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Is Paris Impregnable?

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The CúiTCspoiiduuco of Napoleon I., vol. 31, pao 143, contains tbo following fn.m Najjolocn liimaclf: II hostüities, as it was to bc fenred, comuienced befuro the autumn, the artuies if Europe in coalitiou wotild be muoh more nuinerous tl;an the French arañen, and it wouid then bo btfore Paria or Lyoni that the fat of the empire mus; be deci'.íed. Theso two grea', ciües had both been at one time fortified, like othcr capital ot' Jvarope, aud like tbem wcre so no longer. lf, however, in 1805 Vienna bad been fortified the baiila of Ulon could not havo decide;! the war ; the army corps commauded by Genera] Kuterioff might have aw;iiteJ the corps of the Rustan army from Olmutz In 1809, Prince Charles, beaten at Eokmahl and obliged to retreat by the left bank of the Danubo, wouid havo had time to reach Vienna and to uni!e with tne armies of General Hiller and tho Archduke John. II Berlín been fortified in 180G, the army beutcn at Zena might have been rallied, aud the Ruinan army wouid have made a junotiou. In 1808, if' Madrid had been ü fortress, tho French army, aftcr the victories of Espenosa, of ïudela, of Bargos, orrSoaro tierra, wouid uot havo niarohed upon the capital, and, layin a;ide S:i!ama;ica and Valladolid, the Eng!ii-b, iindcr Moore, and the Spaninh uoder RcmaDa uiight have arrivcd uuder the fortifications of Madrid. Paris hos buen gavcd by her walls oight or ten timcH. Ia 8S5 bug wou'd bave been a prey to the Normans when those baiba:iai:s investcd her in vain f(r ten yeari". In 1358 shu was benieged by the Dauphin, and when the ciiizyiig tlirew open their f?ates to him it was of tlieir own free will. In 135Ü, Edard, King of Kugland, was éhcamped at Montrouje, and carried fiie atid bword up to the foot of tho wallf, bnt could do nothing tgainst tho city and feil back. In 1427 Henry V repulged the assaults of Charles VII. In M04 the Coat.t of Oharolaia assailed the capital hut lnüed in all his attacks. In 1472 Puris wouid have been taken by the IKke of Unyundy, vvbo wns subjtct to bi; oODtent with ravnf.'i: the inburba. In 1088-89 Henry II!, ■■nul Henry IV. surged iu vainaysinst the fiirüiiuatious cf Paria until puace tpened the gutee. In 1636, daring the Froi'dc, the w11b saved lbo city repcatd!y. Laatly liad Paris beun a Btrong daco in 1814-15, capable of only a week's resisfínce, whot iiitlucnocs inight ot tho dt lay I ave had upon eveuts. Census returns froni forty-eight coun'es i:i Illinois, all from iho Southern ' tistriot, fIiow an aggregate populatioo f 003,135, agaiiiKï 6o5,470 in 1850, an ncreacc ofaoonl forty-seven per oent. 'he N'irtli.'in District of the tate will ow ;i muoh largor ratio ofinoreue, The census nny places Wisconsin as )o 12th in the Uniou in popuiation. I


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