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DliTKOIT, Sopt CS. The cfffct of the recent ailvance iu wheat has bcc to biini fonrard ar i I, and this again ha caased a decline, so üial the weak closca with th iinprovcmciit nutcd in last report whoüy loet. Tli :irriv:ild of wbyat have increased from eay 3,000 t 4,000 bnshels per day dnrlng the carly part of lae werk iu II ,008 bnshels on Monday and 24,000 yes torday. AsiJu from ivn quotaiions, ihcro i not] in of interest thnt enn be ?ail. Most kinds of pro ■ Ay app'es. j nluuidant. Bir iota linprove on tbe week aboat 2c. Tin; ra] ply of e:-'" i-: Inadequate to tbedemand. Polatoe arti lüwèr, bat prospecta fi:e ntül favoraltlc for eooi daring tlic fait. Thcru is tiH a demand fo the west, li ti t tho market U temporarlly fflatted. - Pricei in Cbicago ure $l.-u.l,u ter busliel andi(M 3,50 per bnrrd. BKTROIT PRODUCE MARKET.- The roüowln quotation represent tbe cnrrénl nel piicesreallxeï iUj rei wi-k.iHr the Alieüs, bj our DQtroltcorrespondeDl DedactlAn from the ns and charged, wil! show the; net raius toflrst bands: Apples,- Driod, SjjOc ; Gretn, $1.76@$200 per bbt. Batley- perewt., $ No 1, a$l.T3 for Xo2. Beeswaz - Ü9M1S - wbite, $l.T."i Botter- Poll and crock 2V.:S. Firkin, i: E - Michigan Pactory, 12@I4, Iiairy,S(sl2. Chieken - Diusscil. perlb , 17 Corn- perba., I . Cranberrles- PerbU. oo'(ï$14 00 f ir wild. JCltu - per d Hlaeft- - ary,perlbi ,1'E !-'-: Kreon,C 'j-vTc.'1 SUñe- pi r II), 2í(á50c. Cali SkiDS- Greü Shoep Skins -60 ■ 1.75. Hops- New, perll).. 8@10c. J.artl- il ! !..' 1 : . -;ii.',i.0). nal-, Oni m- jier bbl. 2.60@300. Potutoc6- :.i: ■ ■ j ■_■ '. por bl)l. ; G c. per hu. Bmoksd Haim-clty coredper 11 1'ic Shouldcrs Tarkeys - aressetl ,perlb., 19 ■■ -fic. Ij at- extra whlti Ni). 1 . $1.2 ' Amber Ml AltBOil PltOl)lEE MARKETS. AbgubO] p.29,1870. We quote thls afternoon rp follows : WHEAT- Wbtte. 11S ; li.-i!. I Oc . OAT3- Sác. 13EAN8- $1.16. BUTTKB 280 EGGS- 18c. LAHD- lc HAÏ Al-PLES 2.' 35c. POTATOES- 50c O3ICKENS- 14c TUUKKVS- lCc.


Old News
Michigan Argus