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MICHIGAN MUTUAL UFEINS.COMPANY OF DETROIT, MIOH. (ESTA3LI3HED IN 1SO7.) JOHN' J. BAGLEY, l'KK.M.txT, JACOB S F.-UiUAM), Vio l'resideat. JNO. T LIGGETT, Secretar?. .1 IMES C. WA1S0N, Acnurjr. U. ü. FAIUÍANi', M. H., Uedieal Ex;uuucr. A Snrífíffni Ulehlgta I. fe InannaSa CoMpany, '. íiie parpose of f arniihiDg ín - upoil tlV6t ÍVt THE LO WEST COST COMPATIBLE WITÜ Absolute Security, and Tor the further purpose of K E E PING MOM Y AT HOME, vbloh lu-rctoforc lias beeu sent Eaat, BATES AS LOW AS SAFETY VERMITS. EJNT1R13 MUTAL1TY STRICT EQTJITY MüïIj the Bystem and prevail in the dUtribution al "AKRÚAI DIVIDENDS TO TUK IKSOBED Vi' 1 rovisions of the State Lt, and by tlu ir üwii Um-iïib, ALL P0LIC1ES AEE NON-FOKFEITABLE IKSURANCK FÜENIFHED VPON ALL DESIRABLE TLANS. All tlio BErT FKITUBES of the OW Companic ADOPTED,I!tblr EBKOKS AVOIDED. SECÜRITY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. gST For Agencies apply at t!io HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Sueet. Jg# I, M. THAYER.GeD'l ltent. FRED. l. HAHN, Agent. IS891 A. WEDENRÜANiyr REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANN ARBOB, MICII. OFFERS FOE SOIIE : 58 ncry.s df land, vrithln one half mile from the etty, tobe fiold ín wholor pared.-;, as foll 24 acres on sect Ion 19, in tlie town of Ann Arbor borderfog en Ifie bbki on the road leadiog to iwells' paper milis, and ou the Ben li on IS 2 'iciPH Bllimted on tli f Dortliweit cornir ol tht id the said Cornwell Vt- orj r i ui . (Tli e Is oneof the bandsomestsltnatiooa in the neighborbood f Ann Arbor.) 13'.; acro.t Improved Iftnd. joloJng the above 15 auryrt anü GrooUsg Gorliam Koud. Forty acres Of Firti Class Farming Land, with good Ovcliard and Barn, 2% milea fiom the Court }Ims( , on the upper Dixboro road. 1 acre of lamí wtth a new two storj frame house on Thoanpsoikt fcipour & Xhompfiou'.s addition tu the Qtj ut Ana Albor . 7 luís of J acre each,on Thompson, Spoor AiThompsen's Aiiiiitiou. 9 acres of land, with a plcndtd grove, joininp; the Piremen'a Park ou the West. 1 Iloust! and % Iota of land, with Barn, WaghKicli4-n, Carnaiii' UonGe,aad a, number of modem improvemtutS) on the nortb west cornt-r ot Fouvth and Packard Bt reets. 1 Bouse and Lot In the 2d Wrd, on South I.ib.erty BIn et. 1 Hoqm and 3 Lota in the 2d Ward, near 2d Wanl i-.cluuj 1 IJ ou se, 1 HouBcaixl 4 Lots,nearthe 11. C.R.B, Depot. 20 acres ot'lacd in the outh uf the ?late of MiesOtiri, near tlio U .nimba l rSt, Juseph Ka il road. 2 City I ols nar 2.1 Ward School House, A. WIDENMANN, FGREiGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS AKD BUYS DRAFTS, -a.kt:d ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In GRGA.T BRITAÏli.GKRMANY.FBAlïCE.ïWITZEHl.AM'. etc. -M j direct connectlona with Karope eaable meto offer 't a t";iir rates asanj Now Vor .. ... I ;ni) not an agent of an in thlfl cuun! rv , bnt I tin ba ving direct commuuicu - tion wllh the bert house.- iu Earopo COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏROPE UY POWEB OF TTORHEY dr OTBERWI6E, WILI. B I l'ÜOMl'Tl.Y AÏTÏNDKU TO PASSAGE TICKETS per Ktt-amer ti n:nl from Nw York io all principal porlftot Burope 1 WllI svnd awjollows: Prom New York to Southaropton, HaTT, London, BitMiien, or Hamburg, In Claas. 2dC1aBa. 8U0. 7. $'25iotJold. Return trekit. 123. 125 Cl " From abovo placrs to New York, lst Cía, -: Cl.ftM. 3d ClüiB. $120 $72. $-10 in Gold. ('abin, Ss0 to $100Currency. gtecrage, $80 iu Currenoy Prona Liverpool to New York, Cal in. Bteerage, i'ál . WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT -A.XTIT ARBOR, For the HowardjIiiMirance Co., In New Yo:k one of the oldeüt aml best CoraiJitiiic in the country. Tli e Te uto n ia Insurance Company in Cleveland. The honor wneñt of thls inatttutioa ha.-i mado it one of the moat rcliat'Ie Firt Insuraucc Comnanits in the Wost. 1257yl


Old News
Michigan Argus