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NbW Yui:k, tíept. 20. Barring a llttle sklrmlshlng tmcmj,' ihc steek gamblcrs, t&e most proZouud quiet prevails in iinandul money market ia easy and gold gniet. Cotton, however, which is not loss iiuportaut than money in the matter of foreign exchange, 3 Iower, selllng to-day at 18L, the lowest süiee the war. Cuttou goode tend apward. BreadstafiiB uaverecov cred perceptlbly daring the week, althongh dull for tUelust day orktwo. The improvemeut is tino to dumestic causón, to a slight u Liverpool, and to a reduction In the priee of freigMs. The udvance in wheat is al and ia Iiverpool aboutad periuolbs. Prospecte are by no meansgloomyfor holden of good graiu. Eorope must certalnly cali 'or a conslieruble portlon of oor surplus, souncror 'ater. lf the wur continnea tlioy will want gruln tj feed thcir armies, aud should it close souu, thero must hu more or less ol' a doiuaud to compénsate tot lady causal by the war. liesides ble that the yield iu tliis conntry haa boen ovur estlmated. A wiiier says: rhe eujiply of souihI wlnterwheat iu the bands of our farmers has we fear, tly overestlmated, aud ltlsvorj certals they are not llkely to part wlth thelr wheat ■ prices, the yicld provine inoro moderate on tareshing than they had uitlo!pated" While ezperience has Bhown the wisdom of always 6elliug at a fair pricu, the farmers iu the west are fortunately ab!e, in most cuse, to hokl their producte uiiül prices ure ofTercd. The farmerd may as well couirol the market as specolators, and il is nnicli bc-ttcr for them to do bo than to take the hazards of wild Bpecnlation. Corn haf advanceü ■cveral centi daring the weck, bat as it aprobable that the yield of corn this year will provelarger thanany ever prodneed, dealers are cantloos, ai thero is at present littie export dtruiind Oats advance.1 4:45c. TUe advuaced plicas of irr.iiu hcre has had tho effect to restore the eqnlllbrlum bctween the east and the west. Allhoogh prices advauced rapidly at the west 'np to tho cl:8e 1" lail wi-ck. and on Moniay, there has siuco been a dedlne at all polnts west, radgraln eau cowniove eastward without loss to holdere. DiTROiT.Sept. 21. The weet shows an encoaragin;; record for all ■tapie farm prcdactl. In wheat espccially. the demand ap to Mondayf was active, nwnlDg largely to the specnlaÜTe, bat this reacted yesterdiy, Mouday's advance being loet. We have to record au advauce OTer last week'a prices, however, of 10lSc, Corn and oatis art; ajo bctttr ly 48c. liuttcr advanced lc# Tnc dry wcathcr will probably affoid grouud ïor a further advauce. K-u's advauced Stó-lc. Potat es have flactaated a good deal, hut closins a good deal higher, although not os strong as on Saturday. The ehlpplog demand for the west is quite active, the injury to the erop there by tho bug niakiug tho erop BhorL DETROIT PRODUCE M,VKKET.Thc followlnp; qnotatione represent the curreut iict prlcenrealizea by commisian dealers, aud are carefully rovisedevery week.for the Aios, by our Detroltcorrespondent I ia these prices for commissions aud charges, will show the net ratcs tofirstbaadsi Apples.- Drled, öa:ic; Green, $1.76@$240 per bbl. Barley - per cwt. , $2. CO Ko 1, a $1.Ï3 for Xoü. Beeswaz- per Ib. 30. Beai ■ :-T."j Buttcr Roll and crock 2ö :.-■". Plrkln, 28(24. Pactory, M. Dairy,S(12. !. uerlb., li perbu., - Oranberrles- Ferbbl. ö co@$U 00 fui wild. pCrdOZ., lS.:'JUr. liidea -dry, per lb. ,12 lii--; green, GTc. Lauib Skins- por Ui, -.'. 0 . Calf Sklnu- Green, 12@16c; dry, 'j:; Bheep Skins- Wui.'n. Hops- New, perlb., -"loc. Lard -perlb.. ïüjic. Kye- 'JOtol 00. ■per bc. 49 Onions- per bbl.j2.6O@soO. PotatooB- 2.25g 2.40, per bbl. í e. per bn. Smoküd Ilams- citvcured per lb 18c Shoukler Tallow- s'f ,jsic. Turkeya-oreased, perlb. ,19@20c. Wh at- extra white, 1.41 No. 1.81.81 ' 1 S3. " a. iUBoa PuoDiti: jmkrets. AhoubOffh e, Sep. 15, iö70. We quote this afternoon as followe t WHEAT- White. ll" ; Red, CORN- 25c. -.: e. BK UÍ8 1.16. BDTTISK- 26. K(iGS- 15c. I.AliU- lue IlA Al'l'; c. l'OTATOES- COc. C2U CKEN8- líe TUEKEY8- 16c


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