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Colfax Helped Out Of A Fog

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In his long speech at South Beml, Yice-President Colfux stated be had iiittda a disoorery vviih which he fok Btranj,'ely puzzled. Ho aaid : I have noticeil recently, as a last card of our opponents, the preparatlon Ijy thelr National Democratie Commlttee of sample cards of goods, wlth the amouut of thelr ; eoat in gold in Enropean natlons ander luelrcneap irages of labor, and iheir price ben iu currency ouder our American Wages of labor. It la bard to see wlmt they expect to gat n by this. Ir thcy mcau tbat this dlsparlty could be remedled by cheaptr iïiixis íor labor here, it tiiiglit explain why, wbea Senator Btewart, of Nevada, auii othvr dtstlogulilhed Repabllcans, trieii lu pass u bilí at the last .scasion proulbltLug Uie tmportatlon, Doder contract, or servlle labor, and BlrengthenlDg t!e 1it passed by the RepubMcau Oongrsss of 1863, which was latendtd to prevent the coolle systeiu of slaver; in thle country, prominent Itemocratlc Senators against time, day alter day, couüemnlng lts details, aud findIng fault wlth lts provlslons as uot satlsfactory lo them, nntil at last Uie great pri'ssure of the auuual approprlatlon billa caused it to be postponed till the next Beseion. I wlll not assume tliat thelr object was to siik to manufacture polltical capital for the canvass out of it ; but 1 do say tliat thelr unwilllngness to co-operate In ii reasonable blll that coald have been passed, and thelr prolonged and antagonlzlng speeches, when time was so valuable, and in a body whcre no previons qnestlon exIsted tu Mt; m lntermlnabledebate, cauaed the postpouement for tbesesslon ofiit blll 1 have relened v. As 50 the value io the iry ofadeqiiately remunerated labor I have slready spoken, and ueed not repeat the argument. It ia rumaikublo liow tbo plaincst thiogipvzzlt Lhose wlio do not clioo-e ti scü. Now, e happen to [íoesdss one of t!nse vory puzzüi.g sample carda, and it will L■" ,.s much picasure to describe one, leaving it to our renders whetlier thcro eau be any duubt aboot the meaning. Til i;aid in question ia abont thiriy inehoa square it oontaio, paít ed on it, diflVr. nt uamplea of cloth, dresa goods, carpets, spool tliresd, &o. ündor oath a the fui I i!;'9fir:jtion of fureign OOtt, duiy, prioe in New York, aud tbe price it cou'd ba bonglit for if a revenue tariff wiis tlie luw of the laDd. For iuttance, UDder the spool-thread is the following signiüoant desoription : 200 yards best six corded spool-thread. Cast lu England, 2}4 ccuts gold per s;ool. Duty 85 por cent. Wholesale price In New York,CJ. cent? currency er spoot. Could be bought under a rerenue tariff of2ö per ceut. for 4 cenls currency per spool. Tliorc is no necepaity for the VieePtesMer.t to rope the cooiie question toto this aiuiple ezposition of facts. Every houswife, cvery servarit-firl. uuderstinds the tact that 6ho has to pay 8 ce;it, and sometiines 10 con lp, in retai! tor q spool of the best six corded tlirad mcaauriiii 200 yorrts Letevery high-tarifi man, from the Vice-Pie -itli-n't (O a politioal iiight-watuhni'in, clther deny or admit that a bauevoieot governineiit oxactn 85 per ccut. duty on thin great ariioie of luxtiry known a n spoo! of ootton. Let the cominuniiy interestd in spool-tbread inqoire the wholesale piice in Nbw York of tnis articlc, and we huvo no doubt it will be found corrtct that 80 cents is tho price per doieu, which, l.'8 dioount, maken a tingle fpool to eust Ci cent ourreucy Next, let uiúcnpclists güinüay tho bot if they cao, that, if a revenue tsriff of 25 per cent. was ch;irgad, the game pool of cotton could not be aold for 4 cent currncy o wholenale. Chineso cooüei, political diffurences of op:uion aa to the advisabilitT of Chinese emigration, are perfect!; foreign to all this. It is aimply a questiou whether the forty nji'lioti people of tb is country sball pay 2j i'.euta more for each spool of threati they uee ; pay this addition not for tbe benefit of goveniiuenr, but fur the benefit ol three or four Maiaehusetiii and Rhode Islund Bpool-cotton uianufscturers. It is the name with every artielo that in pated 0:1 the card. It is a t-impl practical expoeitioo of bow this patiënt, tex-riddeo eople are iwindled utl cij;presaed lor tbe benefit of clasaes. If he 85 per cent. duty on apool thread wbich our people have to pay would go into the Treasury, we should denounee it as an unneceVary oppresaion, particuhirly when we hava s enonnoua a sur plus of revtíime. But it beenmes an nútrale ou our industry aud rijjhts whcu hardly onc-eii!h go s to the Treumiy, and ceven-eijiIrliB j;o iuto the pockets uf a grspinj{. cirrupt monopiilv, of which the Vioe-Preeideüt of the United S'.ates


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