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The Congressional Elections

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T!i2 Cnigressinnal eleetions ilii- ycar aro begirl witli mote t !ian usual import anee to the pooplo. Their buine8intersets, as weil ;is po'iticil rights, are at stn!; in thé cM'iU'st. The peaco of tlie cminfry ís cast nto the biilauce along ith uil thoso great qaestioos of finatico, frade, rfiveniiw and tax tion, whfoh underlio the pmsperitv of tlio nation, the Inppinos8 of its fnhá.bítants. During tho thirtv" ntnth, fortïeth and forty Brit esfions of Congress tho Radicáis held the hrajority, and are, thorefore, rcspo'i sUile for t'ie laws enacted aud their consequeuces. The DemooraU . hal do Toico save for remonstrance and denuneiation. They could nut procuro the passnao of necded ordinancea. They couli! not prevent the enactment of iniproper iav.s, feadioalisin was rampant. ït rulêd Ctntfiffesa witii a rod of iron. - Damoerat efeoted to that body by large uiajorities were czpolled upon a bogus contest, and Eadicala seated in their fi'aces, wüile petitions fnun the people, iu rfilation to tho outrnge, wero treatod wilh supremo coiitempt. Iu the tncantime recoustruetion was impeded by all the arts aud maehmatinns of Boheming, dishoneet politioiaoa. Butler, Boutwell and thcir ooiupades aided the carpel-bagg,r& and sc.llau-ags of the South in their eiforts to plurider tho people of thut section : aud capital and enterprise were íriTen froin that sectiou by the nianoeuvers of the majority party jn Ooogresa AH law? enacted had a purtisan, iustead of a general leaDÏng, and bad men used them for thfir owu iinpure and sulCsb etuis. Ia this tnanner the Radicáis in Congress preventml an early and satisfactotj Rettlenjent of tho reooostructioo qneslion. Even at this time Geuiia has not wliolly esuaped fi'om the curi-e of Congreísional domioalioo. Uullock ho'.ds Ifia aoat by Cougressioiial tricks, aod the coming eleclion in that Stato 18 to bc htld lindera law cu ic!cd in the interest of a few corrupt 0Bu, not to beneSt the masses. More than this, the ourrent expenses of the Government in a time of peaoe are miintained upn a W&r basis. Thero has been little if any reduction íd the uuuiber of oiFicers. - Tbeir pay bas beeo augmented mstead of dimiui-hed. They are loc:itod ia all part of the country, to eitout lie subBtance of tbo peoplo. The debt thus created' makes it necessary to impjfee high faxes upan the iDasses. Merchante afo burdened with heavy exaotious Laborers are ground to the earth by the high prices of all articlos needed by tbemselves and families. Each sueceed ing Congress meéis aud adjourns, anti etill ihe tide of extravaganoe mounts to a higher altitude. The Radicáis will uot decieaso the expenses of the Government. They will maintaia an arniy of political bangers-on in all the States. These men must be paid, and henea the revenu collected continúes ou a war footÍDg. No tas lavvB are repealed, nor will this consummation be ivached while the present party. continúes to bold a uiüjority iu Congress If business men wish a reduction in oatinnal exactions, they must change tbe complexion of Congress. The liiulicals wï tl not uut upon an econormcil basis They cannot do so and huid their party together. In six yeais they have not reduced the national expen-e to any considerable or noticeable exteut. Nor have they repealed any of the war taxes. Even those wliieh expired bv Iimitstion have been reiuiposed. 'rnm all parts of tho country petitions were ient to the Forty-5rst Coigress, in favor of allowing the income tas to expire. - Tho people were almo.-t unanimous opon tbis mbjuct. It did not admit of a división. And yet Congress reimposed the tax; althouzh the amount oollected is nlmost absorbed by oflice-boldt r. - Eut, a trifle reacbea the Troasury. 'J h is a sample of Kudical legislatiou iu tbe paet. What may bo expoctcd iu the fu ture? Ncrthlrtg, certainly, which viil advance tho real, gubstantial intt;reits of business men. They are in favor of eurtüiling expensis, of !ibulislh:g taxes, ol reducing iho number of oiTicü boldsrs, of bringirg the government back to an honest, cconomical au!i-war pro&ranime. The Radicáis are ojiposed to this plaa. But the Demoerats fuvor all the propofcitions. If the Forty-.-ccond Congress is rukd by the Deuiocrats, the curient expenses of the government will be reduced one-tLird, tho iceome tax repealed, a giemrnl rtducticn made in the uunibcr of office holders, aud thus ihe burdens lightuncd upon the shoulders ofbu -iucss Biun and producers. These are facts ior the people to ponder. They can reduce taxation ; will they iio il? Will they do o by electing Demoerats to the next Cougress ? Blair and ali the Radical candidatcs for Congress are comuiittcd in favor cf tbc Radica] platform - no reductio:) in expende? or taxes - and business men and all others should vote ngai.iat thsm at the coming eleetion. -


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