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Nkw York, Sept. 13. The sengatlon of the weck is the faihire of the dry xoods commis&ion house of Francia Skinner & Co., of New York and Boeton, wlth liabilities of 4,50O,000. Thcir failure Is due to spceulation, and has no connection with legitímate business. The money market is easy undcr an abnndant supply, and the gold room is 1 i fel ese. Stocks are also duli, but governracuts are slightly advanced and the market armer, owing to the advunce ín Loudon, and the fieneral tone of the market there. F!onr and wheat how a further decline on the weck, thongh themnrket since Monday has been a littlo Stil' there is nothing particularly enconragiog. TVhile there is alittle foreign demand, it is in the face of an eighlmonths supply in Grcut Britain, and Brilish buyers will nut enter tho market actlvely under these circmnstanccs. The fact that California white wheat has declined in Liverpool since the brcaking ont o the war from 128 to 9s per 100 lbs., showt the state of thu market there. When Great Britain has work ed up a portion of her present stock, she raay be come an urgent customer for our surplus. Should a break occur in our market, aud holders of accumulated stocks be compeilcd to realizo at a large sacrifico the grain merchants of Great Britain will at once be come bnyers to hald on speculation, at thelr own prices. Should onr own market hold moderately flrm, they will buy when thcy are in want, at reason able prices. These are the views of an experieneed dealer well pnatcd both in the home and forcign grain tralc,and they will be of interest to the farm r in determiuing whclher to hold or sell at presen prices Grain is now higherat the west, freiglu and handling added,than lt is here, and of coursc it eau not move eastward, in any considerable quantíty until this anomalouecondition of things is removed This muy be done by an advance at the cast, or by snch an accumulation of stocks at the west as wil r.uiM! a brejik in the market there. Coarse fgraini have made sume effort to rally, but they êhare in the general üíprettion of the market. Übíroit, Sept. 14, General bneiness bIiows a llttle improvcment con■ ■lii.Mil upon tbe early fall trttdc, butscarcely cnough toteüevetho dullness that has bo long ruled. The ruin market especially is sUjfnant, prices at th e:ial not warrnntiii" heavy purcnaee. Receipts art high, showing bnt a llmlted salo by producers. Aboul all that cnn be saíd Ín thcllne ol grains, le to givc current qnotatlons. Potntoes have been in bctter requcst. and hlghcr. Should the ravages of the potato big prove to be scrlous.good potatoes will beflr a good price. liuttei is In good deïftand, and Brmcr, and while quotations represent cnrrent rates for fair to good, choice will comniand soTnetbing more. Our quotations for eggs are extreme, the supply and demnnd Imth belng llpht. Feod Is quiet, a: ii-, for brau, $19 for coaruc mltldlingu, and $30' lor fine. In fruit and vegetables, the demand ai yct inchlefly local and Is nhnndanlly Bupplicd. A few Htute pwiehes are ou market, ata mugo of $4(5 psr buehel. DETROIT PRODUCE MARKET- The followlng qnotations represent the current net priersrealized by cMnrnisiou dealers ,aud arccarefully reviacdevftfy week, for the Akuus, by our Detroitcorreïpontlcnt. Dedaóüona from these prices for oomiaWfliotiB and cbflrgas, will shw the net rates tufirsthimdn : Apples,- Dried, 89c ; Green, $1.75@$2 00 per bbl. Barley- per cwt. , $5.00 Jto 1 , a $1 .75 for No 2. Beeswax - per ib. 80. liejius - white, $1.75. Dutt.-r- Koll and crock 24-3)25. Firkln, 5324. Cheesc- Michigan Factory, 12(914. Diürj. .- iU, ChickeiiH- Dressed , per )b., 17@18c. Corn - perbu., 70@72c Urauberries- Per bbl. 6 00@$U .00 for wild. Eggs- perdoz. , lftalïi-. Hides-drv, per lb.,1214c-; green, Ci@7c. Lamb Skins- per lb, -5'!U50c. CalfSkiiiH- Green, 12C16c; dry, Ï6@SO. Slicc'ii Skins- 60SS1. 75. Hops- New, pcrlb.. 8@10c. I-ard- perlb.. 16Jc. Hye- 90@l 00. Oats- perbu.,S{ia40c. Onions- per bbl. 4.50(ar'00. Potiitoes - 1.75. per bbl. " 5 c. per bu. Kmoked Hanis- city cured per lb 18c Shoulders 14(91tc Tallow- 8Ví@8}íc. Turkeys- tlresscl.perlb.,19@2Oc. Wheat- extra white. 1.301 SI. ' No, l.$ 1.23(61 .24. " Amber 1.12(3(1.13. A ÏUBOIt PRODl'CE 7IARRETS. Argu8 Offick, Sep. 15, 1870. We quote thlsafteruoon as follows s WIIEAT- White. 115; Red, 100c CORN- Mc. OAT'- 35C. BEANS- $1.15. BDTTBH- Va. EGGS- 15c. 4.LARD- 16c HAY- S10(i4$13. APPLE8- 85c. POTATOES- 50c. OHICKENS- 15e TURKEYS- 1 5c


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