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Estáte of John Hoffman, otatk OF MICHIGAN ,Ootintj of Wahtenaw, ah O al a Beseion of the Probate Court for the Oouitty of VVushtetiaw, holtlen at the Probate Office, In the city of Adh Arbor, on TneedaT the thirtecmh rtay of September ] in the yearouetbousaadeighthuudred :iik1 seventv. k Present, BlrMD .T. Bcnkefi.JiKigt1 ot Probate. In the matter of the catate of John Hoflfman, dccea?cd. On reiuHng and fllinsf the ]etition, dnly verified, of F. Latí, praylnfl tliat a ctrtain lntrument nov on flle In tint court pnrportint; to be the Inst ) and testnnfcnl of snid deveased, mfty be ftdmlttedto probate, and tUat he may be appoiiited sole KXi'f titor thereof. 'JluTciipnn Itteorderedi thntMonday, thctetith dny ofOctober next, at ton octock in the lorenooii, be BBlgnedforthohoarlnsofsatd petltloiii and Etllt the legatefi derleéet and helrs fit law of snid deceai , and all othiT penooe Entorested in snid estáte) nre re qülCfdto apfwnr at a.sewlon of sald Conrt, then to Ite Dolden, al tno Proliaté Office, in the City of Ann Arl)or, niiUliowriiiiiscii auytbrebef wbrtbeprayi rol the pettdomr ühould nol ho tcranted : And it In furthor ordi cd. tïiat Mtd peütloner gWe DOtSee to the persons tatefeeteé in :-:iil est&lei of tíie pemiency oí s l(! ixtiiTofi , nnfl the hearlne Ihcrcof, bv canulnga ropyof 'order ttt be pabllehed in tnecAiyar árguei a bewtpaper, htiñteñ and Cfreniatttig in tald C'oufify, three succes - vc weeks previous to said da) of hearing. (Atruecopy.) JllRAÍÍ 3. JïEAKKS, 128T JflÖe üf yobatc. Estáte of Adsoii Wheeler, Sen. OTATE OFMICIIIGAN, OounUüfWashtenaHtf3. w5 At a ecpsion of the Probate Cotirt for the Connty of WaMenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday. tlie twelfth day of September, in the year one thousandeïght hun (irtjd uid seveuty. Present, lliram J. lioakoe, Judgc of Probate. Tn themiittorof the Estáte of AneonWheeler, Sen., deceaped. On readlntrnnd flllnL thepetH1on,dnly verifird, of William A. Whceler, praying that a c;rtain instrument now 6n file Ín thls Conrt, ]tnrportinK to bc ihe l.-i-t w.ll anrl testampnt of 8aid deceased, may bc admitted to probate, and that be may be appointed solc Bxecotojr thereof. Tlicrcupoi it is ordered, that Mondny.the tenth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ï ■ t tor the hearing of Mld pe.Mon. and that the legatecs d6Tl8ees,and elrtal inwofsald decrased, and 11 other persons laterwted in fnid estáte, are reqnt'ed to appcar at a rsfíon ofsaid Conrt, thon to be holden, at the Probate Oftlce, in the City of Ann Arhor, tui! h' "ow cam v.. i f iin.v chere be. why the p ra ver ortucpei' 'onerchoaldnot be gianed: And it is i.i rorde "d, that sa'iïnetitionerpivenoticeto the pci' 'ns in. e 'st.'d in iaid estáte, of the pendescy of (1 potition, and tbe hearing t' ereof, by eancinft ñ copy of tbis order tobe pab)(b6d lo ue Michigan Aran, a ncwspapcir prjnted and drctilating ir. paid Connty, thrce Bucceíssivc weeks previons to Baid day of haaimg. (A trne copy.) IIIRAM .T. BKAKKS, 1287 Judge ol Probate. Estáte of Sarah Pacy. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of O Ma sessiou of the Probate Court for the County :f Wantten, holden at the Probate office. In the L'ityof Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the eihth day of September, in tbs year one thousand eihthunired and aeventy. Present. Iliriim J. Beakcs. Jndgr of Probnte. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah Pacy, de censi'd. Uarriet Knight, AdminUtratrix of eaid ette, comea into Court nud reim-.sents that she is now preparad to.rcnder Uerüual account as Buch Adniinbtra ix. Thereopon t ! Ordercd. that Mondny, the tenth day of October next. at ten o'cluck fu the fore noon, be nat rued for examining and alloint' uCi accoñnt, and Coat lhel'i ■ at law of patd deceased, f all other persons in eosted in said ostate, a'e ïcquired lo appcar at a session of Baid ;ourt, then to hu holden nt the Probate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor, u saidCcmnty, nrd show ennse, if auy there be.why the said account phou not bealfowedi Andit is [urthcr ordcred thot said Adminlstratrlx give notice to the pereons laten cd in said estáte, of the pendency of said accoi'iu, and the hearing thereof. br canaidff acopy of tuis order to bc pubUahed In thfl Michigan Arffiu, a newspaper printd and cli'cn latina ín Connty, tliree sucecusive weebfl prerlooa to Baldda; of hoarins. CA true copy.) " HlltAM J. BKAKF.S, 12S7 Judge of Probate. Enlate of Helen E. O'Brien- mioor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw,ss At ft Bestión of the l'rolmte Court for the Coun ty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Pridtiy, the ninth dar of September, in tho yearoue thonsandeiuht hu nared and seventy. Present, Hlrnm .T. Beakcs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Helen O'Brien. minor. On readlng and fl!irtL the petition. riuly vcrifted, of Caroline E.Jerome, Oiiardiantprayïng that she may be licensed to aell certain real estáte belongiog to ■nid minnr. Thereupon lt is oruered, that Mondny. the te(ith day of October next, at ten o'clock in ttie iorenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said pntition, and that thenext of kin of said minor, and all other persons interested in said óslate, are re.quired to appear ut a sesïiion of Mid Court, t hen to bu holden at the Probate Ofllce, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any tlicre be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouldnot be g run Led : And it is furthei ordered that faid petitioner give notice lo the next of kin ol said minor and all other persons interested in Batd festate, of the pendency of said petition, and thehearin? thercof, by causinjj a copy oí this order to be published Ín the Michigan Argus, a newspaper, printéd and ciiculatiDg in safd Cornity, threö succejsyivo weeks previons ta said day of hearinur. (A trne copy.J HIRAM J. IÏEAKES. 12S7 Jiage of Probate. Estáte of Lucas Kittel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw,??. At :i bcssIob of tho Probate Conri for the Connty of WasbtenavTi holden at the Probate Office, in tb6 City of Ann Arbor, on Thureday, the first day ofSepti'intMT. iu the year onc thonsaud eight huodred and seventy. l'ivsênt, Iliram J. Beakes, .Tndgc of Probate. In tlifl matter of the eStatfl of LOCM Kittel, deccased. On readin? and fiïinir the petition, duly verified of Emani'i-1 Manu, Atlmini?trator, pmytng that he may be liceuFcd to sell certaiu real estáte whert'nf Bftld doceased died eeïzed. Thorcupon it ia ordcred, that Morday, the aeTen teenlh day of Octoh , nest, at len oclock in the forc do on t be assined for the hearing of snid petition, nmï fhiit the heirs :tt ïaw of sa i deceased, and all other perrons intcrcpted in pai'i estáte, are required to appear at a ession of sai.l Court, then to D6 holden, iit the Probate Offlce, ïn the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any tlwfobe, why the prayer of the petitiont-r Bhould not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner gÍTc notice to the persons interested in ■aldeataU, of the nendency of eaid petition, and the hearinsr tbereof, ïr ransíng a copy of this order to be published ín the Michigan Aryus, n newspnper printed and cirenlating iu said Connty, fonr eucccsBive weeks previoua to eaid day of hearing. ÍAtrnecopy.) IIIKAM J. BEAKES, LS8t Judce of Probate. Commissioners' IVotice. QTxTE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtenaw, ss. O The umU'r?i;ned havinv beeu appointed hy ihc Probate Court íor said County, Commissionersio recelTQ, .-samine, nnd ndjust all elalmfl and demanda of ;1] persona aeatnat the estáte of Christopher Mahon, late of puiil ('oinry, deceased, hereby give dotice that six months f rom diite are allowcd by order of said Probate Conrt for credit ore to present their claims aftinnt the estáte of gaid deceased, and that thej wül meet at the offlce of Joslin & B!odget,inthe city of VpHtíaníl, in eaid Connty, on Saturday. the twelfth day of November, and'Friilay, the "tenth day of Harcb, Dext, nt ten o'clock A. M. of each of tafd tlays, to receíve, examine, and adjust euid claims. Dated, September iftth, A. T. 1R70. 1287w4 JAMES M.CH1DESTÜR, rnmmioc!nnora ; iiAXK JOSLIN, Commissioners. Commissioners' Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, CountyoíWashtenaw, si. ÖThe nndersijrned haring been appointed by the Probate Conrt for said Connty. Commissionereto receive. examine, and adjust all claims and demands oí all persons against theestate of oline KettDer. late of said County, hereby give notice that ifx months f rom date are allowed by order of said Probate Court forcreditorptoureaenUheir claims against theestateofsaiddeceased, andthutthoy will meet ar the store of Kberbich & Co, , in the City of Ann Arbor, in HÜd County, on yatnrdny, tbc twelfbb dey of November, and Tueadny, the.seveuth day of Mtirch ne.xt, at ten o'clock A.M. , of each ol said days, to receive, examine and adjusi said claims. Üated, September Tth.A.D. 1S70. mr commigsionen. J'UST RECJ3IVED WM. WAGIMER'S, A Largo and Cholee Stock ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 1NCLUDIXG OLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C, LATEST STÏLKS AND BE8T QUALIT1KS wnicH iie win. MNUPAOTITRE on terms to tuit, and in the lint of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND 3ents' FURNISHING Goods. i BBST STYLE, AIsoLADIEïVindöENTS MOROCCO SATCHELS ï No. 31. South MaiaStroet- Et ld. ' I CALL AND SEE THEM. WILLiA IVACNEK, Ann Arbor. Fcpt. 18T0. TÖ PlIlICll ] Nw Yokk, August 15th, 18 Allow me to cali your attention (0 my PREPARATION OF COj POUND EXTRACT BÜCHU. J component parta are, BUCHTJ, Lo,, Lkak, CUBEB8, JUNIPER BEK RIKS. MoirE at pRKtAHAïicm, - Buchu, j, vacuo. Juuiper Berries, by distillati0I] to forra a fine gin. Cubebo extraetej hy displacement with spirits obtgiDe{j from Juniper Berries ; very little Ug8f is ueed, aud a gmall proportion gf spirit. It is more paUtable than ,„. now ia use. liuchu aa prepared by Uruggistj, of a dark color. It is a plant th„ emiís ití fragrance the action of ( flamo deetrovs thte (it aetJre pisijty leaving a dark and glatinoti decoetion Mine is tbe color of ingrediënt. Tkt Buchu in my preparation predomínate, tbe smallest quaotity of tho other gredieuts are added, to prevent fermei. tation ; upon incpection it will be foutj not to be a Tinoture, as made in Pba,. macopoea, nor is it a Syrup - and tbere. fore can be used in cnses where feTerci iuflammation exist. In this, you b, tbe knowlcdge of tbe ingrediënt!, the inode of preporation. Hoping that you will faror it withi trial, and tbat upon inepection it L mot witb your approbatiou, W tb a feeling of profouud confideoei I nm, very reapeetiuUy H. T. HELMBOLD, Cliemiat and Druggiat of 19 Years' % perienco. (From the largest ManufacturiDg Cheit ists in the World). November 4, 1854. " I am acquainted with Mr. H. 1 Helmbold ; he occupied the Drug Stn opposite my residence, and was ucc ful in conduotiog the boint'8s whn otherd had not been equally o befon him. I have been favorubly imprewi with liis character and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers and Weightmn Manufacturing Chemiits, Nirnl and lirown Streets, Philadelpha IBMIOll'l FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! For weaknes arising from indi-cretion. Thtn haaeted power of Nature which aro croman; by bo matiT alnrmÏDg ymtom, among wl bc fouinï , Incli.-positinn to exertion, I.osi of Míe;:) Waktfulneas, Horror of Diseae, or Forebodin(ii' EtH; Ia fact, Universal Laetude ProstratVjn.i:; Inabilitj to enter iato the enjoymentM of loclet;. THE CÖNSTITUTIOK once atTected with Organic Weakneiü, reqoin-i k ii of Medicine to strengthen and inrigorate (n systein, which HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BÜCHVitf vüriabl y loes If do t rea t ment is submittvdto.Ca■ umptiun or iiiftanity ennues. KELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU in nffections peculiar to Femalei, la uneqmlU anjother prepara! i on, as ia Chlorosi, or Retesé Paiafulness or SuppresMonof cuetomurt Etcuií( Ulcratd or Schirnn State of th Utem, ' complainU iacidental to the box, or dcliM -; chacji' of Ufe. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPBWVED ROPE WASH '] radical); extermínate from th tjtttva áit11 artsiogfrom habits of dvasípation, at little exp)H little or no change in diet, do inconTenienct or ' [. osu re ; completely supersedici; tboip uoptw' and dan getcus remedies, Copafva nnd Meicnrji ; all these dueases. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU in all disesees of these organs, wbetber exfititf maleor female, from whaterer canse origfoIÍand no matter of how' loa? standing. U il pletM1' Ín taete and odor, ' ' imtnediate" In ction, and ffliTt ■trepgthening than anj of the preparatiooc of Brl or Ir on. Tli o e suffen ng from brokrn down or deliett1' titutiocs, procuie the remetí at onceTbe reader must be aware that, howercr ■1I" maj b tbe atttck of the abore diseaie, it is e':' tain'oafTcrt the bodily health and mental po'All the above diseaaes require the aid ol a P' tic. HKI.MIÏOLD'd KXTRACT BUCUÜ if r'1 Dittretic. Sold by Diuegista Everywheri. Price $1.25 per Botüe, or 6 Bottles foï $6.50. Delivered to any addreos. D" sciibe Symptoms in all comnmnicatioiu ■ ADDRESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warekouse, 594 BROADWAY, New York. JVONE ARE GEJMJiJNE nD' Icss done up in steel en grave ivrapper, With fac-sinille f ttiy Chemical Warehoiise nul sined H. T. HELMBOLD. jl Ut7.


Old News
Michigan Argus