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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- The Chicago census luutx ap exactlj , s. - Gnrabaldi has oflered lus serV.cea t the i'iviieli l!i public. - Citiclnuatt ccusused about 216,000 is very much dissatisfle ! - Iowa li:is 40,000 more woroen than men. Noj i spare rib In the dtate. - ■ The Boston census foots u onlj 924, to Mie great disgust of " the Hub." - The tuthcr-iti-iaw of Dr. Liviu i ■ assured an aud)euce of' liis sou-in fttw'S safety. ■ - Dennis Shlelris, of Rowell, has suei Jarncs .M. Martin, late of this eiiy, lor UbcJ Both vu lawyers. - Jacksoü showetl up the ilolly Wate Works durJug the Fair, lo thcgreat gvtfii Bcatloh of her vlsltors. - In -Missouri, 25 Radical papers BUp port Brown, and 18 McOïnrg. The lattei is tlio Qrant candidato. - The government - the watering seasot mul raus being over - is returnlng to Washington by InStaUmenta. - Ou the 28d, 3,850 persons "wen through" the State Prison at Jackson 1,400 gradruated the prevloos day. - The only sou of Ilon. Chas. C. Com stock, the Democratie Dominee ter Gover nor, is repoi'ted dead, aged M ycars. - Severa! taches of snow have airead; fallen In Iowa - !n consequence, no doubt of the recent Radical victory therelu. - Salt couldn't save McCarthy of the Syracuse, N. V., district. Anolher protec lionist was nomiiiated to save appearaiu-es - Tlie N. Y. Ita-nld- Rcpnblican if any thing - concedes tha re-eleetlou of John T lloüunin by a ruajority of from 50,000 to 00,000. - Gen. Clinton B. FIsk, formerly of thi State, has comroencedá libel suvt agsinst the St Louis Timen, laylng his dainagesat $50,000. - And nou' report says that Senatoi Williams, UU of Ocegon, is to rótate into the ïiew office of Solieitor General. Jus as wé expected. - The Ypsilanti Senlinel has just disco'v ered that the State Normal School, sooalled, is only aa opposition High School Tardy Stntind. - Senator Morton turas liis back on hls seat, the capita], and Indiana - for the unuillingly cast-off diplomatic garmente o Minister Motley. - Gov. JJutler, of Nebraska - Radical, o COUrse - Itavlng borrowcd the public inouc) In deSplte of the law, assures his constiiu ents that l " is safe." - The lribitne, ín a fit of " sarkasum,' heads au article, " J!on. James lïirncy as a Demoèrat." Can the Republloans afl'ord to spare such rnen as Birney ( - The licwlntion says : " Women are nat ural mercliants. One has only to go to Paris in order to be persa aded of this.' They (tre gooü on bttyiug goods. - Saraner, Bill Howard, Ziek Chandler Camarón, and Joc Holt, are amongthe wit nesses Senator Wilson calis to the stand ii the trial of his case agalnst lilack. - It is uow announced from Washlng ton that by more than ordlnary " bnngllng legislatlou " - an unnecessary f'eat, - the In terior Department has been aboüsiied. - IS has not been dcflnitcly proved yet lliat the very line exhlbltlous of aurora borealis oí late, are in t!ic least attributabli to the magnetic well belug bored In Main Street - Speaklng of Colfax and his proposéd retirement, Don Piatt says : " As brain Is íve, a great luxury, In fuct, Bchuyler has shown us how we eau dispense wltll the article." - Out In Nebrasktt there is a Radical row, also, and Butler, the candidato for Governor, la cfaarged with all sorts of deUnqueociea - sins both of omission and coaimii - Tlie tribune pominends the Preatdent'a cantion to the federal oflice-holders at St. Louis - to vote Ule regular ticket - to the game dtass In tiiis State. " A word to the wiíe is saötclent." - Ad ml rul Fisk says that he paid half of Grant's subscription to tlie Rawlins iund, $ö00, aud GouW the other half. Qrant is a generous fellow, that's a fact, - to permit such a sacrifico in his bclialf. - Margaret Walter, the famous London " baby farmer," lias beeu convicted anc sentencod to bc Innig. Tlie taking oft' of forty Inlants was charged to her account How should their fathers and niothers bi. punished ? -- An exchange tclls of an incredulous negro, who, dlsbellevlng the slanderous story about potato bugs bslog poisonous, lleliberatcly "cliawed up" four, with no damage to his stomach. Dainagc to the bugs not statcd. - Mrs. Julia Ward Ilowe wants " all the woraen in the world " to meet her at Mew Vork, Octobcr lüth, to " secure peace between nations now and Ibrever." If the women aU do meet her, thcre will be peace In some homes. ■ - The defaal'ttng treMofér of Hancock eounty, Ohip, being a Democrat, the Com mercid suggests that the electora will probably " oust from ollico " all Democrats and instal Republteans, "Out of tlie frying pan into the tire." - The Grand Kujmls Sagle fuiL:ests that the name of the town of Grand Rapids be changed to Campaü, Cushway, or sonic old Indian name. W'hy not make it Howardi in honor oí the Imraortal carpet-bagger of Senatorial aspiratlopsf - As Consul, the Presldèntlal brothern-lav, Cramer, only recelved $1,500 a year; as Minister to Denmark ho will get f' Cramer is the favorito son-in-luw, and it was iu hls behalf Jesse threatcned to disluherlt Ulysse, and so brouglit him to tering. - Rumor has it that Schuylcr Colfax - when he retires frotn public tlli - is to succeed Qrecley as editor in chief of the IribWM, but Don Piatt Insinúales Unit he is to bc " President of l he Youog Men's Cliristlao Beving Association, at a salary of - Iloratio King has an article in the October i ■■■' wey ril'eetually 8C]UelchlDg some oí' i be Radical Blanders of James Buchanan. Se qbotea a n amber of letters recelved [rom IMr. Buchanan during the war, all úondcmnlng the rebellion and praying tlie defcat of the rebels. - The Kree Press maltes its Ann Arbor correspondent say thatreone of twclve lady anta wereadmltted to theUnlvcrslty, and yet that they were cheered on (luir tirst appearance In chapel, and made to " feel ilke lambs among wolves." How could none be so warmly greeted ? If JOU aro a llepublican but opposed to jrotiiction - that is, opposed to bsing Uixod to put money in the vaults of E. IJ. War and other manufacturen now quarUred on the people - iustead of ior t-lin legitima' e support of tlie government, yuu can not voto for Airtim Jílaiu. ïiik Isabella eounty liojiublican nomiratiog convention, held at Mt. Pleasant, on tlio '23i int., unanimously passed "strong anti-Dr.ioas resolutioue. - That look as though Air. Dwaas was indiufj "Jordán ■ bard road to travel."


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