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&J.TJK BKMKDY. Wniim's Pile Kemei ] oever failed (oot 6V40 in OOficaae) to cure t v i-vy vorst si Blind, Itobing -r Bleediog PHea, Titoae who art ftfliictf'l aliould immedlatply cal] rut thetr i i Vak.kk's Tuk KhMM'V. It is expresal; for the Piles, un! : ■ ■ . ;.n m'tMl to cure at Jlaeasé. lt hui cored i v cAaefl of over thirtv years Prtee O '-e I-illar. tor ítalo by HrupfirietK i-vit w , iDJPÉPSIA'"" Warner'i Oysjn-psin Ton Ie preparad ei , [ 'V Dj -j"1)1 "li hab ll u:i i ("si ivt-in-sM. Jt is a Mlifllt ítitSUlftttDf tol k and a splendid appetizer; 11 Btreogtneim Um ■tont .1-1 htive otea to ih ii heall-hy s! :l te . -.. D t nl dyftpeptlC prran- shoald uu Wasmi I'h-mi'ma '1mc por Kale bj 'ii i ■■ i -I ■ Pi ■■'■ ( ■ 1 '''■ 1: t, COÜGH NO MORE. RfAM'a CoUgh línlsniH is healfflg, sufun■ ! aoi :i niü'v power it n ín linimdiatelj relief ing, and vntuall; ; í mate ca wc . of CodBJia, Cold, - [-■ 'i' iro t . Broncbitia, Infinensa, Cntarrh, HoargeaeA] Afttb&u fn.d Condumptii n [taïmcatin . Í ronpt )B tli; relief and certaln its . 0 e i '-h, dr aoj affeetlon of he tli roa' and luDga, that thouflanda of pfa sfciaiji are dally préícilbing it . and 0e anti all say that it is the in 1 healiugand oxpectoratlDgmediolneknown. ■ rls relief, finii in mrj0D6 bottlè effecta a on re. SuM by drugglata , In IftTge b.ottlM, Pricft Onfi I ollar. 11 is 3 (ui r own luult if y ou UU oeuffb and sulfer. The Babam will c u ie . The graat Blood Pariflcv and Dell ei om Drlnl Warner'! Vlnnna Vitiv, r Wln of i.irv pom ftDj npisonoua drugi or trapo ritLaa, ba [D j'! ■cpai ciTj,,!1 i ii who reqnlre a Bthnulact4 I la a aplendld appattscr and loniccind ths AiMt th i nu i i. tha wo rld foï purlfyicg thí bloort. H h the iiiosii ploasant ad dclfciona aiticjp eTor offarad to the public, ';ir superior t brandy, whi-kv, vine, bittere, oran; n'h.i nrttcla, Ii Ib more healtny and ei Both 1 1 icii'-uic, nr old, ean take ■" Llf. Iti, tn faot, a Ufa preaerr i - ïhoae w] Q v. i I; to i n : v gooi] bealll) ii1 a fr Sow nf IitcIt ipiHta. will do irejl to tak tbe '.'i not'I.ife. It m diflrrni1 trotii noj tMng ewrbfor lt Iseoidby drnggiats ; a.lati by all respeo tabl aaJooBSi Prlci ( i Dollar, in qi:art bottlra. EMMENAGOGÜE, MftriitiVKnimciittgogueifi the only article knowjj to cure tb v i Itea, mi wfll cara in everv ;e.) W'hiMc is tbe iaiüjiy in wiiicli tljis Important medióiiu is oot antedf llotbera, thU ík tbe jíreatest bic ing ■. ■ j ol i red yoa, and. jou hoald imniediatoly procure it. 1 1 in also a turr. cure for Female Irregulai , ai;d maj be depend upon in every bare tbe montbly ilow has been cjbntructPd througb coldor dineaae, Öold ! drugvleta l'rido ollar. Or !ent bj naü onrecript of Ooe Dollar and a Q'4l Glíí Síalt Btreet, (hicnpi. PAPRAND, 8HELET & CO. Wholesale Agent Detroit.. For sale by Eberbacb k Co., and R.W. EHis & Co Fürniture: J. KECK & CO. ifinufacturersiwliolPBale and retait doalera in AND UPFiLSTERY GOODS OP EVERY DESCIUPTION. We M aiiiifacturs cur groocls and will not be Uudersold by any HOUSE ÜAST or VVE&T. ÜNDEKTAKING! Wp Keep Constant ly on Mand a faü assoríment of WOOI3, METALIC, CLOTH COVERED CASES -ISTD COFFINS which will be sold at prices so LOW as to defy all Competition. Sales Rom 52 Soulh Main St,; and 4 Wan Liberty Sireet. MASMÜFACTORY ! Coinerof Williamand WestFourtli St. J. KECK & CO. 1265. Tinn blood pitntitr _vet Cll covere 1. ándgciifl4 all ktanoTt froin the worst Scroj' ulti tu h cuiumou Ernption. Pimplfs hikï on the face, and caly or rough, wfalcb tre SQtb aimoyincr blemisbea lo manj young persona, yieM to tbe lueof a few bottl i oí thla woni erf ui medicine. From oue t" eig'ht bot Hch cure Sal t Hlieum, Krysipelar,ScaId Head, Ring Vforma, Boils. Scaiy EruptloD of ibe Skin, forofti Is Sores , D icers and " Oaitker IJ In the Vouth and Stomaeb. It is a pure medicinal extract of nul ive rootB and pl:i nis, combining in barmonv Nature'a must BOTerefgn rative properttea, whioh God haa tbstflled tato Uw venetable kiag■ hoaling the alok. it íh a gront rcatorei it the Niri'D_ '■ i ;i [)■! vigor of llie sjatem. Those wlio are lang -. have nerrous apprebcnaiornt or fea r.-i, or onj of the ffectfoos mpiomatlQ of wwtk■ :.! Bnd -■] tic n ■; pvi U'iico of lts restöratiTB power opon trial. It ytiu fpol duit. droiety, dci.iHtatrd and deppoudewt, baye fi eq uont herdache, moutb badly in tbe morDing, Irregular appelite Tnd . coat' di j ■ ■'" are ■ nfTering froi ■ or biJoU8ncn. In m-my eaaee of Liver Cmuplalnt only a part o!' 1 1 1 ■ s ■ ■ sympi p mg are peí iencea As a remedy fot 11 mi b cejes. Dr. Plerce'a Golden Bied [cal Ditooverv baa-oo cqua f. au it effecM perftctij durea, lea-vlag tbe IÍvm Rtrengtheoed and bea.ltby I'oj t Ij f euve of lint i uní ConstípfttiOD of tlie Boweh it ís a De ver ralHog mcly, mul tb oae wbo have psed It för thïs ptarpOM tré load in its proltft. In Bron ebial, ïbroal and Lang Dfeeaaes, it hss pcodnoed iiriny remarkabK cures, wliere o ber medicines had Sold bj drogglata atíl.OOper bottlo. Pre]i&i' d at the ; ■ rv of !i. V. P1ERCE.M.D., nu(Talo,N. Y. MINERAL SPRING DÏSCOVERKD AT THE CITY ARCADE. It throws Dp 3 pounda of Old Gov. Java'for $1.00, : rrom China for - .00 por póand, and ánsar froiu uuba lor . ■ per pound. Come od ye who ure BÏckof ËIGH P&ICES and get CUIiKD. CtABK ACROPSEY. ALL KINDS OF r. -:rs of tuk skin AiecuYed by Dr. KèHogg's CHAMPION MNTMBNT. Renl Estáte for Sale. STATB OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Waatitenaw, m. In matter of the. estáte of Henn Cinfield, . 'i . that in puraoanM of nn prdorpr.iuted to the uuleri$ined, Annntiistrator of the Estáte 6f eaiñ d'CeaseíT by the Bon. of Probate for the Coimty of Washtenaw, on the thiriy-iïr.-ï ïny ol" M;iy, a I 18T0, there uil! bc boW át pabllc veodne, tothe higHeal bidder, Bi tbe (hwi lsj{ ïuirx'ini thepremiseBDoreiDafterdescrlbefl, in th" ('ouniy of rrifhi-'iiav, in s.rld Sl:Uc, OD ThöSi .It . the twenty-8eventh tl.-iy of September, A. D. 1870, :ii ten ó'clock m the P renoon ofthat l;ty. (aobBCi to all i'ïirumbi'iuict-s bv mortgace w otherwiBe exiaÜQff cao iï llie detith of sak1, ücceasedj, tin: foilowlng dcscrlbed real óptate, t w!t About niiu? aeree of l"ml In the ïi !;■■ of 0hda. In nid 0 ouniy and State bonndecl M IoHowb, vJj : Com meucing thtrteco rods muí tweoty-three luches eaal ncr of cortaiu lande deeded by Kiislui Conpdon to one Tohn M, I i-ti. September 2181 . D. i ■■;. : nd record -t In tl for CoujiI ■ aw, in Uber 39 f Doeds, pape '69, itiil running tbence north twêrfty-three roda, fivt' IV:-: and three Inohós thencè ■■ -i - 1 tórty reda to tlw Une bc ■ ■ I Jolm M. Letta and UftAC Tajflor, t henee sonth twentthrefl nds ilve l threc Inch es. tnence west'tjo the place of ■:-.'. on the west parfoftBé borth? easi qn quarter of aoctlon twelva, in township two sonth oí rsnee thrce : east. In sala State; aleo commencing a1 the north : mr of certaln lande dcedéd Angnel 'j-.M, . A i, i rdon and wlfc tt Jnmea ] Smith. a the poini where ii jolns Üw ronthweel ( nor of nin1s flrat abo ve described i running thence i ponth two chiii ns and forfy link?, thnre north 1 olghty-seven d and fiirhty-six links, tinncc nor) u one chaln and SCty-nlne ünlcs, to i the Bontnenal cornejr ol the Brei ahove deeerfbed i cel 61 tand thence weet nno chalne ■'■■■ eIghtTHalí link? to the place f bi Bxcepttng and re servlng from the flist above d eorlbed parcel, e strip i off the north sldé one and i balfrpde wïde íor a í roadf snbj Bontrol of dald estáte, Tltns and the ftdJodülBg owoer, Johnson M.LetUTor thclrsitciJittcd, AngUöt ÏOth, A. D. 1870. CHARLES Iï. KKVrP, 1284 Admlnlstrator. Fïnest Assortmont of Toilet Goods in the City, by Moftffage Sale. DEFAULT having been made In theconditionof a córtalo moi ■ unie M. James lo Abnim S;i " t. ï;iïffl Mnrch :;i'tli. 1869, and reo April '.'i!i, 1809, In tb e office of the Register of JDeeds 'or W;t ntenaw County, Michigan, ín líber 40 (,f ■ v. on page 693, upun wiui h mo tgagc t bere soowclalmed to be tint: at the date of thu notice U-.f snm of me ihoLirt.-iml KÜÚ tweniy-srvcn dollars uiüsevi besldes iwt-nty-flve dollars At torney'a feB provlded for In said mortgage, and no snit ór proceeding having been IdBtltnte recover ï-lfm now due and seca red by tald i m--.-. of ;u;v p irl i hereof; Now, ther ifore, by rirtue of i.i pow rofsalecojnt&IneH in natd mort gage, and by vlrtue of the Btatutein such case made and vraednetlcetsherebyglven, tbal on Baturdi HrKi du.v of October next, at IS o Vloek nopn, of tbal day, at the nouth door of the Court Hónse, In the Ctty of Ann Arbor, Ooontr of Washtenaw, ind State of Michigan, I sháll sell ui pnbllc aoctton to iheel bulder, the p - i rlbed In sald mortgage, or ap miuh th n i :m ratlsfy the amonnl dne in e&ld inortffitge, with interesi and coatí, Ineindlng the. Attorneye (''e afoiv aafd, whtèh prrmiies are de cribednffollowa: All that ct-rtJijii tract tfr purtel ol land sünatëd in tk township of Ann Arbor. Nichten n, and on s 60, wii, bounded and deserfoed bs followi -. ;. ■ comroenclngtwochaJiisand elghty-two links west ol northeaat corner of the weet half of the northeastqnarterof secttön ihirty. in townehlptwo fnuh of raiwe ix cast, and ranntng thence sfintfa parall I with the eaet line ofald weat bajfofnon qnarterof satdaecttontwanty-onecfaalni and oinely links to the center of the Dcxter road, thenoe nortfi T4deg, west along the center of aid rond sevtn chaina and Üvs links to the outhenst come r of n Ol land SOld by W. Iï. Klng to A. DeForeet, thenco north 1 fleff. enst at rigrhl flmlee witbstid rond and along eaid DePorestB cn-t ltne - ï _r ï 1 1 chaina aml fifty link. to tlie bortheast corner ofhls land, thnt north 74 dep. weat parallel with the Dexter road fonr chaina and seventy link to northwest corner of sald DeForeefs tand thence north parallel wltb tne first mentioned line ten chaina ana thirty elght linke to the sortb Hnoofthe sectlon, tbence cast sjong caidlliieeiïrht chafns nnd ninety-ATe links to the placa of ijfL'inning, contatning fiftcen aeren und forty-seven hnndredths, be the sameïnoreorless, reservíng and excepting the rlght granted to A. DeForcst of frawblg water by pipe from tiie ■prhig as expressed and limited in deed from W. Iï. Klng and wife to auul DeForest. AIso another piece of land in the name townshfp of Ann Arlior. dewribod as follows: Begfnnlng al the northcait corner of the west hall Of the north past qaarter of section nninber thirtv. mnnlng thence west pn the north Itne of sald sectloo twochalna :nd ciu'hty two links to the landbereinbefore deciibed, tóenos sonth along iha eftet line sald i md Beven chaina and ten )lniu.thencfl cast par allelwUfa saldnorth line of the sectlon twocbaln and slgbty-two links to the esst line of the lot thence north on ejiid cast line of the ïot seren chaln and ten Ilnki to thft place of Deginning, containini. two acres, more or l1. Datcd, July 5th, 1S70. ARRAM SAÍ3RR Mortgapee. Pxlou & Orakt, Att'js. for Mortgagoe. 1377 Mortgage Pale. DEPAULT liaviitL'biïi'ii made ín the condition o a certain mortgajxe made and cxcctited by.Iame Ivory and Anu Ivory, of the township ofDexter WiushtfriKiw County, Hlehlgan, to .lames Clark, o the tmvn, County nd State aforesaid, benrinc dftt the elerenth day of December, A. I). 1800, and re corded in the office of the Register of Decds fo Wnshtenaw County, Michigan, on the twonty-slxt diiy of December, A. I). 3S00, at 6 o'clotk P. M., In hber No :i-!i of mortgaees, on page 55G, by whlch th power of sale contained therein became operatlve the amount clalmed to be due on safd mortgage urn accompanytDg note, at the date of this notice is th t-iim 01 one handred and twenty BOTfn dollars an( thlrteen cents, and tbc furthcr enm of twenty liv dollarsprovidcd in ftaid mortprairo ae au Attorney Pa in case any proceedings anoold be t:tken to forcclos siitue, and no snit or irocceding bavlngbee Inetl ntedat law or ineqirity to recover the deb secnred by nu mortgage , or any part thereof ; No tier i.s horeby i;iven. that on Friday, the sevcnth da of October, A D. 1870, at 10 oclock A.M. oftïci d;:y, it the front door of the Court ll"use, in th City ol -nn Arbor. in said Connty of Waahtenaw there wilj be sold nt public nuction, to the biches bidder, the iremises described in aatd mortjrageasa] thnt ccrtaln piece orparcel of land altnated in th township of Dexter, County ol Waehtenaw, an State of Michigan, fcnown, bönnded and deecrlbed a foliows, to wit : beini; n pars ofaectioD Ño. C13 thlrteen, In townshfp one sonth of range fonr easi boj Inning al a sTike In the noh bounri "f. ♦ .. uü 1 tturiing nortti i() ti' g ast two chain thence south 89 dei:. 20 min. cast eeventy five link thencf SO0th40deg west two cllblns, thence morí 89 deg 20 m. wwi alonir the bighway seventy-fiv links Lo the place of begïnnlng. Dated. Auu Arbor, .Tul y :.ih. 170. 1277 JAMES CLARK, Mnrtgagee. Lawberoi & Feazeb, Att'y.s. for Hortgagee. Mnrtgage Sale. DEFAULT hftvlng been made in the condition o acertuin moftgage, whoreby the power tf SS ttierein contained Iiub beoome opurative, executei by John M. Boller aud Maria Magdak-ne Roller, h wife, to Angifl Rice, dated the nineteenth day o September, A D. 1.SC5. auü rt corded in the office the Register of Deeds for the Ooanty of W'ashtcnaw and State oí' Michigan, on tiiest oajoSeptembe A. I). 1ïS65, at ll ocl' ck a. M.,ín Lib'ur iï4 of Mor gages "ii page 210, whtch Kaid Mortguee was, on il Hth day of Dctxniber A. D. IS' -'. tïnly assigned t Benjamín F. Conrt er and Willlam II. Ivebite which asalgiiment wus dniy ceeorded in the offiöa tüe Regi&tcr of Dceds aforeald on the Kitb oav o May, Á D. 1868, at 12 o'dock M., in Líber 1 o Aesfgnments-of Mortiraes on page (."o, upun wbSc Moi age there is clalmed to be due b virtne uï t!i conditlona thereof, and remaintng anpald at the dal of this nutice ihe -urn of three huudred aud thirl dollars and forty-flve cents anti an attorecy íee o fortj dollars, provided tor in sald ftfofttfage in cas of uóreclosure, maklng a total sum ol three hundra and seveniy dollars and forry live cents, and no 8iii or proceeding at lawbavisc teen Instltnted torc cover said mud ar nv.y part tlieroof Notll e U there (bre berebj giren that on Saturday, the tweutj nlnthday of October, A . l870,ai roor oclock 1 the afternoon we shall at public auction to the hlgl est bidder, at the front door of the Court House i the City Of Anu Arbor in the Couuty of Washte djuv, aud Stafof Michigan, to i-atisfy the snm du by viiUie of said cuitiUinn, luchiditiL' Bajd atturi)'1 fee, with aeren per cent interest and legal costs, ee the premisos desorlbed ia sald Uortgage or e&c part 1 hereof as ui iy be neceNiry for iliat pnrposf that Is to say : The following de?cribed parcel o laúd sitúate in the Village of Saline, County o Wiishteiiaw, and of Michigan viz : Part o lot uumber two Ie BeCtion fouriu said illiiiie, boun ded by a line connnencinL ut a pointthirtv-feet wea erly from the north-east corner of said lot. thenc west parallel with Chicago Street tweuty-eisht fee thence sontb Btxty slz feet, thence weu at rlgh anales five feet to the west line of eai 1 lot, an thence eoutherly 011 the line of caïd lot etjïht rot: to the rear of smid lot, theno.e eaft on the line Of 0ftl lot thirty-three feet, and tlicnce uortherty on tt división ïinebetweeD Cïhrlrtopher Hoüsar'a lot an Daniel Weïenet's lot to the place ol bejnnning, re sorving the right to use the lane for tncresfl an e.Tt n 10 the rear ol said lot, and the right of th ose of a Jane recorred by Adam Haist ín his deed to Vaibrldge of June BQTenteenth A. D. 1853; ala the folio win described land in the vlllage of Saline aüoreaaldt Bejiinninjr at a puinton thesouth-weeter ]y Ii in of the Chicago road at a dist au ce of one hun dxed mikI elffhl feet westerly from the sonto-w68tei ly corner of the Chicago Hoad and Adrián Street o Ann Arbor road, and runnisg thence BOUtherl parallel with said Adrián street elghty-elght fert t the north line of an alley twelvo feet wide, thenc westerly along the line of said alley twenty-fuur fee thence northerly parallel with said Adrián 8tree elghty-elght ieet to the soulh line of said Chlcag road tbence easterrj along the outherly ltn of said Chicago rond twenty four feet to the plac of; accordiug to the recorded pint o said village of Sa)iue Dated Jackson, August 2d, 1870. BENJAMIN P. COÜKTKB) WM. H. WEBSTER, SAssignecs. Conkly & Suabp Attomeye for Assiguces, Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlnJBE ben made In the condltlons of a certain mortiiage made and executed bv Jalla A. Ocklord,of the City of Ann Arbor. State óf Michigan, to Charle Fanile, hearing date the eighth day of May, one thonaand eiht huudred andsisty-eight, and recorded on the nintli day of Mfty. &. D. 3S{3, in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Wa-hK'iiaw, State ol „Michigan, ín líber 3í) of mortrages os page 132, by which the power of sale tutelo contttined has become operative, and the aniount rlaimed to be due on sald morlgage at tbc date of this notice, beinc tbeum of one hnmlred and sixty dollars and an Attorney fee ol thirtv dollar." ezpressly agreed to be païd In case any proeecdiiiL' be taken 10 forcclose eaid morteafe. and 110 suit or proceeding at law or in egnity liaving been [ uteilto recover the sum now remal&fng dne and unpaid 011 said iiiort„'iLre. or any part thereof j No tícela thereforc. hereby glven, that on Monday.the tweniy-lourth day oi Ortober, A.l). 17", at ten 0cl0CK iu the iorenoon tf that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Oounty nf Washténfcw, State of Michigan, (the said Court' House, being the place of hofding thjB Circuit Conrt forsald Coontyj, by nrtue ofthje power of f ale ïn said mortgngo coutaincd, and in pnrsnance of the stasntfl in neb case made and provided, tiicre v be BOld at public auclion or readne. to the hlghest bidder, the premises dencrfbed in lid mortgsgBt or 20 much thereuf as may be uccessary to satisiy the itnunint dne and unpaid on aald mortgage, at the date ofthi? notice, with interest and oosts aud ezpenfos allowed by lnw and providfd for In saifi mortgage. The said premiso are described in sald mortgage as folio w: All of lft number six acconling totbe recorded plat of Hlsoocks Improved sckütion to the city of Anu Arbor, Btate of MicliiLr:in, and siSO lot bc ven vu ttie t-ame additfon to aald Dated.Jtiïy 2Gth. 18T0. VT CQAKLES FANTI-E, Mortgagee. Mortgage S!e. DT"i-ri,T having been made in the conditions of aceit.iiu DXQrtgage made by Adam Finkbiuder, re uk: pnrehase piice oflands tTiereln and herslnaftcr described). to Orrin Thatcher. barin& dsifl the 'Sá day of August, A. I). 186S uad recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the Connty of U'a-luenuw, andSiaU'of Muhiu'an. in liber -il of mortgages, on page 212. op tbe Sfteeijh fi:; aay of May, A, D. lï-o.t . and bn whfeh -aid mortgagv there in (hmneil lo be duo at the date of thls uoiiee, the sum ol four hudred and nlne dollars ftnd ninety ffx cent-nd no suit or proreediui; . either at law Of In eijuiiy, baring been institnted to recover the. same, Or any part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby gtveu that by virtue oí the power f siile, in eaid mortgagti contáinedi I ill sell at public nuction . to the bu best bidder, on Wednoaday, the twsntj thlrd day 01 Nm ember iiet, at !en o'clocfc )u tlie forenooij af saJd day, at the smith door of thé Court Hoa&e, in the City of Auu Arbor and toumy T Waahteuaw, afotesald, Csatd 'onri House lwhi tbc place of lioldïng the Circuit OoÚTt in SfiJd ('ounty 1, ihe f!lowlng prenusea deserlbed In laid mortgaee. to-wlt : Ml t iic' ■ parcela of land described asftlïowï, viz: ots niiiuber lonrtecn (14). Uiteen (K;, anti sixteen I6j, algo üuc and one-half il '..; rod- off the sonth mk! of lots nnmbef one Tl;, two ■■■} ■ and tbree i:i; in ilock a amber ei-iit f8, ín te vlilagsef Syivan, Jounty and Btate afbresatd, or eo much ot sucli parr hereof necesaary lo sallafr tbHmonnt lite uu sald Inori ;aee at the dato of this notice, torethor with the fortber Interest wivloh shaU have ac:rned thereoo. and twcntr-fiy dollars Attoriiej is in said mortgage providedi and tlv cost, charges indexponsea allowod by law and provúlud lor in tald morËrage. Dated Auzmet 89al8T0. üRKIN TriATCIIER. Mortgagee. A. J. Sawyku. Atl'y for Mortgöj PI1Y8ICIA&S' PIIESCRIPfiÖSit ACCl'RATELY AND . CAREPULLY PREPABED BTT Rt IK. KLL1S t ü0.,JmiO6JS18.J CotuiiHSsioneis' Notiee. BTATBOFMICniOAN Connty of Wa,htCT. ' "he ui i :i been uppoii róbate Court forsaid Connty. i:;;",'!.'1!1. ivc. exatnlue and a:ust all claim and ,'J '"■:■. I peisoüs affalnst the ■il, hcr-liy give DOtlciiï ''■ onth? from date re allowcl '■■■ order ni ■ -'.. for t-, present thcir "■ ■ ■ estáte i.l aald (. „„,. .i, illnictm ihcurüieofCntcheon. te Allen In,?' I Tpeilnnti. in salrl Connty on Satnrdav , ■ent!. .!.,v ur NoTcmbcr. anti n'ednesth ík "'' lyofMw il 10 ovlock A. M. örïïJN ild d iy torecclve, examine. and adJattMCl Dated, Ansggt 8 tb. A. D. 18J0. SS' TIJOM s NTNDE „ lö1 EO" A LBN, i ""nlstlo, Estáte of Matthew Kearññ JTATEOP MICHIGAN. Coonty of Wah(Í O Notice Ie hcrebygivcn.lbat byan order nfii ■" ateConrtfortheConuty of W:..-i,i.-i,.,„ '""K ie iweuty.iec.ond day of August, A D'iaiJ'1 lODtba from thi eallowrdibr r'nii'"1! i thejr claim airninM the reht,.,rï "i -i.-ii in-v. late oreaid County. deceaied ainií!" redltorf of i iid deceaaed are reqaired' tn '! ïetr claimt te. ald Probate Coïrt, al th. fel Office in the city cf Ann Arlnir, fl)r , nd,allowaoce, on or before the ttrrni f Febniary next, and tliiu such claim, ■ beforesaid Probate Conrt, on Saturdt n '"l Inth 1 1 . v ui October', and on Thnrsriar th.i'í hlrdday r Pebrnary next. at ten o'cluek i l' orenoon of cach of those dïlys 'ö ( Datad, Aun Arbor, Angust 22. A 1) iha 12S4 1I1K.U, ƒ BKa'k's 12S4 Judgeofp Ertate of Tlicmas Bentley! " CTATE OF MICHIGAN, ConntyofWa.M,,, 0 At aaeaelqu of the Probate ( ourt tor thlü?'1! of Wushtunaw, holden at the Probate City of Ann Arbor, on Tuerday, the iv lay or August, in the year ouu thoumnd eliH? Aten andseventy. "ueltUij Present, Hiram J. Knaken, Jnd-e of Prolm In the matter of the Estáte of TI-oma i """Hal Selden W. Shurtleff, Admini -trafor ith it annexi d of f :ii.t deceaaed, comea Into riniri2i'!' reeenta thathc. ia now prepared to rende? yai ■ : u eoch Adminlttrator '"i:. Tbereapon lt ia drderad, Jlomlsy th., day of October, next. „t ,.„ o'clock in ï. ;" noon, i' asslgm d [or ezaminlng and alloh "' account and iliat the legateea. devisees anH r'' lawofMia deceisfd, ad all oiiur i eated In aid estáte, are reqolred to api . Ion of iafd Conrt, then to holden at'ihpi'i'' the City of Ann Arbor, „ aUcSSÏ show canse, lfany Uurebe, wby the -uid v Bbould nut be allo wed : And it 18 fnrtheroritiSS sa'.d Admlnlstrator rite notice to the iicrwi,', " e?!i-l in Mild .-stufe, of pé'ndency i pi,í,i,,, '- aodthehearinethueof, by canin a comS order to be psblfooed In the Michigan j,,,, "' paper piinted and clicnlatlng in eaid CiinniT n t ucceeslve weeks previous to said day oi (Atrnecopy.) IHKAM j i: 1288 Jnde of Probii, Estáte of James S. LSircbard STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oonnty of Wahti At nscüsion of the Probate Conrt for theCoÜ of Ua.slilenaw holden at the Probate OKce , city of Aun Arbor, on Fritlay, thu secondday'V tember. in Ihc year oue Ihunsand eicht linoirM fteventy. Present Iliram J. Beakc?, .Triduo of Prohatj In the matter of the Estáte of Jamee s Birti deceafiei]. Harria N. Bircbard, Administratoi ofíaidni. comea Into Conrt and represente that hc is nnï' paretl torender hls lina! acconnt ae euch Adtrf trator. """ Therenpon it is ordered, That Monda; the n tlay of C'ct'lx'r, next, at ten o'clock In 'the ff noon, be osalgned for examimng mi iIm Buch arconnt. and that the heir ut law of.' deceased. and all other penona interestra in L estáte, are tequired to appear at as, Conrt. Uien to bc holden nt the Probate Of8t h , City of Ana Albur, in said Connty, and bbowa if an'y there bc, wnj the Baid account ai onM ü! ■Uowedi Anditis l'uriher ordered. that fid minlstrator rive notice to the persona intenu! said estáte of the pesdency of said acconnt Ve" heaiinptbereof. bycanalng a cnpy of thij oitot be published in tlie Michigan A prlnted and clrculntln%'ni said Connty. tl)retá3 jvx. r , ;.uns tosaid day of htinrin (Atrnecopy.J H1RAW .1 BEAKB 18 Jnd'c..; Estáte of Jwlin Maon. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtcnn. At a Hession of the Probate Conrt for the(V of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ir City of Aiid Arbor, on Tnesday, the siith itl' Septemlier, In Uw year one thousand eitkt'b dred and sevènty. Present, Iliram J.Bcakes, Jndf;eof Probitt In the matter of the estáte of Joba Mie deceapi'd. On rtadingandfiling the petilinn dnlv TetiW Samnel Uason, prayiDg that be m.w bé jpwiü] Admlnistraiot (r (he estile of enid decearéo Thcrcupoult is Oldered, that Kondsi, s tliird day of October, next, at ten oYiock'lj?, on, be nssined for the BOBriit of l petitlon, and that the hetre at )aw oi and all other persona Interested in said tun are rcqnired to appear at a session ofsliCie tlicu to be holden at the Probate Office, in tledii Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any therr bt'.r the prever of the petitioner shonld not be gnüs And it is fartherordered.toat said pctitlonfifhu, tice totheperaoaslnterestednaai(i estáte oltbia tfald peUtlon, and the hcarinf thernti .-. Copy of this Order to be publiïhid Itti .tfuii„. e .1 ■ .a newipaperpristed anddraH in said county, threeanccessire weeke pmipi said tlay t hearing. (Atrüecopy ) IIIEAM .7. BEAKE? 1.8 i Jndgeof fwhh] Estáte if Calrin Lamb. STATBOF MICHIGAN, C(junt) of Washttin.J At a Hession of the Probale Conri fnrtheCww ■ f W'.iï-hLi-naw holilen at the Probate Office, il ü City of Ann Arbor, on Thursclay, the eishtt ! September, in tb year one tbousaiid cight toüv. and seveiay. At, Iliram J. Beakep, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the E-statc of Calvin Lvnï ceascd. Ou readinp and filinf; the petition, dniy Tfrifci' Martin L:imi), prajHBfl that a certain iLítrun now on file in ifiis Conrt, purporting to beiklK will ard testament of .viid deceased, raay beiie ted to probate, and tliLt he may be appoi&tedM reof. Xherenpon it is ordered, that Monday, th(fc day of October next. at ten oYlock r, beaeslgned for the hearing of said n. 4: the leffatoaa, deytoeea and heirs at LivrofssiiiJ ceased, and aïl other penona Interested InwJíiíl lin-d to appear at. a eeaslon DfsaUM then to be holden at. the Probate Office, City Ol Ann Arbnr, and show canse if any then 1 why thu prayer of the petitioner should ttiú trranted : AnVl it isfurther ordered, that sjidiH tioner j;ive notfee to the persons Interested it -'1 estáte, of the pendency ofaaid petition, iJ '■( hearine thereor, bycanslnea copy of thU orde: -; bepnbltahed in the Michigan Arijas a uewiií'i priuted and circnlaiiní; in said County, threeow weeks previooa to saíd dav of hearir?. (A true copy.J UIRAM J. BEAKES, 1288 Judïe of Prol' Estáte of John Peatt. OTATE OF MI'JHIOAN, Connty of Waht(U- w At a ecasion of the Probate Conrt for tíüCm of Wasiitenaw. holdeu at the Probate Office,;! City of Ann Arbor, on Friday.the tweiity-siiil of Áugti-t, in the yeai onethousand eigh; i: ilren and seventy. nt.IIiram J.Beakcfi,.Tudce o f Probate, j In the matter uf the Estáte ot JohnPeslt,S thriít. On ren!in!7andflin;the jictition, dnlyveriW'j Gi-i rgrC Arm, j:nan!ian, ptñytag that he nuj'l lice iicu to aeil certain real estai spendthrift lor the purpoee of providiunme!! iiis support. Therenpon Itis ordcredthat Monday. the l'" sixth day o f September, next, at ten o'' forcuoon.beas.siyned for ihe hearinfr of "X tion, and that the nexl k:n of said pe and all other persons interested in are required to appear at a session ofgaidfrthen tu lje holden at. the Probate Office, It theC'j Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there bí, prayer of the petitioner should ii"t he And it is furlher nrrlcrtd, that said pel notice to the persous interested in saiu lendency of said peütlon.and thehearlnc them' ■.üiu-iiii: aupy of this order to be publiehedn' i, hiaan Arjvs, h wemsp&peT printed and circulé n said Countv. three successive wreki suii' day nll, ■ariiis, 11IKAM .i . Atruecopy. Judïr Vil'Jld Estáte of' Lyman O. Lovewell. OTA TJiuF. MICHIGAN, Connty ofWashtcj' O Atiisession of the Probate Conrt fortheCMof VValhtenaw. holden at the Probate Offlee, City ot' Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the tv )f August, In the year one thousandeighth1'1, tud .sevrnly. Pre8ent,Hiram J.Beake8,JndgeofProbte. j Iu the matter of 'the Estáte of Lyman O-Wj well, sninnr. , On re.adinga.nd HUng the petition, dulyvprii! ietsy Ii íaardtan, praytng that" iceiinud to bdl ce-rlain real estáte belougiuS " miuor. rherei-, pon itis Ordered, that Honda), tl.' luy o! September, next, at ten o'doek noon, be assined for the heariup of said P? lud that llie next of kin of sa th'er persons Interested in said estafe, are rtïj oa[pear at a Keaalon of said Court. then i. lolden at Probate Office, iu the City i audshow cause, if auy there be. wliy tin ; letitionershouid liot be:rrantcd: And it ■ rdcd, that asid pititionet güe nolice W 'j ïext of kin of said minor ai.d all uthetf;. lü.TcsH-d In said estafe, of the pendenr.v "',' ■i"n.imd the hcarinu thereof, by cansing'J' hisOrder to bepnbüshed in the ■'"'■'''" f.Z, eivspapei prlatcdrina üircnlating In s lirécsuccessive weekaprevioUfl lo said day ül "'(A true copy.) 1I1KAJ1 J-BEASi, l-2S4itl JndLeof_PrfííÜ Estele of John George Volz. t OTATF. OP MICIIIOA N . ( i-m.ty of WashteM At aBiWflon of the l'roliate Cölirt lbrlMlrJ f Washtenaw, holden ftl ihe Probate ""ce'.lj'ity of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsdav, the ■ I 1 August . rn the jreir one thussand elgo nd seventy. t Present, Iliram 3, Beak( s, Jndge ol ri [t thamattrof tto etaio ol John Georü" in:l'!'i!. ;f ;- mi readlnsnndflllnsrthepetftioir, 9afj ver' ,, obn AdnmVolz AdmlnUftiator, piayii iny be licensd to sell ceitaln rcaleitate ' aid deeeased died eeiied red, UiatTlmrsday. to' nd dïy "f September next, at teño c?zm orenoon. for the hearins "f - ml thal the heirs al luw of said .her peraona Interestcd iu said e, appear at a .-,--;in of said Conrt, i'"'","' irfCl b, at the Probate Oftice, in the Ciiy of Ai ld show any there be, l'.v M ie petitlouer hoold not be granted: ABOi . ii r ordewd, that said petitioner givc 'W".H i.tereste.l In fald estüte. of the;.' lid p'tit;mi,!imi the licarini Iheieul. l) ,py of :■ be pnblishcd in '! rffM, a ns;i.'iier. prlnted and circulan otiuty, four sucivseivc weeka pruvious tö r(Aetarugspyo 1IIIiA?( 'ifr' lisa J ndfje oii_ GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO'j for strictly Pure Drugs s a Medicines TaintsOiI&c


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