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Western Republican Congressmen

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The Wcsteni llepublican Congressmen are Inving decidedly a hard time of it on the stump. ïhoro are eoveral things which bother them considerably to evplain. 1. ïo their Gorman llepublican friends liow it happened tliat a mnjority of Republicana in the Honse of llepreBentativee voted for such a change in the natnralisatioo laws as would make it olmost iinpossible heruaftcr for a foreigner to become a cilizen. 2. Why did tho llepublioan Congress adopt, and the Ilepublican President sigu the present high tariiï law, by which the-masseB of the people aro plundeicd for the benefit of a few Eastern uiauufacturing cormorants ? 8. WÍj y did not the aduiinistration of Grant recognize tho independenco of Cuba, which had been gallantly maintained for two years, and would have bien finally successful if tho island could have liad the benefit of our moral influencio in its favor. 4. What has become of tho Alabama claims against England, which the Aduiinistratiori camc in power to collect 't 5. Why was a funding bill passed in relatión to tho national dobt, surrendering, upon the part of tho government the right of Federal taxation of the lioud, !md paying them dou!)le tho rate wo originally agreed to give ? G. Why do the National banks have the privilege of issuing their notes as money, suid notes costing tho peoplo noarly or quite $20,000,000 a year, when legal-tendor notes could havobeen issued for nothing ? 7. Why is the army not reduccd to the peace standard of 12,000 iiiBtead of 35,000 men? Why does it cost $50,000,000 annually, when it should be but 825,000,000 ? 8. Why is our navy in sueh nn inefficiënt condition, that it is admitted by Republican Congressmen that the 500,000,000 spent upon it since 3861 have been worse than tiirown away ? How was t;iat money squandered ? 9. Why was not Gen. Graot, for hts shameful and illcgnl ngreement enterec into with the Dictator, Bacz, for the ceswion of San Domingo to the Unitec Stntee, promptly impeached and turnee out of office, which wou'.d have been the ca6e if it bad been done by Andrew Johnson ?-


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