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The llearili and Hume, a íiiiely Ulnstrated íamlly Journal of a high character, hitherj to lssued by Mest fs. i' n e rauL, Batks & Co., ha.s been purchased by Obange Judd & Co., of 245 Broadway, New York, the wcllknown publishers oi' llm American Agricvlturkt. Messrs. S. M. Pettesgill A: Co., whose great Advertlslng Agency, establislicd iu 1849, is ))!( of the; largest and most reputable in tlic world, liml thattheir extensivo business requires thelrexc attention, and Uut therefore transfer Hearth and Home to the publlshers, whose long experience and abundautfaclllUes rilj enablethem aotonly to malataln the paht character of liie paper, but toaddmaterlally to is value. The new publishers also annonnce a reductlon of the termsto :; per year. The; chauge wlll noi ;it ill affect the 'culturist, whtch will continue on independeutly :is heretoThe illustraüons and reading matter of the tw Jourriala wlll in; entlrely different, l.iiin-r of the loornals will be furnlsbed from uow to tho end of 1T1 (US months), at the yearjy subscrlptlon rate, tIz: i. weekly Bearth nw Hornet Uw monthly American Agrtcullurisl, ft.5O :; I or Die two for ■ ' I


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Michigan Argus