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The Artesian Well Is Progressing

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J)f"ing was stopped at 29 feet, and the Well bricked up several feet, the average depth of water being about 1% feet. An ïtterapt was then made to drive pipe, but t depth of fonr feet a rock or somethlng Ise was struck, that bent the pipe aud stopped the drlving. Failing to raise the pipe another was set and drivc-n town to the same obstruction, through which, on Monday, the drill was put in inotlon, aud judyesterday moruing penetrated a very hard ctay stratum 43 feet making the ent;re depth from surface, 72 feet. At noon, t which hourour local heard the cry oí "no more copy," 80 feet was told off. The State Fair opens at Juekson od Tuesday next, September 20th, and will continue dnring four days. The officers hjvebcen puttiug the buildings and grounds In thorough order, and will be in readiness toaccommodate a large display in every departineiit. Jackson ís centrally located, ij accesslble by rail from all directions, and has good hotel accoraodatlons ; and wlth good weathcr therc is no doubt of a snccessful exhibition. These annual Falrs fliould be more generally attendcd by stock.growcrs, farmers,Hind manufacturers by whatever name. The County Fair is to be held on the fronnds in thls city, commencing on Wednesday, October 5th, and contlnoisg Ihrcc days. The season has been a good one for grains. vegetables, and fruits, and these (tepartmentsought to be more attractivc than in former years. Washtenaw ounty also has an abuudance of fine Ivwsws, caltle, and sheep, aud their owners sbould takepride in exhibiting them. We Jiope to soe a large gathering of farmers, aud a AiU collectiou iti every department. Theiron on the Detroit, Hillsdale and indiana Uailroad is DOW laid, as we are informcd by Mr. Davestpoht, of Saline, to a poiiit about eight miles westof that village, wherethc wrk will be delayed a day or two forthe eompletion of a job of grading. It is conflclently expectcd that theiron will bt laid to Manchester by the flrst of Octobcr, when passenger trains will be put on. Xow oaly a construction and freight train running. The Ann Arbor Base Ball Club playd lts secoud match wlth the Empires of Detroit, on Wednesday afternoon, on thelr grounds in this city, beating them by a score ol 38 to 17 . The Ann Arbor Boys desire os to say ttat they can not play nnothcr match with tlie Empires this season, for the cup. Two lats must sufflee. - They play the Salem Club to-morrow, MdtaeFliut Club on "Wednesday next. The Boya are kept "exercising." Cius. N. Fox, Esq., who went out from our city to California in 1857, arrlved l)ck on Frklay evcning last, and has been soendlng a weck among his old friends. He sbows that California has dealt liberally lth him- physically, and we are pleased t kam that be has met with good succes s otherwise. He goes to Baltimore to ftttend tke meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd Mlows, then back to hls home near San Francisco. The third annual re-union of the 28th Michigan Infantry ís advertised to be held tColdwater, on the 26th day of October xt. The orator of the occasion is Capt. B. Uptoit, aud the historian, Lft;nt. A. H. PnocroR. The hospltable homes of Cold wter are always wide open at such gathcrProf. Cocker arrived home from his T'sit to Europe, especially to his old Eng'i'h home, on Wednesday forenoon. He reWrts hiraself in an Improved physical conllltlon, and we may be permltted to express 1 tope that the improvement will be per"went. Hig many friends are glad to see h'm back. Now i the time to subscribe for the Afiocs, so that you may be advised of the Progress of the political campaign. We "Hl furnisU it to and lnciuding November 18th- the nuraber for which day will give th official vote of the countv,- for 25 nu. We ought to have a large list from ev"y town. Will not some friends take "ie matter in hand? ■rrof. MoRBis, newly appointed to the chlr of Modern Languagcs in the UniverSltr, has arrived in our city, ready to enter Pon active duty with the opening of the nnonWeünesday next. We learn that as made a very favorable impression uPcn those who have made his acqualntance. ua droulh still continúes, in conscuence of which secding goes slow, pas ures have dried up- and butter riz, and fe potatoes are both small and dear. We 'aU Probably get a "liner" about the time f the Stte Fair. At least one will bedue Oar readers interested will remember "at the State Fair opens at Jackson on luesday next. A.% usual, the M.C. R. K 11 cay Passengers at half f are. ne[a ' a Rreat inquiry for houses u {l S tliem to rent sshould atlvertis


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