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Mot tgage Sale. D made In Ihe coudftlon of fur Wa ■ la Dow -. torn 3 " . ■ . il! tl : . Con al 7 o . . ■ ín t! ■ ■ t hall i the norti ion thirty, in town ' of ranj e ml rannlug; thence outli pftrnlle with i Ion twentyo I ■ by W. B. ] ■! DeForent'fi o chalí ttortb 14 d . tllel wiüi the I I uid thunce noi th paralle with tbe flrat mentí on cd lino U i D Tth iiltü ol . hem iuety-flvelink ere an oriv-cvcn bnndredthe, be the Mmemoro - iIkí rhrht L'i,iiii''[i to A I j ii ' witter by ]'ipo front th i i . w. B. Kïng ami wlfe to a t. Alf e of land In tbe Bame townshlp Ibed iis folio . lïng : rli-' in hall of th . y. rol line of said eectloi the land I ten links, thence e; aliel w I -il two chalí vo link id the eal In ■ d link to th" place of t ntalnln D:Ued, July OUi, 1 ABRAMSA igea Att'ys. for Mortgagi e. laTI Jlortgage Fa!c. Dl Ivory and v lucdal ■ r Decenio r, A. D. l Ï6Ö, nml re corded In the offl o ol tho Re ■'■■. , r of Deed 8 n '.11 ; he (went v-aix) ■ ■ : . by w liicli il ■ d ti'o fhrther Bom 1 dollars 1 . n Attorney f ■ ■ 1 [)f; N( on Priday, the sfiveiitb di ■ i, in h nty of Wa I - . I i;i l! iw, am ion No. O: en, in ton nel nr eafi b boand of tl liortb . ' two ch.-iin ■ - JAW Mffortgagee. La n . :■(■ Mortgage SalOi DIULT bavirg been marie En i!ie con dit ion o I aria Mftgdali ■ . : the oföce o of I' eda 1 ! Wmhtenaw ■ A. l). 1 r 4 uf Mor u page 210, whlch -ald I ■ ed 1 ter aod Wil Ham II. ■■ ■ o ■ dollars and f forty dollars, pro I (i fore no Ba cd iore . : thereof. N ... tbe twent1 1, at fonr o . ■ ■ f of Ann Arbor in the Connty of W am da ludln ; Bütd 1 ■ or pl ■ tnate In tb viz : Part paber tw i ir. ■ ■ ei!y fn ■ ■ ■ ■ to the 1 t on ilic tin Int thl . ■ i t tiente norlheny on tt '■i an ij to tbe pliu 1 !) v.i' 1 he I ; of :!i ie ! c e: ved bj ! h A. 1). 18 -i Saliu h poini Dii thi treste ly cor. ■ Ann A parallel - Uu i 1 the north line of au lley twenty-fonr fet 1 r y parallel with eatd Adrián streí to the Boutb ' lerly along the Boutherïy lin ol' eald Chicago road twenty four foei to the plac ■ tho recorded plat o . Saline DutcdJai I ' 2d. 1870. ■■ 1 RTER) ; ER, SAssignee Coxklx SuAnp Attorney 8 for Ai Mortgage Sale. DBFAULT havlna bp made In the cónditions o . i. Juli A. Oí! ofMicl he Connty t of moi b the power of sa ad tii amoni I 8 :it th and tïxiy dollars and an Attorii'y fee ol thirty do be païd In 1 . and i ■ir bce unpald f; rs. . ' on . A. I. 1870, at te oon of that day, ai the trom do of tbo i ■ in tiie city of Ann Arbor. 1 te of Michigan, (th of bolding th Circuit Uourt for ,. bj virtue ofth power ol ■ 1 ftlncd and i tmdpn : here w 111 abite anctlon or vei dne, i" ribed i s:ti(l mortgnge, or so much thereol as may be eary to ■ 1 Ibed i : All of lot mu ' iprove o] Mlch , ■:! on tbe aftme additlon tosaii L Dated. July 2Ctb ISTO. I2T2 CII irfus Knight. Stat; Nol . of I ii Probat itenaw, uuid of September, A. l. ' from date wort' all o wed for crodl ■ presen j . e estáte of Kufn 1 Connty, de I ■ bat 1! : qnlri 1! 1 o 1 t hel r da! ma t aald Probate Gonrt, al the Probal iin Arbor, allowance on or before i dayofMarcl befor Bald Probate Conrt, 1 sr, and on t ï.i:ll OClOulC 1U LhO fül't'UOOU OÍ Clltl d,Ann Arbor, September I2th, 1ST0. JlliïAM J. rw4 of Probate. TööITewaud And no questïons a3ked ! : peraon . rei urn tbe tin box, and then iu . nable i' nut lint of no nse i any one eue, ;i proper il , par ).' flve hand red by the iyracnsOtN. Y., Water Works. i) HBNNINO. Aun Arbor. Sept. :;, 18T0. 1 . ALL KINDS OF lecurod by Dr. K. I GotoK.W.ELLIS & CO'i for ehoiceWhiösantLLiquor? , j for Medical Purposes. Mortgage Hala. May. ol foui . ■IV Il.i ;-i ■ All tho hlock nnmbi SylvaDi nmount - her Interest whfch shftll havoacáollars Attoruoy Fee e lumiiieil, and ■ wed by law umi provldedfor in 1 IRTO. ORIUN TH TCIIER, Mortsnijec. A. J. Rah-yice. aii'j tor Morí Comtnissioncrs' Notice. c;TAT!-: OF MICH naw, ps. " Tbi ':r I ■■■■ ii ftppointed by the Proba ' ■ niiy, Ciiiiii!. of all ; t tho cstnte of bon, lateof months frora date are allowed by order - ,;tl(l MlHt 't,inthc city of Yp.-i!;i]:i :. in said Connty on Satnrdny, tbe ir, and Frlday, tl day of March, m-xt, at tn o'clock A. M. of laya, to receive, examine, and adjust unid Datrd, Roptembi ■ ! Hv4 FRANK JOi lomroKbioners. Commissioners' Notice. QTATEOFMICHU underolgned baving been appolnted by tiic ProbateCouri tor - nuuds ol :tl] per late ol I] hereby :rive noths i'nim dati ■ d by orhattbey ill meel .a tbe Bto oí A 1 1 : i Arbor. m ald I m day of Mïrchnext, at teno'clöck A.SI..AI :ys, to receive, examine and ueïjuti tiiiü ■Tth. A I). lito. ACU, Jlommi8ioner. CofDtnissionera' Kut ico. CTATE OF MICHIGAN Connty of '" i3 The und I poinl 1 by the :s (o re. celve, ü!l pel ■nontbe Iroin date are allowed, by order r - li te i'ourt, for creditora ut I ■ claims . and ilini il cy eet al Lhe o; : D i be City Vutv'.. '. 18ÏU. tate df Lucas Kittel, SlJATEOPMIOHIGAN.CoantyofWi ■-V. holden :t. the Probate Office, in the the flratd r, in theyeai i Bi renty. [iram J. Beakes, Jndge of Prohijo. In the matter of tho estaie of Lucas iíitti!, Ou i : ion, duly vi Etnaunel Mann, Adminli -r bemay certalo ru:l estáte wiiereof saiil deooased ö Tbereupon it is ordered, tlint Monday, the noxtt at ten o1 ed tor the hearing ol pstltlon, and tliat the hiirw nt law of ■! , :'.ik1 all other ; are reqnirèd to appenr i i De holden, al i ae Pvobal ::i the City of Ann Arbor, and Bhow eause, f any therebe, wby the prayer of 11 rehoald nol be ■aid estáte, of the ■ . m, and i copy of tiiis order - a new8papor Connty, foor "f hearing. (A trnecopyO IUKAM .1. Judce of Pi Estáte of John Hoffman. CTATR OP MICHIGAN naw, pí. O At a session of the Probate Conrt : ■ ' Ann Arbor, on r,in the yearouetl . buudred 91ram '. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter uf the estáte of John U deceat On n [Ing Hip pctltion, duly vei in, w i tedto probate, and t!;at I Bxecator üiereof. Tbei I tbiit Monday, the tenth day ten o'clock ;u the f . and ai qulrcd holdei . ■ i itionar i-hoi :: ," bo pnbM'hed In the ■.I'riiitcd nnd circr Coni ■ (A irnecopyj HBRAM J. Jutlge of Pi Usfate of Aiisnn Wheeler, Sn. QTATEOPMICHIG .( DtyofWasht C3 At : sessloo of the Prol ite Courl : ir the Connty of Washlenaw, holden atthePn In the d Ari or, on Monday, i of September, In tl.e year one thoofiand. eight hundrt'O and BeTeuty. Presenl . J I f Probate. In themattecof theSatateof AusonWhei : adlntrand flling the petttlon, daly verlfled, of Wlllium A. V fing that a ■ ment uo-.v on filo in üü's Conrt, pnrporting to bc tbti i to probate, and tiial he may be appoinl l Böle Thercupon it is ordered, that Monday, the tenth day of October next, at t'ii o'clock In the forenoon be ring of -i.-iiil petltion, nn! that the ■ ■ ■ id Coort, i bolden Inn .'. rIxjl-.auii BbO rt of lhe fnrtber ii -.■ id estáte ■ ''.iítil' a ii, said C'ouiity. three successive weekfl preTioiu to CA trne copy.j HIBAM J. BEAKES, 12SÏ Jndse ol Probate. ]']st:ite of Sarah 1' CTATE ÓF MICHIGAN, qsw,S8, v At rt sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the OnnUy . !!l t!:'' ' 'tv ol -■' in Arbor, on '■■ ■.iniho yeaï and eighthunUri'ii and seventy. ent, Hlram J. BeAl of Probate. In tlie matter of th tstate of Sarah Pncy, de Hari . Ailmini-stratrix of Baid estáte. ni'i Conrt nnd re .ronder herfln - It Is Ordered, that Monday, the day of I i' ' ib r v . i :ourt, :' ,'n : ' :,■!) ai the Pr ■- if any lii'T be, u : And it la further o .,-,1 in saii pendency ofsald account, and of tiiis (trilor to be pnb ;,iin!' ; ty, three sii' ae to saitl dfl ■ CA trnecopy.) H1EAMJ. BEAKES, Judgc of Pi Estato of Helen E. O'Brien- minor. STA'I Uonn ty ol ■' oArbi ie tbonaandeicht hundred int, Hirnm ■'. Beakes, Jndge of Prol e matter of tho stata of Beien '■'■■ O'Brieni I landfillngthepetltlnn.dnly verlfled, of ;■ may ■"teil cortaln real estáte belonging lo ald ti ■ni'.i it Is or ■ tentb ■ id minor, and all other ; ar at a ■ "f Baid Conrl i at the Pro■ , ' tho penden j mty, tbree ■ CA traecopy-3 Judge ü Probate. DRUG STü. R, W. ELLIS & CO1 -- EaUte o!" John D. Annstron" CJTATeOFMICHK - "!;,.u Í3AI eP ■ [,,. ,"",!, ! otWi loklenai IhoProbatiftM C5I ■ ",iuSI ■ui Hlrnm .1. Ilenke?, Jndeeof PrAi Jolu i, a P A'nutot[ :il X Of the In., . Iti) p '"(I a ,. ,,"",' uil cecutrix. "'■"hül 1 ,,.'k '"? ltfll i lamlnine and J? L1 BltCh ' "drvi "■ belra at law of . ..i,; „n , íce.m to be ii„i,i " ■' Ann Arb i?l .,„'," !L I In eaid Connty. ihrcc bucccmi. - üd day of heorine. 11: (Atruecopy.j HIBAM J.T!R.Kr, __ Jadee oí Pro Estáte "f WUliam Roberts C'f.V; ,■,-„„■ k A' '■ ''"in! fnri( ■ Of WnsIltCl,--. !i'-i'n.;,nt(()V.. „: 'Vr'a i Arbor, on Tuesday, tl . . lM mbcr.inthe yearonc tli, ,'ty uiid seventy. =nl 'iQ; Present, (UramJ. Beaket, Jndce of Pmi , ■' "rol ., VVilÏÏm i idingananlrncthepetlt!on, ,,]v T.rl. dow on Bic in thi .. :"' '"'"m wi,"-1 ■' w L'ÏL1! tir " u u„,;i'I , Jllt''' I, that Monda? ,u„, '!av ' at ten D'clk i ik. 1 ■■"■. le sssignedfQr the hearing of gaid Mtlt, '"' I . 11 !hi!r])-rMJi.B.H-mWii, ,„■L"L■ ■■■■' -.-lí.i (-„a-TSl '," " Arbor, and showi ' ! er of id estáte, -.; i;,(. ,,,.„.1 , d the hearing Iherrof ],v 'Jl. ■ 1 Copyoflhis Order to ' í,''!' ■ and circHln:i.„"„ Connty. three sneectisivt! weeks previona lo"' ■ ring. "''L ■■: I Atrnecopy.J HIKAMJ. BKA1 '■ '■'■ Jnge olProj I ite ot' Eeiran Costello. I OTATE 01 tN.CountyofWaslita. I 0 Al ;i Bession of the ! ,:fi I of Wofthtenaw, holden ut llie 1' city of Aun Arbor, on Krulny, ihe riinth dit of sï tember, In the year oue thousand ei-hVhivï am J. Bcakes, Jurtge of Probate I he matter of the estáte ui Keiran CotWh I rXnlte, Adm(nistrator with the will iamd ■ ' i ncB luto Court and rS ! art-d tu reucor hio )i Admtnifil rator. '"" Thercuponit ts Ordered, that Mondav Ui. ,„. daj of October, next, al ten iiU ■ Ihe forenoon be awlgned tor i'x.-iminini; iijl 'owiii , and that the li-iieeTil visi-r.. and beirs at law ol Bald deccostji II other pereon Interestod In said estot, i'nT qulrcd to appear at a Bei 1 : .: Cmirt 'tbnï be-holdenal the Probato Office, in the (tvoil. ■ in sald Connty, and show canse Ifnny'ihtnk lonld notbcallowed: Amki further ordered, that said Admini8tratorlteiL e te, (7í iti,.j reofï of tilia orde 1gg I : , -tnU J Connty, three successive w..-,:ks urertüï 1 (A trneco II1RAM .T. BEAEB tSSTtd Jadae of ProbM, Jétate of Thomas Bentley. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Countyof Waíotn, iteConrtfori of Washtcnaw, bolden al the Probate Office hL C'Hy of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, tho liirvi dayofAngi year one thoosand eitbtE :-.i. Hiram .T. Bukea, Jndge of Pmlinif In the matter uf the Estáte of Thomas Etitu . Shurtleff, Admini-trator with the ia !UI111 ' ■ ■■■'■■ comes into ('ourtandm - now prepared torender Lis tuf ■ . . ! trator. Tb . (1. that Monday, tbW "V at ten o'clock in the (n uo":; Injnc :i,il alloifu- i:t. nuil timi the li -. is andbitai '" " ■ ud : .11 nüicr pcreoni bic. ■ qulred to apjiear al ■ Bion of sald Coart, then to oe hohlt;n fittherro Office, in the City "i1 Ann Arl .' I iy the si : iióul sliuiiM ikiI !■" illowed: And itis fnrthcr iirdoteitïl s:i:d Ai ml 1 o the] 01 - ;" I ' ■ ■ - ■ ■ "i (hidican hereof, by cauing n cop) of ib ordOT to be pnolished it ' )w Connlr. Ibj previuus to sjiid rlay uf hi (Al HIIïa: Judge of l'roljif. te of James S. Biicliard. SI onntyofWaihtemm, .'■- Uonrt lor ■ of H Rt tht; Probate Office, h :: ', on Priday, thu sec.-:.. 1 lyol I ■ eur ono thonsand eight bDudndtd Berei . Beakes, .Ji-.,!l'' ofPi atterof the Kstcitu ot Jiiiu - S. liirthii '- iministratoi of ttMoIKi, presenta that he 'v now pn pared to render bis fiual account as auch AiímJti!renponitis nrdered, That Mondoy. lk tui . : . ■ ten o' iloct iii tbe fnwnooñ, ba ■ examining and : ad that the hcirs at. hw nfi ons Ln terested U nH is ottü . to be holden at the City of Ann Arbor, in s.-üd Connty, aiuishon-ciBt, 1 f ;iuy there be, why the Mtid account shouid nol to :'.!)''.■ s fnrther ordered, tlüit vA A mlnintrtitoi ■ ■ ■sone intereïtfifi ímíi! ■ ■ . ■.■. Hirnibt hearing thereof, by caumiig a copy ot' ihis njörr t b;i puoJicibed in the AfUhiran Argvs, a neirípipfí prlnl "''.tlireeiott eeks previous to :iid dny of hearing. (Atrnecopy.j HIRAM J BEAEB, Jud'-eof l'p.bilt. te of John MasoD. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtn ■ ofWashtenaw, holden u the Probnte Ottce, hu City of Aun Arbor, on Tacsday, the elitb iij' mber, in the yeai one thousaud elgbl nt, Ulram J.Beake, Jndpeof Protutt In tho mattor of the estáte or Jolio ïï deceased. ■ :!i:i:i :tii:l fi'it;:: the pftitin duly verilíí1' el Mason, praying. that he m:iy Ik appoi: ate of said deceaeecL ireupon it is Ordered, that Jloniiay, thinl day ol' Octol next, ;it tun o'clock im, hu aaRincd for the hearing oí ad that tbc heirs ;;1 law ol ;_:ü ik. :■ ■ and uil othcr persons interested in said f0 arereqnlred to appeat .-.i a sesíion ofsaiíCwj then to be holden :it the Prohatc tbtt Aun Arbor. and show canse, if any thrrc be. tbc prayer ( tbe petltioner ehould mt be crtrit": And itis fartherorderedtthat s:iil pciitioDerüi11 ttci to the persous interested i :llieí dencvosaid pelillon, and the bearinp lheK ;y of this Order to be publMiwWJ . in sald connty. three successive weeks prtviou11 siiiil day of aearins. (Atrnecopyj ' HIRAMJ. BEAKBÍ. l.s; Jua;ofJProW: Estáte of Calvin Larob. CJTATEOFMICniGAN.Conntj of WafMe! I Cl At :i seeslon of tbc Probate CcmrtfortheCI at the l'rol'ate üfflrf, '' i Ai.ii Arbor, 011 T I eigbtB'jW :uthe year one tbousand cignt !"" and Bi ■■.. ". .1. Baakes, Jndge of Protatt. In oi the Estáte of Calvin UB . ■ vadinsand llliiictlif potition. ('iilyvcriW Martin Lamb, prayina that :i certaln ir-stra o : i. pnrporting to 'f'jS will uní .- uut of snid tli' 'jgi te, and tlu.t lic m;;y be apiwinieo ■" Execotor thereof. . n,.iil Thereupon it. is ordered, that Morday-tM"" ■n o'clock in llie""?Ái . tor hearing of said T thi! U-:iti'es, ck'vi : . ■■■ ■ i " ' .i„i dT and all other personsii I ''tecti are requtred to appear at a - ïn :,i be holdon at the P '' "w, ol Ann Arbor, and show canse f any w why t!i! prayer of the petitioner Bhooid ?Vj. ifiliTln-r oiilir.d, thal í2 lo 1!:.' persona Inicreíted J lency ofeaid petition, "?„ ;.: thcnol', 1 u')'y of tl" "Ju i.üshed ill tíi ! SS uing in sal' ivceks previoi ulKA?ugg: Estáte of John l'entt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty ofW:ifW' ";' O ai ■ Canrtforttf' of V: iltli u ni the Proba Arbor, on Prlday.the nvontvof Anj yeai one thousand '1" drcil and " „ Vni :-cof I'roMlf' j. matterof the Kstatc oí Oobn I i,, ,.,..,, i;n;.an, 1 e tion, 'u'J?'críi' Q 1 rjr0.Arnfs(2 : hï e "V , ol prov;alBK me fort. , ' ■ I ' ' ' . - tion, 11111I I ■■'! other persona inten ■ e Ofijce, I n t w 1 nythcre oc.' ., Blionld not "'.-'.„cii : M - '-'■'■':''": .mi1-' ".-;'. iiiii ! „„i ■ " ' fio mtv. linee si. .VÍ'akBS. iríng, ""piiysic-iaks'Tbescriptiói ACCL'BATELY AND CAREFULLY PilEPABEO


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Michigan Argus