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Commissionfers' Notíoe. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Coonty of Waihtanaw, sa Tne nnderelgnedi havlng becu appointed by th Probate Conrt for sald Oounty, Comfasiónera to re ri-ivc. examina imd adjust all claims and demanda o all persons acainst the estáte of John of Bftld Cdnnly, deeeased, herèby j'wc notice th;it six months from date are rülowe I, y order of s&id i ro bato Court, for creditora to present tbeír claim tthe est ato of said deceased, and that the; will meet ui the resldence of w. Hanko. in Bridge water, in sak] Oounty, on Satnrday, the twenty ï?ïstli day of November, an-j Ftiday, the bent] day of March next, at IQ o'clock A. M. of eacb p said dvs. to i mine. nndadjntt s&id claims Dated, September i-'ih. D. Í8T0. 1589 Commissioners' Notice. STATE OP MICHIQAN.County of Washtenaw, si The cinderslgned baring been appointed by the Probate Court for said (Jounty, COmmissioners to re ceive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda o alt persona againstthe estáte of Krank Jennlngs, lab of said County, deccased, h?rehy fiive notico tha iix rnonths froiu date are allowed, by order of aalt Prob&to Coorti forcreditora to present thelr clalmi . and that Lhej wili meet at the ofQce of J ,, in Ann Arhor, in said t'iiuiiiy, on Saturdaj, the l'wexity-alxtl c)ny ofNoTOBttber, and Thuraday, tiietwcuty-thirdday oí March, oeit, at ton ocloct A. M. of acl of said dïiys, to rccolve, examines umi adjust ea'u claims. . Datcd, September 2Sd, A. T. 1STO. lS80w4 "fS!.''(!u,"-r!llJWE' }Commi8sionCr. Estáte of Mary Smith. STATE OF MIOIIICAN.Connty of VaMitcnaw.PS At aaeaslon of the Probate Conri for the of W aantenaw, holdfn at the Probate Office, In iliï Cify of Ann Arhor, on Fii(!ay( thií twenty-thlrd day of 8eptemberf fin the yearone thousaadeighthuu dred and seventy. Present Slram ƒ . Beakefli Judge of Probóte. In tho matter of tlio Bstate uí Mar y Smltb, deccasoti. Tiiomas NlndOi Administrator de bonit . of saM comes i ii lo Conrt and representa tl now prapared to ronder his first account aa saeta Administrator, Thcreupon it is orilered, That MoQ(?ay,thQ twentyronrth day of Octóber, nexti at ten oclock 'm tbc foreQOOO] be ftealgm d for examinlng and i [] snch account, and that the beira at law of sai! deceased, and all other persons Lnterested in salí . are requïred to appear al a sesslon of sak Conrt. then to be bolden at toe Probate Office, in th i'iiy of Aun Arbor, ín éaid Uounty, and showcauao, r any there be, wby the said aocounl shonld nol ík aliowed: Andltis furtlu-r ordered, that said Adalnlstrator give notice to the persons intert said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the .-. ihon-of, by.causinff a copy of ihi order U bc publishcd in the Mi . b newsj apei prince and circuí atin in ssid Connty, three - fve weeks prevtous to said day ol bcarintr CA truecopyO H1RAW .1 ]80 Jud-ro of lvv bate. Estáte of Frederiek Stabler. STATEOPMlCHtQAN,Connti ofWajihtenaw.M At a soBslOB of the Probate Court for thoConntj of Washtenaw holden at tbc Probate Office, In nú City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tin Iwi'iity-ihird dny of Sepl milt']-. In the yearone thoosand elght hundred and !-iv ■ Present, BiramJ. Beakes, Jodge of Probato. In the matter of BsJate of Predorlck Stabler, deceased. On roadfoff and filinthepetition, dnlyverlfled, er Margaret Stabler prayíníf that n certalu instrument now nn Die Ln thfs Court, parpoi the last v, ii ;ni testament of said deceasod, may beadmit ted to probate, and tiu.t si ir-, Joan Jacob Breinlog tnd Ernst O. Harree may be appointed Bxeeutora Thercupon it Is ordercd, that Monday, tho tv fourth d r next, atten oclockin th dood be aaalgnod tor ihc hearing of said petitiün.and ■mr! hei ná at law of said de. una all other persone tnterested in said estáte, ulred i api Ion of Baid Conrt, hen i be holden at the Pro . in the 'ity ol Ann Arbor, and show eaose If any there be, wtiV tho prayer of the petitioner should not be rranted : And Lt Ufnrther ordered, that said petiloner give noties to the persons Interested In said ..]■ the pendency of sald petltïon, and the learine ttaereof, DycauBlnga oopy of Wils order to ie pabllshed In tli" Michigan Ara fn newspaper, )rinlt'd and clrcnlatlng in sald County, three auu. iouti to Bflicl day of bearliur. CA truecopy.j B ikam J. BEAKES, Jadice ol Probate. nOME AGAIN WITH A FÜLL STOCK OF CABINST-WARE, TO BE -SOM) OHBAPER THAN ANVWIIKHB L8E 1 N Til E 8 r M E. Al H18 OLD STORE, MAIN CRtET, ANNAKBOK.


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