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Prohibitory Tariffs

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The tariff enters into the canvasn of 187ü. Tho federal treasury oveiflowing. and with a surplm of one hundred millions, tjeeds high duties no longer. England levios less than eight por cent. average 'luty ; the United States over for ty per cent. Tbe duty on many articles is alniost prohibitory, and on some entirely ko. When the triff bccomes prohibitory, t!:c govermnent gets no roveuue, and if tho artiele ia ïnanufnctured Iktc, thu manufacturar receives tlie wlidle atnount of tlie tariff. To illustrato this. we srive the artiele of Hnseed oil, used for paintins;. Tlio duty is 28 oen ra per gallon. Oly 123, ul5 gallons wero imponed in 1SG9 costing about 67 cunta per pailón. The ffOTöroment received m trifli over Ü528OOO revenne from it. Bttt what did the people pay to tbe manofauttirers of linseed oü 't - Ten mülitin nllonfl wi'ie tted in 1809, and i'a eest was incruasod 23 cents per gallon by tliötaiill, 12,300,00 m the amount oonaamttd tn ihe Stales, Mid all tliis goiog to tlie liuseed oil makera, white tbe goterninant güt onlj (28,000. Wliat ;i beaut;t'ul tlling a forty per cent. tariff is ! Well m:iy Uliidstoue cmilo at our stute-tnannhip, Farmer md rnechanic of Michigan, relleet that when jou pfliüt youi liouso oite-qaarter of the oost of tbe oil goos m estjft prrfit to tLie manufaoturer, wiiile tli rsveniia gets ! only abont olie eytil on tbe l-undfed you pay. Bat wliat did the Congress cf lStO ? Did tlioy do arjything to break llie mo. ■ of oil uranufacturing ? Thoy vvho boastcd of tariff relorrn - did they i.'gislaie for ihe vast nutnber i;f conu mera of painfing material ? No. Not content witb giviug 23 cents per gallon to tho monopolies, they addad Beven cents more, makuig thirty cents per ual loo, as the duty ander the new tariff. - Now what is the liistury of this jobbing ti ickcry ? 'J'iie flax-st:ed timweis wer uot content with sixtcen oeutsper bushel duty on ll;ix-seed, eo t!e representativos of this interest in Congress got the t;ix raised to twenty cents. ïhis alarmed tho manufacturera, so they bnrgtiiucd with the flas-growers, aad consented tu thu additioo oi fyiir cents fax per bu.-liel if tbey would in turn go in to raisu the duty ou oil to thitty cents per gallon. The bargain was coöpnmmated, and tin. seed ia taxcd twenty oen te per bulie!, and the oil thirty cen's (er gallon, hile with a coiisumption of ton inillioti galtons in the United States, only nbout 123,000 gallons, pa Dg less than 29,000 duty, is lm portea, the poople payiog tbe tmouot of tha tariff tu the manafaetarer intead of to the government. IIow will it bc when the duty ot' thirty cents tuk. -s ollVct? No oil would be imported umi oil will be sfïvuu ce:ita high er. Iu 18G7, wheo gold was 130 to 140, the nriter of this articlo bought Imseed oil at nincty ci'nts per gallon ; now it is SI 10 at wholesa'.e, in anticipation of the higher duty. Auother item of consuniption will further illustrato the prohibitory policv ola high tariff. Of pig iron, 1,760,000 tons weroü in the United States ia 18G9. Of thisvast enm only 133,000 tons wcre impoi ted, paying a duty of uino dollars per ton, or et-s tban 1,200U00 revcuut!. The consuméis ol iroo therefore, paid to the iron mongers nine dollars per ton on 1,627,000 tor.s, or $14,543,000. There aro 345 bloomeries and blast furnaces in the United rftates. Divide tbe fourteen and onehidf milliün amoi)Li them, and we find (42,000 extra pnifit lo each, on account oí a tarift wliich puya the profit to thctn nstoüil df to-tho gover nniunt. W'e d not advocate the polioy of takins; off all duty, but a tariff of thrco dollars per ton would pay the real cost of' tho oro delivered on iho dock at Marquctte, or at tLe railroad stations in the iron regions of Penngylvauin, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama or Tennossee. The duty vas niño dollars under the oíd tarift, and will be seven dollars under ihe new. Tlie peoplo liave beon doliberatcly Bwindled out of nn unnecessary duíy of sis dollars per ton, enacted by the oíd tiriff, a:id will suffer to the extent of four dollirs per ton uuder the new one. "líut," say tlie tariff cormorants, "we oant n:alce pig iron wilh a protection of lliree dollars per Ion. We inust shut down our furnaces." Let us see. The average price o f pig iron in New York for some time had been 836 to $38 per ton. Cnl Gfeorge T. Lewis, writing to General GarGeld in April, 1870, gives the cost of mí.kiog pig iron ou tho Chattanooga railroad at 16 '5 per ton, and tliat it can bo laid down in Nashville for S19. He further states that it can be made in Ntishville for $22.60 per ton, and tbat Chattanooga iron can be laid down in Louisvillo at L22, in Cincinnati ut S'-Ii, aud iu Pit'.sburg at 2b per ton. Eortno Bake of argument, allowing 825 per ton as cost, 36 the lowi'st market prioe, it will be seen thnt if t}:e duty should be reduced sx doüarn so as to mftkfl th'3 priue 530) tho manufacturor could make a piofit of five dollars per ton. So we 8ce thnt high tariffs do not neccssíirily make revenue ; on the contrury, thcy detract from it. The people nèvertheless, pay, hut the amount fioes to tbe mpiiopohsts insteadofto the goveromeüt. Uur country bus paid during the last six vcars, over one thousand icilliöns of tariff to the goveinmaut. lt bas piiid an equal sum to the manufaetuicr who clamored lor protection till lio got n rate of duly ilmost pt'ohibitoiy and he alono rcajicd tbu bem fit. How long will it be befora the peopla s-ee that bigli dutios uro o:il? robljory, and they, theaiselve the luoklesa victiins. 'e have cited two ai ticlea of ronrnon consumption - pig iron md and liiseed oil - on which the bouuty paid to tlie manuf;icturer by a high tnrift' haa been over Biteen millions for 18(3!), Wnile tho governiiKiit bas reoeivcd imly a trille oror oce million dollars of rcvcnue froui lbo same. - l'onliac Jacktonian, Mr?. Partington pys she nnucrslands the pickle the Etnperor has ao into, dut slie would like to k'now wbat I this nentr.ility is that Victoria s tijing to preserve. The ploasant od?r emitted by the fir trees in a Bunny atri)O8pbre hn long ! been thought serviceable to invaltd, ' and t'no vicinity uf pino woods has been dpeuwd salubrious.


Old News
Michigan Argus