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The Republican "slate.

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Oor -o1-1 rtock ) (',. the lli pul irants f.usorry to hear that lie is rewarded with mnro cursus - Republiean caudidates, rcprescnting the "iiiorulity and decencj ti;;ies - iban thanks. I' i to "glate" tho list o! : r comity and ItgUlative nominatioDS, and "timeta advise nis readers w tious ones i aiaed bad, in hia opiuiou, tho "uside track." 'i'lio cause of comp!a'nt agsiost hini iieoms cu;:nifold. lat. Tho "slato" vas nol largo enougb, and loi:g as waa hia Hat sorno naiïioij wcro omiltcd- to the inexprostiiblo diegust of tho owners thoreof. " 'Tis pleusaut to pco one's D print," ia as truo of llcpublicnn patriot as of any other ol:i-s of iijJividuals, and wlio of tliom wouid iiot bü a eandidate both bofoJO oonventions nud at the polla, at.d exolaim "dam ihe expense,''1 jnst to seo thoiiyiaraes in the per or on the tickot. I2d. borne ut thoso credited with bein glehind Ihiuk tbi uuduo acivantago ín giveu to, or s preferenco expressod for, tlie candidutea or ' insido track" meo. ür, 3,J, thoy may be lirnid tliat naming them as candidatos aUogether ppoüa tbc'r chaneca by placing the people on guard, and' preveuting tbcii) fiom Btealing u maroh. - At any rato, iIktb hns heen, for onc or i!.o otter er oll three of these rea such n buzziuj abnat our ueigbbor' ears as i.-; licard in tho vioinily of a hornets' iirst wbioh baa beoo stirred up by sjirio viciouB boy with a long pole, and our cotemporary'a aufLority to muko ''elfttfi" i.s directly, pervereely, and obly repudiated, ra the r than Bppealed froin. Especiaüy is thia the case coccernÍDg tho really wii-o and ciiscreot b unpalatable advies giveu touchbe legislativo hnbroglio, or ' littlo oess" ii; tliid lleprcsentative district, - that irf to drop tho two inent candidfttea and piek up a third man. Wall, EepublicaDS, liko Kcpabioá, a:e on ongraUful set, aud this is the roward our cotemporary gets for posti:ig botll caudidiUcs aard thg publio vJ. largo. - Wo conJenjo tbe Couricr list ng tiie "inside track" men with a tor - P. Bach, Ann Arbor; Andrew liaron ; J)r. Ewiaj;, bciu. rant autl W. D. Harrimau, neither d, and bol mer lor Blair or "atiy otlier niau." ■ ihn 0. Mea I l, Scio ; D ■ and Aaron V. JffcAlvav, buü) oi' Ami Arbor. !. D. Kin; ■ A. J. ; . ]). CraB . 8. 3:. C. Spencer, preseut incumbent, lou. Sharon ; E, J. Joliuso:!, A uu Arbor. tire r - X. W. Clioever.aud au ypsllauti "unknowu." Such ia tho list - tho ommioni aro oí ours. - Wo don't liko to rneJdlo with other people'ü "Jivarsions," - rememberiog tho story of tbo mau wbo got haudsomely tbrasbed for getting bctween a husband and wifo who wercbngagcd iu a little skirmish, tho wifo doing her sliare, but wo can hariüy refuse aplaecjuat bero to tbo followiug communicatiou : bepoblicAjS slate. Tc care nothlng ibout "Republican Blates," bnt wli such raen as R. A. ] . than ; ■." A tyru I i politics who lias got olf liis sw '-'- DOt liavo thc ihption to makc ' ii opinión i;; a public newspaper as tö who wlll ot who won't íhe i '. ■ wliom Beaij has put on is Una the men he thiuks witt I are strong i i v mea wlio won't sueeeed ao ,. Lct Beajl walt umi learn before lie presumes to t'üuh or control. Hta opinión wlUbe and hls teaching pald for whenever eltltei is wantcd. CÍTREES. - It id inJecd a sid siglit to seo bretbreo who ougbt to dvvell together ia uníty so intent upon marring tbe couuteuanocs of ono auothnr. Aa a peaoe-tuakcr t is uur duty tu demand sm armisíicu, r.ud prescribo a seasoa of süout meüitation, after wliioli the glee clu siiig tbat good, oíd, 60Otbiug song, bcginning, 'Let Soga i ; bit, For '; - It is uudersïood tliat two of thc candidatos uamed for Senator, aud sevcraljnamcd fór other oflices, badu't beard of it befüro. At a recent lïopublioao meeting held atSt. Johna the foliawiog Fpooilio ohargea were presentod agiiust the Hon. John. F. Iui: det ai .i corrun I of u bill-frauduleni oí the [udiau n such ;ict haviug man ; 4th. I ■ vuri. muilas : - which charges wc hai evideucè to ie true. A resol ut ion promising to support Sltiikkland was ulso adoj:ted. The New York Democratie State Convention was iicld at Ilochestor or; Wedncsday. It wan largely att;; aud cntiiusiasiu prevailod. Gov. v'. Bkaoh, aud the oxpiring State Offioers, were re-noi ed unaoimoasly ;;u.! by acclaraation. - Their triumpbant election ia eouaitiored oertain. Tui Oregon Radical j ra rcported as winning doleiully over tho it that that State ia toget notnorq aota for railroad) becauae baring defiertod tbe urtj iu power it is eutill.d to no ihoiü l'uvur.--.


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