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A UGUST lOtb, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qunltiy, at tho ANN AEBOR CITY MILLS. Very nico boltcd Coro Jfal, coarse Itfeal, Graham Floiir- good econd qnallty Flonr nt low prioe,- Crackcd Whent, and all kind of Feert, nt lowest priel, and delivered in any part of the city. Tcrms Cah. tfíf Ordors lcft in my Order Box at the Post ODlce promptly attended to. 1282 J. T. SWATIIEL. TXR. KELLOGG'S CRLEB'.lATEn ROOT BITTERS A a Rtimulant, Corrector of DfsMion and Appetici tht-y ar unequlad. For Ktiules who are Weak ana Ijtn(iii and for thesa wli.inr eonvalsc ing from ifeknau and reqalre Stlmulattnj Tont BITTBR8 will befosodtoba jusi tbathlps I'sponc Hottieand jou vrill adaiit that they are al we claim tbcm to be. For Sale by K. W. ELLTS&CO. W4-1585. DKTjaaiSTS. jyJOTICE! All persons are forbíil totnst Washington TTill on my ftocount, au I hall pAJ 110 debte of his contract iui; after thic date. Scio, Aup. 31t.l8T0. 1285v3 JAMK3 M. IIII.L. GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's j for choice Wines and Liquor? : for Medical Purposes . PflE RICHE8T FABMIN6 LANDS JIX TItE WOHLD. 1,300,000 ACRES POR SALE TO ACTUAL SF.TTLF.RS. NEOSHO VAIiLEY, KANSAS, Union Pacific Eailroad Co., Southern Branch Cara now Kurml iTha Linda now oflfeied by this Conipann.r are situted malnly vrlthlD twt-nty miles on each Me of the road, flcn1inir one. hundred and nevpnty miles the NE09ÜÖ VALLKY- the riehest, fines t ,and mout invlting V:il iv Tor settlement i o the west. One-third of the labor rquired t thpKast in the culture of fa rnas wil l insure here douMe the amount of crops. For orchanl, fripe culture, and small frnlti in preneral, it U unequaled. BUILDING MATERIAL AND FEXCINO of ercry variety nd in reat ahiuid nee. T30CK ttAlSI.VO.- The nch natiYe meten of the prairies and bottoms. prith the latere area ofunoccupied landSjin connection with the tlfy, mild ,and open winters, present Anequaled advantages for the raieinfrof cattlc shopp and horses. D.UKY1NG.- In such a country, with rangeg for Ftock unrwtricted nl pasture lhnitlesp, the produc tion of imiiri a ii. I .-i ■ mu.xt be protitahle. FRUIT -CROWIXG is one of the spécialités, nu demnnstratcd hy the fïold Medal awardd lo the Stfttfl of KaaRaü by the PennKylvanta State Horticultural Society for " A CoiLKCTioNor Fruit ÜiuurfambS ron BlZtt, BKAï'TY. AKD FlAVOH." THE CL1MATB AND IKAI.TH of Kansa are anequale-ii. The, indeed, ure min? ita chif excelleners, ad aro rvooniBilldttont ïw fettlenent. PR1CKS OP I.AXP.Frora $2 to $8 per acre; erf-üt of ten (10) yrs' time. TERM9 OF SALE.- Oof-Unth down at timo of purchaso. No paymeat th Reond year, One tenth eve-y year after until completioü of payraent, with aannal interest. TJ1EI1FAD LAn OFFICE ilocaiedflt.irNrTION CITV. To all i'urchasprs of landw frtetickttê from are civen oi'er t hei roa d. For further informatïon , addregR ISAAC T GOODN0W LandCommlioner. lSTSmS NE03HO FA7.L9, KANSAS. rïÖFFINS AND CASES ! AFULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S AI.I. TAI.t.S PIIOJIPTI.Y ATTENDED TO GotoR.W.ELLTS& CO'p for strictly Pure Drugs and . Medicines ,Paints,Oi]s,&c.


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Michigan Argus