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The Sleeping-car Swindle

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Tbe Cincinnati Gazete is making war agaiuet what it terms the uleeping car twiudle. A aorrespondcnt of tliat paper pnys : " In the beginning of this aooomodation (tho bleepin ears) the priee was 75 cents, er $150 for a doublé lovver bcrtli ; but during tbe war t was increased perbops ooe third, nnd the people did not complaia. Now, wbilo every description of expense has ditniniíbed, tliis luis been advanced until it 8 a shameful extortion." The Gatelle fayn tbcre is oue railroad company ia tho West tliat has given notico to tbo tsleepingcar nianageis to huul off Ibeir car unless tlicy coraply witb their contract. ïh:s contract liniitfl tbo charges for sleeping bertbs to 50 cents, bcing $1 per night lor a doublé lower byrth. Tho charge from Ciucinnit to New York for a doublé lower bertb is $4, nnd for a uection 88. Almost huif lis mucb is charged for the ileeping privilege as the railroad O'mpany reeeives for tranportati()n, The public are advised to " let tbe sleepingcars alono " uutil tbo charges are modifit-d. - mm-- - ai i -■-■ Tbe Connecticut liver is lower than it has beeD for inariy years Abovt) the toll bridge at Hartford tbore is an i land bigenough fora trottingpark with a mile track. That is eomething of a chango since last fipring's fresbets, when tbe water atood 30 foet deep over this ame looaliiy.


Old News
Michigan Argus