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TI) PlÜJMS ! Nsw Yokk, August 15th, 1S68. Allow ri!O t" cali your attention to iny PREPARATION OE CÜMPOUND EXTRACT JJUC11U. Tho component jarU are, 15UUHU,. Lono Lkak, CÜBEB8, JÜNIPER BEKRIKS. Mode oí Pbkpakatiox. - Bucbn, ia Juuiper Beriies, by distillation, o furm u fine gia. Cububrf extracted ■y dit with spi:i:.i obtained from Juuiper Berries ; very littlesngar ia UL(.d, and a sinall proportiou of spirit. It is moro pulitable tliau aay ' uuw iu uto. BucliU au prepared ly Druggists, is of u dark color. Jt is a plant that emits ils fragrance; tbo action of a 11 :iiu destroje this (its íicíívü principie), leaviDg i durk and glutinous deoöoUon. Miue is tbc color of ingredients. Tlio Buotiu iu njy preparstion predoiniñatoe ; tallest quantily of tLu otber iugredituts are addcd, lo profent furmentation ; upon irjspecticn it will be fouuct uot to be a Tincture, es mado io l'Larmacopuea, cor is it a Sjrup - ai-d tbcrcí re wwi bo used in cas-es wheifi fover or iuflamniatiun exiat. ín this, ycu Lavo tho koowledge of ibo ingrediënt, and the mudo of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with ;t trial, and that upon inspectioñ it will tüBot wiib your ftpprobation, V itb a íeelÍDg of profouud coufideucc, I aiu, very rcspectríully. II. T. HELMBOLD, CIic:;::.ot aud Druggiót of 10 Ycars' Ex[ erierice. [From tbe lurgL-fct MaüUÍacturing Cbeia ijts iu tbu World). NOVEMBJEB 4, 18f)T. " I am acfiuaiütcd witb Mr. H. T. Ilelmbold ; be oceupied tbo Drug Storo opposite ni)' rciiJüncc, aad was sucoe3sful iu conduatiug tbe bus'iDess wberu otbord bad not boen equally a'i bcíoro bitn. I Lave bcei favorub'ly imprcsicd with liis cbaracter aud cntorpriae." WILLIAM WEIGHTMAtí, 1' iría oF Powcrs r.nd Woigbtnaan Míiuufactuí ing Chcmisls, Nioth and Brbn'n Streots, 1'LüaJjlpliia, FLUS EXTRACT BTJCHTJ! Fot WeOkatia urislnp from lodl-crotion. The ex tiftasied powura of Ntuni y ■■■ eoompMüed '-;■ Q U; -i ■ . ■'.l efo litloo to cxcriiuD, I.uíí oí' Mt-raory, Wak bodinga of EtïI ; lo ract, C o, aud Inabüity toeiiícr inte the eJo inents of eodetyJ TOB CONSTITITION ooce aílected wiLh O ríanlo ■ aírvé th;iid oí SïeJiciiie to ■trDgthen fted lOTorátfl t'i By6tem,wklofa QELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCÍJU . iiy i oes . If no treatmeut lasubmlttd to, Con6umiliuxi Insanity oubues. HELMBGLD'S FLÜ10 EXTRACT BÜCHU n affect ion 3 pecul lev, ia unoquilled by nv.y othei preparatiozt, as lo Chlorosis. or Retontion, Pafofulnesi oí Supprefliionofcastotuury L vacua tiou , (71c9T&tdl or Sohirnia 8tte of tho Uterus, and air complaiuti iucideutal to the sex ur duclico or chance of lile. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROFE WASH yill M.Iically extermin itpfrom tho system dÍBCaG arisinfoiB .habita oí dtsslpatioa, at litLlc oxp littlu or no chance in Jíet, no incoiiToniooco oí i I ofcurt' ; copltely supei Bedtog tbose n,iilaeant and dangerou CotIra &lú iícrcnry, iu TJSEJ HEIKBOLD'S FLUXD EXTRACT BUCHU in ull ilisiiees of thefio organs, v.l ether c-Mfting ia i:i,i1ot (emale, from wl I reí causo ort:InatirL uti'1. ao matter of h w toov staodlng. U iapleatant [n tasto and odor, " immedUtO" in actioi, and uior atrepgthenlng than any ofthe j re jrüratitLs of BarU oí Iron, Those suflfi or tlclicate cOíistitutioDR , prtïOi e lbo rtaicdy at oí TL e reader mast be arfare tint, h o wever sligl t oaay bo the attrekol t! above Cibtaee, it ís cer!■ aud mental power. AH tbe abotedií ; ihe aid ol TinrOtie. HELMBOLD'd EX1 s a gat Di u relie. Sold by Diuggteta Everywheie. Piice $1.25 per Eottle, cr 6 Eotllea for $6.50. Delivered to any addreao. Desciibe Bymptome i:i all ccrumunícatlcjte ADDRES9, H. T. NELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehoose, 594 BK0ADWAÏ, ISTew York. KOJÍE AHE GEÜIE Mttless f.ciiep in íleel engrayeö nrauper, ilh f&c-Anülc of nty Chemical Wareiioust', H. THHLIMB0LDi


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