iurtherordered thatsald petltlonerglTenatUe tb ihe persona Interosted in said statu, of the pendency of satd petttlon, and the hearing tlun-eof, bycausinga oopyofthle order to be pahuabadln the Michigan Art, is, r nowspaper jirlntcd andcirenlalinp; in said Coui'.y, iree successive weeks previous tosaidduj of re -.viiiL'. Atrnecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKEP, 1-STtil Judae ofProbale. Estáte of Keiran Costello. nTATE OF MICniGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, fs O Al a seaslon of the Probate Conrt for the Conuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oftice in the city óf Ano Arbor', on Pnday, the nlnth day of Sep, in the year oue thousand eiijhthuudrcil and seventx. Hrescnt, Uiram J. Benkes.JiHlse of Probate. Iu the matturof the estáte of Keiran Costello, deceased. PetcrT 'Ite, Adminlstrator wllh the will annexcd of said deeeiised, comes into Oourt and representé thathe is now preparad lo reuder bis final account as euch Admïnistmtor. Thereupon it is Urdercd, that Monday, the tenth day of October, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon bc ass!r'd for cxamlning and al lowlnj xuch account, and that the Icgatees, devlaeas and licirs at law of said deceased, and all Other persons interested in saidestatc, nrereqnlred to appear at a aesston of said Court, then to hu holden at the Probate omc, in the City of Anu Arbor in saidUounly, and show canse ifnny'there be why the said account should nol be allowed: Anditis further ordered, that said Administrator jiire notice ■ to the persona Intereated in said estáte of the neuSency óf said account, and the hearing thereor by sausinp; a copy of this order to be paallahed In the Mkhigan Argut, newepaper printed and clrcolattsa In aaid Connty, three snecessive weeks previons to eail day of lieariny. CAtruecopy.J II1RAM .7. BKAKES, V&Tid Judtjeof Probate


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Michigan Argus