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Drrss Goods. Tlic pcpalar- ALL WOOL- Saün DeCUiue Dress Goods, ■ ut C. II. MILLEN'S. Prof. O. D. i:.-!manïson. Of the American Spcctacle Co, oue of the best Optlclana in the country, ril! be in town daring tlie Crmnfy Fnir, Octolicr 5th, Gth, and Tth, stopping at the Jewelry Store of Calvin Elis, No. 11 South Jtain . (east sido ) Thnce in want of Spectacles, moro cspccially those who havo erperienced trouble tu proniriiiL' a f;íífactory flt, t-bould not f-iil to cali on hitn, as bt; thorOQghly anderstandB the business, and gaaranteefl a :)eríV'Ct fit evt;ry t::Remombcr the time and piaco, and don't fail to sce him. Domcstic Goods In nll the Pcpular Jlukci, at very smalJ proiiu, at C. H. MILLEN'S. A Complrte Establishment scertalnly the ncw Millinery Store, 47 Ponth Main Street. In lookinj; orcr the aflsortrnent in the nbove :lacc wc can hut congratúlate the ladios of this city u:d vi-imty on its efllciency. In the millincry ütm yirtmcnt we v? ere shown a large and bcantiful colection of Ilata, botli trimmert and untrimmcd, Peathcrs, Flowers, Ëc. Mr. COIIES also keeps a fiili stuck ol Hosicry nd (Jloves, Bress Trimmings, American and Forein Worsteds. Corneta, nnd a complete stock of Fancy Goods, Cloak Yelvets, '■Ivct9,&c. w2 Elegant Sash Ribbons. 2 Buiton Kid Glovcf, and novcitles In SUk Good?, at C. II. MIMJEN-B. Five Cents Addilional will bu}' Fhocs with silvor or coppcr tips, wliicli will save the buyer the pricc of a new pair of shocs. Compared with ragged toes and dirty stocklngi Uiey are boantiful, to say fhc least. Parcntu try it. 1-j - T rialds in beantlfol colors at C. II. MIIXKX'S. Pr. Wm. M, Carrull, ofBoeton, Editor of tho Guardián of Health, writosi "1 like the Swee Quininc very much, and ehall uge it in placo of tho Bolphate Qninlne. SwecKininine is now pilt up In two forms- ono Fluid for family and the general pnblic, so that -c may be readily measured, and the othcr form dry powdef, fir dispenatng in prescriptions, Sold by Kberbucli & Co. Everybody wants a Black Alpaca Drcss. The best and cheapest yet now openleg at O. II. ilILLEX'S. ' i ■ mw i - r Second Hand and Xf w Orans And Mf]n(ici)i)f forsale very cheap at Prof.HIHs1 mnsicroom, No.18 Uain'Stieet. (Over IlnlliRobinson'fl.) líTOtf AI.VIXWILSEY. llanta In Black, Blo, Green, and Fancy Col ora, in great variety at C n.MILLEX'S. Itnnnfy to Soldirrs, Thoift who enlisti d in lit mi the rï r&t cali ofPrcsident Lincoln, and who werc honorably dif beforethe ezplration of the term of tbelr onllatment, are entltlod to $100 each, as bonuty. Audsoldiers enlÍRtiní under act of .luly 4th, 1$K4 are to le allowcd the anpaid instalments of bountj ifthey wore dlicharged by ezplrattón ofaérvlee The itbove clAeRes shouid makc application to the nndersincil. March 24th,lST0, 12!itl JOIIN N GOTT, Bonniy anj Claim Agent. Paislo Shawl, handsomer than ever, and luw in price. Woolen Shawl? in l'laids.Stripcs and llixed Colorí. A very liue ifsortmeut at C.II. MILLEN'S. My friend, stop that terrible coli il you wotilc avoiil a consumptive's rave. Thie you can do by Ettlng Dr . Piecce'e Alt. Ext. or Golden Medica] Discovcry. For cnrlng all throat, bronchial aud ldng B lt haa aerer been enaled Pimples on the .face, Eraptlona, rlotchcs and all Scrnfulous i re enred by this woudcrful and must vaUiablc mecü Bold by drngglata. Beware of connterfelta. Observe that Dr. Plerce'i private Government Revenno Klamp i on each bottle. T'o you want to replenlth yonr Bedding or Ilöuse Furuiehinr Goods of any kind, Shccting, Lictn Toweling, Bleached Muslinc, Goto 0. H.MILLEN'S.


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