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XT OT ICE ! Office of tite Toledo , Anx Artior and"! NoitTiiEKN Railkoad CompaXv, Am Akuor, Midi Sept. 1 1870. ) Notlcc ishercby piven that 'The Baltiraore and Ohio, Toledo and Michigan Railronri Cnmpany,'1 and 'The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company," intcnd to consolidatewith ench other intoa single corporatlon, to be tíülled "The Balti more aud Ohio, Toledo and Michigan Railway Company," to construct ono cotitinuous or connected line of rallroad from Lexington, In the State of Ohio, to (iwosso, iu the State of Michigan, and that the Directora of sald two companies have entered into an iiLrreement for such consolldatton, aa required by the lawB oí said States; and that a special meeting of the stockholdcrs of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company will bc held at the Court House in the City of-Ann Arbor, at ten oclock A. M., on Tneaday, the fourth day of October cext, to con si der and sanctlon or approve ench agreement i f deenicd expedient, By order of the Directora, E. W. MORGAN, President. 128Std AUG. VÏDENMANN,Secretary. tpOR SALË" CHEAP ' FOR READYr ?LYThe west half of the southwest qnarter of feetlou' two (2), town of Saline, twenty acres ander ment, the balance good timber. Inquire at L. C Riidon's Hardware Store, 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. C: RISDON. 'Ann Arbor, May 18, 1870. 1270m3tf QAREIAGES I CARRIAGKS ! FOR SALE. I will sell ono croocj SinRle Top BngBT for t7S : one Single Top Buskj, uearly new, Tor $150; one Doublé Two-seat Carriage, uenrly new, cot $400 for $250, on onc jear time. A good Sinel Horse wanted. D: HENNING. Ann Arbor, Jnly 14, 1870. 1278tf JJAY SCALES ! The UDcIereigned calis at tent ion to bis new FAIRBANK'S HAY SCALES On I.ibnrty Street, bctween Main nfl Fourtb. 1c warrant them to weigh corroctly frora 1 pounil to 2 Tons, nd solicita a liberal patronaee. Best SCALES in the City. 4W-1285. Ann Arber, Mich, Aug, :)t,liTO, J. GERNER. QOME AGAIN IsL. IsLA..TXIST 3 WITH A FDLL STOCK OF CABINET-WAHE, TO BR SOLD CHEAPF.R THAN' ANYWHEIiK ELSE IN THE STATE. AT H1S OI.D STORE, MAIN STRKET, AX.N' AKBOR. JpHE CATHARTIC PKOPERTIES of Dr. KF.I LOGO'S PII.I.S are exracted from an article of food, whlch maken them ireferable to any otber, They cure Constipation, thenmatism,and sbouldbe employed in all casos of iliousn(.'.s8, A GENTS WANTED for Washtcnaw and adioliiinng Countics, for the New Family Medical Work, By Pr. Oco. BI. Reard, of the University of the city of New York, nsslsted by emincut medical professors. Endorsed by lcading medical authorities and jonr nala. It is full of common sense. 1,067 pages, fully llustratPd Tells how to get wcll, how to keep veil, and whatto do In every emergency. In these lard times pcople mast and will ave doctors' bilis, leiice, this book sells rapidly among all classes. iehá fot full parllculars. Address E. B. Treat & Co., 'oblbhers, OM Broadway, N. T. Also wanted. ttgents for our Farmers' and Mechanica' Book. Fnll of facts and figures for working men of ercry tradé and ocenpation. Price to suit the times. 211 engravinga. ] 885 w2. CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., Ho. 1 Giegory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block Na 1 Gregory Block )No. 1 Giegory Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar C3 L3"" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 &" Sign of the Gilt Mortar C3 E Sign of the Gilt Mortar "C3 HAVE JUS? OPENED HAVE JÜST OPENED HAVE JIST OI'EKED HAVE JUST OPENED a'he Finest Stook of The IPinest Stock of The Finest Stook of The Finest Stook of DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES DRUGS A.I) MEDICINES) DRUGS AND MEDICIENS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN TUE CITY. PURE WINES AÏTD LIQTIORS Kor Medicinal Purpoes. The Popular Patent Medicinen of the day, and everythlng kept in a Brtclafis Drug Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TEY THKM. Solé Agent in the City for Otto te Iterndnr' cel ebratcd SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. 1" ESPKO1AL ATTENIION OIVES' TO THF COMPOrNIUXc; (iK I'IIYSICIANS' PUKSORII'TIOXS and FAMILY MKlliCINHS. 1266 pjARTIN'S Is the place to get anythlng you want ia the FURNITURE LINE! UE WILL XOT BE UXDKRSOLD. PHYSlClANS'Prëscriptions Accurately and üarefully Prepared ly R. W. ELLIS & Co. - - - - TEA. I TEA. C. A. LEITER & CO. OF No. t GRBGORY BLOCK, liold tbo Solé Agency of the Great United States Tea Co. Of Síw Yorit, fof the City of Aun Arbor. Tbi Cottrpanjr de! cxclunirolj' in TEA andCOFFKK, nuil purclutHethi'ir Tos l.v the Cargo. Thcir Superior Knowledge of fliln Cïass of Goodn, and uuusual facilitlcs for purcbasing Teat.glTe them A GREAT ADVANTAGE otpt smaller dealers. Th es Tea are put up Ín Pound Packages, (down weight,) anfl tbe price and kind markedin piaïn print and figures hy tbc Coin pany on each package, so there shall be RO PARTALITY IN PRICE OR QÜAUTY. ANY TEAS PURCHASED OF US NOT MEETING ÍUKe0MMENDATI0N3 MAY BE KETURNED AND THE MONEY REFUNDED, As we üballnotsell any adultérate'! article- knowInlj. We J'ft'l confídent that 25 to 33á Per Cent, can be Saved By Turcbasing These Tea; TIRY THEM 1 Aun Arbor, June 24th, 1870; C. A. LEITER & CO. 12T5tf .Cversus Bitter. f ForYho followlng REASON'S Sweef Quinina should rupluce the old foraor Jlitter (uiniiit. I Stvt'rt(ulllll U WARRAXTEI) v.-ticilHlllr iilciicul in cilect with Jiitter Qulhine. Swett Biiinlne hns koxe of tlic nielje and persltent bitternets o( cummon yrliiinc. Svreetl Qulnine is mndo from Plnivian Buk only, the suurco of Bitter Qiliniuo. In SwApt Ctulnlne the hitterncss Is irfcctly cnccalol, lut may bo iusUintV,' do veloled if dc&ircd. I 0 Svrecrt irlll not sicken, nJrccy üttifsubstances ofleudo. Sivet'if luln !nr is rcftdily taken, mlil -svltliou j the least hesitut ion, by old antlyoung. BvreetWulnlne entlrely obviates tljt unconVm-i-al le dislike wbich cjiililrcmhuvo to Bxter Qulnine. l v, Swcf t Qliininr roquiros no olAborata prepararon to takc, ïs ready for instan, uso. o T i .' ."'''. 'n ils a?rceabilitr and Sweet Aulnln, u „„ the (publiJ prompt effleacy, t.. , . ., f, . niiid of much projudice 'aguli1íl ÍIV ■ ' añil aids the cfloits of tho intclVgent Fh;Uician in its administration. Sweet unlnlne costs no moro tilia tho BituVcjuimno. Sweet tiiliiino can bc had at the i)rug Storl8 in two forms, viz : fluid, foí convenffenco of families and tto genera. uW Heffend jfícdn; for uso orhysidyfs andjvaffíjista. k i StAkns, Farr & pé., mmS ACTURING CHEMISTy k r ew vork. M X ForSaleby Eberbach &Co., druggigta. 1264jl fF YOU WANT A WINTER HAT, [F YOU WANT A STYLiSH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, JF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," JF YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, O-O TO A.. A.. TERRY'S; IS South Main Street. Wbere jou will also flnd a full line of Cent' Turiiishing (jou1,., Ann Arbor, May, 1870. 1240jl J}R. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Im & never faílinp cure for Dyspepsla, Siok-ITendache, Afine and other disease aiising from Indigestión or Torpldltyof Mver. JT)R. KELLOGG'S Liver Invigorator ',9 a Standard Medicine, and is componed of medicinal properties extracted from sonie of the most commoa artictes of fooi combined witli tbe conceatrated uicesof farao ui Koots and Eierb. FRrKELLOGG'S Indian Remedy, Nerer fails to caie COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, and other afTection of the Throat and Lung. "TS A LINIMENT DR. KELLOGG'S INDIAN REMEDY. Stand nnrïvaled as a cure for all difleases attendrd with tnllaniniation, andiii equally good for man or beaat. ÍF YOU FEEL WEAK OR LANGUID, Dulland Unambitious, ue Dr. Kellogg' jLirei Invigoratorand regain your health. Tfi. O. B. PORTER, 33E2STTIST. Dfflce in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOK Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CAItB. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETfl, TO OIVF. EACH INniVIPUAL, Ocnturts of the proper tóe, $hapc,color, firmnettand naturel expretiion. 1244 Q M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Choice Furnituro Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o Cali and see him. 1268 Finest Assortmont of Toilot Goods in the City, by


Old News
Michigan Argus