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é" WM M. SÍNCLAIR, CDHMISSION MERCHANT " 0 . ï. MART I N7, tv priiSI PURE "f :'! Unli P.irlorl ] "f lll Se", Minors, &c. 83 South Main ' MÁCK &SCtlMtD, U, Groccrles, CrocWery, MSoatbMÜn Street. Q. A. LEITEK& CO., , DROOS and Modldnca, Pttre Wlnes ""KEUïror Medicinal Po ■"■■ Kfcierií W1DENMANN, „--Irtiansc Brokei i '■ andïlre i 'L.- ■ gó South Main Street. ACY W. ROOT, IgBEMorda of Washtenaw Connty.and ■■■ ■■ ,JR. KELLOQG, MirrtflNan1 L-B.K.-1I0K I Oel-bratd Beuwdlea. Aun h. - MORRIS II ALE, M. D. i ifflce No 18, corner Williams aml „fflee honra J P „efrometoTP.M. ÍJi),frce gratis to the p' '■ll' ■bTfrüthTngham, m. d., jiciAN A:n SURGEON. Office ojer -r,v,i. Office hou,8toH A.M, rt ■loSl'. H. . 1Í. V. ELLIS & CO., 55BOISTS. and dealers in Paials.OIls, etc No.2 JOHN ] ;"-. of all kinds. ■No.i'Sontli Liberty, Street, Ami . }.. Q. A. S BSSÏ ONS, Ann itV ■ "wTTí. JACKSON, BISTiar, Mwwor to C. I). Porter. Offlcc.corae. nver th st irc of Tl. W - .Mich. Ausesthetlcs adtnin burti ' W. p. 9RÍAKEY, M. D. Vlcnro, tornecof ilnron and División Streots, tttl door rlan Charch, Ami Arbor. uien. "E. J. JOHNSON, RUBRINHATS naS Caps Pnrs, StrowOood Is, &c , N fitHt. Auu Arbor. lüTHÊRL a"ÑD&' H E DON, KTIudFIre Asents aad dealen InBbal Offleeon nnron Street. AU' Bell rst(riog Machine. w. Tiiolmes, the Florence Sewing Machine, and dealer Pttarc. PraiMs, &c. Baat Horou Street LEW IS C. ÏR DON, in Hardware, Stovcs, IToune Pnrr.lshing intt,1 ioutta Main SI -' ÍBACH & ABEÍ-, nDry6oole,Grocerlee, &c, &e. No. 20 ii Street, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSQN & SON, TOURS, Provisión nnd Coinmisíion Mrcliantí tin Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Plas. No. 14 Ksr'. Baron Street. S. SONÜ11EIM, noiESAÜ! anaretnil üoiïor in Ready Mtóe ClothJi.Cloths, (Jassimcres. Veatlns, nnrl C!en;s' l'uv:-::li;(íiiiiiI. No. '.i So-.llh Main Street WM. WAGNEB, i'Limii Rpaiiy Maflü Clothlngr, Cloths. CastriWM-wli ts. Ciips.'Trunk!. Carpet 'cc . ■-; S uth Míüu Strc t. GILMORE & FISKH, WSELlF.r.S and Statloncri-, Medical, Lawand Se Test Books. School and Mjsce)laneoQ wb. No. 3NortliM;iiiiStrcot, Greory Clock, Mi Arbor. "FINLEY & LEWIS, ! in BootKKhoes, Gaiters, SlippeiB &c, .!_it Huron Street. 1. TMÏRAN7!7, UWB1 Fjshionable Shoe House, No. 24 South !net [KOCKE R Y, 5LiSSWARE & GPOCERIES. J-tt P. I)OXNEIJ;Y t'"'rtrflargtoct of r"rockoiy,Mafwnre „"e.Cutlci y , Grncprioi., í;c..'ftc.,!ill to b prlce. !ls„'l8EitllurrnStret. Ann Arbor ""' ■' J.fc P. llONSEU.Y. IrjN gToall, H AND SALT MEATS, lRn, SAVSAOB8, Kt-.. áuí'í'Kid nnd promptly Blled w'.tli the bes " ""kematktt. 31 Bast Washington street. f.Sppt. 16th, 1S69. 125-Uf LU'ERY AND SALE STABLE. '1 oo ttiï?ai1'' Catharlne ftree ts. norsci honnl " od b. ?5e terms Seroml hand bnggiea, cut """ohanifo,. lj.i-.'vi p , Manatactnror of mages, Buggies, YTagons NlerlJ hL5!2__!í "ny Btïle' nl"(V '"■ be H pr,p', ""rnintcd. Rcpnlnnir p.iom,.l! 'wr.Xlch. Iü7(ij-1 LIVfi &EE8E FEATHERS "t'ïon hand and f„rs„ 1,-Dy -__ RA CJI $ A T.EL. IftARTlN'S !'lae"toSHanythinc yoil wnt in the fRNïTURE LINE ! SE "I.LXOTTIE L-Nl npHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LEFE INSB COMPANY OF DETROIT, MÍCE (B8TA3LISHBD IN r;07.) .IOIIV .1. BACH.F.V, PwwinKXT. JA'O)! 8. FoKRAKD, Vlce-PtMidMIt. ,!N T L1GUE1 I . 8cn . C WAlïON, Actnary. D. o. FAKliAM', M. i., Medie! Exumlner. A 8neceu(ul MícIiU-eii I. Te tnornc Compny, I lor th pnrpoac of furnul u apon livi-s at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITÜ Absolute Seeurifcy, and fot the furlher porpose of KEEPIH 5IÖKEY AT HOME, Wblob bccu sent Kast, RATES AS LOW AS PAFETY l'ERMITS. EKTlliK MÜTAL1TÏ STRICT ÊQXJ1TY Mark tlu lyntein nnd prevalí in tl. e di&tributiun ol ANKUAL DIVÍDENOS 10 "'!:i: [XSCEED Wliihs'y lroTlsioni „(the Stille I. f, end bj lhnr own tering, ALL POLICIES AB.E JVON-POErEITAELE rNSDRAN'Olt Fl'RXHKIl CPOK ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All BEST KBVTÜBFS of the Old Coui ADOPTED,l!tlelr KBBOKS AVO1DED. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜÏTY ASB THE -VsTTilST, ITS MOTTO. SS" rr Agencies ppP'y at tl)c IOME ÜFFICK, Dank Block, Griswold Street. JL3 I. M. THAYER.Gajri FREO. L. HAHN', Ag-nt. '!yl "aTwsdënmanWT PIAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANN A.RBOR, MICH. CFFEKS POR S-A-XiE = 53 nc'f' f Und. witliin mp ï).i:f in He firom tli e city, old i:i whol 24 acro na neetJiPn I'S, In thfl tovn of Ann Arbo' i n ilic t oa1 ! ; ing t Cor . =■ ii-i H"i a :;i' on t Is3 .-f.ii b on ] ." ' : :ic íes slluated "n the northwet cororr oi lb Go r ham rnal ! the s: ïI C'n owptl F r'Mi . f Tl iip iv oneof the handomtsltutloni m ibe neitf ; ■-.■■ bo ö f Ann ArborJ j;t,:, ft c vea Lmpr-oviNS to' Jofnlng the alovelíj;. acres aadfirontlng rmiimui Jload. Port; ftcreg OÍ li-t CIafl Fartnin I.and, with trood Orcltard mi Barn, SK mileii Prom the Uonri M ■ [, "ii the upper DlxbnrO road. 1 acre of land witb ft new to torj fram houw on Thoaipeon, fcj'our ft Tltompitoa uutlitiou to the Cily of Ann Arbor . 7 lots of % acre eacb, on Thotnpsou, Spoor ftThompscn"s Ádüitioñ". otlaDd, with a, Rplcniid grove, joininp tb e 1 iremBfl 'ark on ii st. 1 Houae and I3 lots of land, with Barn, WagbKliohen, Carnaje UoQMt&nd i number '! modem lm pro vemen ts, ru th nortbwest corner ol Fourtli and Packard 81 recta . 1 Hoauaod Lotio Uie2d Ward, on South Uberty SI reet. 1 House nnd 3 IMn in the 2d Ward, near 2d Ward Seboo) House, 1 ïfopseand 4 Lots, near the M.C.R.R. Depot. 20 acres ol" land in the bou tb of the Pt atn of Missouri , uear t)t ll.t uniii-i l rrit, Jo.seph Kailroad. 2 City IoU near 21 Waril School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCKANGE BROKER, ANN AHBOR, MICH. SELLS AND BUYS DEAFTS, ISSLES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In (3RFAT BWTAIN, GBRMANY.FKANCE, J, i'. I A N 1 1, etc. My direct connectioos wit li Kurop6 (.'nuble meto ofler a tnir rars fin y Yhk i ni -i. Kemember, I uní not an ií-nt tít %ny bouse i n i h- (:-u nt i , b"t [am hArfng tirectcommuuication wllh the best liouec In Euroi-o. COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏE0PE BYPOWKR QV ATtOBNKYOR 0THBBWI8E. WILL BE PROMl'Il.V ATTS Mi 11 TO PASSAG .. TICKETS ppr Rtoamcv tti añil frem N'fw York to all principal port s ot Europio 1 wiil gen ti aftjollows: From Now York to Southampton, Havre, I.ondon, Bicinen , or HainhiuK, Ist ClMi. .' $120. %"-l. í:", infiold. Return ttcUets. T5. Vo 01 " " I1' rom above plac-í to Xew York, Ist Claa. 2d í'lñs. 3d Claíp. Íl'-'O $72. S-ÍOlnGokl Cfibín, SB0 to sino Currency, Ett'ürBge, yo in ('urreney. From I-iverpOdl to New York, Cal in, $T00. tge, íü. WIDENMÜKN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT For tbo Hownri Insurance Cn., ín N. ■.■,- tW nue of ttieuldest and leat Comianí- jn íhi cjunt rv, Tho Tentoniíí Indura neo Compftay ín Clev+HhA Tho honorable and Kal raii:icfmi r.t of lírís jnt iiniif'n htiA marie it ona of the lOOtt rt-liablc Fire Ii i r;mc' Companipíi in the We t.


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Michigan Argus